Tutsi's A.I. Patches

yea....ur rite about the fact that the patch will become twice as usefull as is it now after the release of field editor.

by the way an updated version of this ver. 7.0 beta is comming in a couple of days.

it will have a couple of things fixed like,

too many wides in odi.
cpu getting too aggressive at times.
sometimes too many edges.

I used your patch on green wicket and it is looking good but I want to draw your attention towards some points.
1: whenever I play straight drive it almost 90% edges and goes for boundries and no fielder is there to save it.So kindly place a fielder there or make it in a way that sometimes it edges to slips in form of catch to make it more realistic as pressure release when lot of boundries are happening in this way.

I have seen that mostly low order batsman are unable to time the ball properly when cpu is batting while when human batting is involved is not such case.You may improve cpu batting a bit more to deliver more competitve totals.

Kindly now make changes to field as well to make your patch more realistic and some human batting strokes should go to slip cordon to make batting more challenging as it will force the human batsman to play more sensibaly rather than going for shots for ever ball.And we will have to time the ball with lot care and also we will have to leave some balls as well when situation is not good or when atomosphere is good for batting.

Thanks in advance
One point i must add tutsi through some pretty extensive testing in a test match on hard. Now i have noticed this manily when bowling to left handed batsmen. I bowl just back of a length, using the extra seam that your patch provides, and if they play a back foot square cut, and nick it, it ALWAYS just goes over the head of the keeper. Just finished playing a match the it happend 7 times with the same batsmen.

cheers Gas
hmm.. everyone else seems to be finding the test matches easier than me.I played as india on a green pitch with overcast conditions against aussies and am 54 all out!!I wasnt prepared for the patch= lots of edges to the wicket keeper and the slip cordon.Sometimes even if i defended good length balls it would go off the edge.Any thing on the off side was very dangerous to play with a horizontal bat as there was a one in 4 chance that you would nick it, so i stuck to the leg side(not too successfully as you can see)It was fascinating to see the batsman struggle as they scored 54 in 28 overs!!!!
Aussie are 47 /3 with pathan taking 2 wickets- all three were too the slip cordon , very realistic- langer was done in with a short ball at chest height and he fended it off to the slip cordon.I captured the video with fraps as it was a fantastic delivery!!!
Hero said:

I used your patch on green wicket and it is looking good but I want to draw your attention towards some points.
1: whenever I play straight drive it almost 90% edges and goes for boundries and no fielder is there to save it.So kindly place a fielder there or make it in a way that sometimes it edges to slips in form of catch to make it more realistic as pressure release when lot of boundries are happening in this way.

I have seen that mostly low order batsman are unable to time the ball properly when cpu is batting while when human batting is involved is not such case.You may improve cpu batting a bit more to deliver more competitve totals.

Kindly now make changes to field as well to make your patch more realistic and some human batting strokes should go to slip cordon to make batting more challenging as it will force the human batsman to play more sensibaly rather than going for shots for ever ball.And we will have to time the ball with lot care and also we will have to leave some balls as well when situation is not good or when atomosphere is good for batting.

Thanks in advance

hi....well the thing about straight drive creating 90% edges....well that will be fixed in the next beta version.


the thing about cpu lower order batsman not playing well buit human lowert order players playing well. it all depends upon against which team ur playing and other factors.
The_gas said:
One point i must add tutsi through some pretty extensive testing in a test match on hard. Now i have noticed this manily when bowling to left handed batsmen. I bowl just back of a length, using the extra seam that your patch provides, and if they play a back foot square cut, and nick it, it ALWAYS just goes over the head of the keeper. Just finished playing a match the it happend 7 times with the same batsmen.

cheers Gas

hi....well thats a very good observation i must say.

but my reply to this is that.....in cricket 2004....which edge goes to which direction,i.e,what edge stroke is used (eg- edge1,edge2,etc) is decided by the fact that on what line and what lenght the ball is pitched.

so if i edit the edge stroke file so that it goes to WK's hand, then all the edges will go to hand and realism will be gone.

:drinks !!! My 600th Post !!! :drinks
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ashwinkm said:
hmm.. everyone else seems to be finding the test matches easier than me.I played as india on a green pitch with overcast conditions against aussies and am 54 all out!!I wasnt prepared for the patch= lots of edges to the wicket keeper and the slip cordon.Sometimes even if i defended good length balls it would go off the edge.Any thing on the off side was very dangerous to play with a horizontal bat as there was a one in 4 chance that you would nick it, so i stuck to the leg side(not too successfully as you can see)It was fascinating to see the batsman struggle as they scored 54 in 28 overs!!!!
Aussie are 47 /3 with pathan taking 2 wickets- all three were too the slip cordon , very realistic- langer was done in with a short ball at chest height and he fended it off to the slip cordon.I captured the video with fraps as it was a fantastic delivery!!!

well they are nope finding the patch in test easy. its just that they are pointing out some of the things which they don't like.

and regarding the problem that ur scoring low scores.

well play the match on normal, practise, and wait for my next beta patch as it will lower the edges make them realistic.
I am not too worried about the low scores, thats the whole challenge.Acutally I would prefer you to keep things the way it is. Its only on a green pitch that there are more edges and thats how it is in the real game as well, as the ball swings much more.Its not like the aussies are having it easy. I have had them caught lashing outside the offstump too. On a pitch like this one just has to be patient.
I just beat NZ and SA in one days with your patch on a green and damp pitch, so I dont think its a problem with the patch.I think its just a question of playing against the best team on a green pitch with 4 slips where there is a higher chance of nicking the ball against someone like mcgrath(who took 6 wickets btw) as that was the whole purpose of your patch- make the CPU/yourself play to the actual attributes of your players. And like you had said earlier, the bowlers plus points become more apparent depending on the conditions(overcast sky, green pitch etc)

I can say one thing for sure though- it is definitely much tougher against australia than against NZ or WI or SA , which is the way it should be if the patch were working!
(I got NZ all out for 91 on a green top , dont fancy that happening with the aussies!)

Tutsi the patch has been great so far- very challenging - dont change it too much!!!
Tutsis patch

The test is going well so far. Aussies are 205/5 off 55 overs.They score a little fast for a test match , but thats quite realistic for australia. Interestingly I noticed that the batsman are not aggressive all the time.When gilchrist came in ,he slashed at balls bowled outside off and got a few edges for 4 (I still had the field set for defensive).I brought in three slips , a gully and point and continued to bowl in the same region hoping for an edge but all of a sudden he has defended every single ball bowled in that region!!

However one thing I had noticed with earlier patches(not just yours, but ravis as well and even the default game) was that once the CPU batsman got full confidence they would start hitting aggressively and playing aerial shots to the fielders , which is why most of them would get out in the 90's. However Damien MArtyn scored 90 off 150 balls and was very careful to defend even though he was at full confidence very early on. The few aerial shots were well placed and safe . I dont know if thats because Martyn by nature is a less aggressive batsman and he is playing to his actual stats , or if my bowling skills have improved.

So far your patch is coming up quite nicely in tests.
yea.....thats the main feature of my patch.

if it would have been any other player who was aggressive in nature, he might have tried to hit his way to a century, but as it was martyn who is a moderate batsman, so he'll prob. take singles and hit a 4 occasionally to get to his century.

keep testing and keep posting these great replies.

**i hope others also post their stories as it would provide an overall rating for the patch. and will bring out any bugs which might be there.
Tutsi! I donno if its because of ur patch or not... but South Africa gave India(me) a real fight and fright at Peshawar(ODI Circuit Tour)... India scored a whirlwind 314 all out in 39 overs... I thought that much would be enough as it had been for Pakistan in the last match at Lahore (there I scored 323 and got them all out for 160 odd)... but here the Springboks didnt buckle down or ran themselves out like the Pakistanis... they got stuck in and ended at 311/9 in 50 overs... Both the pitches were dusty and climate was cloudy...

Also on dusty pitches the quick bowlers are thrashed around like anything. I had to take off Zaheer after 2 overs and didnt give a single over to Nehra...Tendulkar, Amit Mishra, Harbhajan and Sehwag bowled 10 each and got some success while being taken for an average economy rate of about 4.5 -5.0... my belief in spinners was so great that i tried the other two spinners in the side - Dravid and Kaif (my w/k is D.Karthik)... they were really badly thrashed... Kaif went for 20 in one over and Dravid gave runs at 6-7/over...an extremely defensive custom field saved me in the end...

so tell me is this in accordance with what you had expected? and how the hell do I keep those fellas quiet while bowling quick?
Maybe it has something to do with the team stats.I believe PAK have a slightly lower rating as compared to SA.Aus has the highest rating (90 .. I think).India has a slightly higher rating than PAK too. I havent played on a dusty pitch yet , but on a green pitch like I mentioned somewhere before - I snapped up NZ for 90, whereas on a damp pitch which should be harder to hit the ball , as it doesnt come on to the bat, SA score close to 235 runs with ease, till I got the last four wickets with freak deliveries from Kumble(Short pitched at low speed , which rolls onto the stumps.)As a team I found SA much harder to play than NZ.(Same goes for batting)

Also as tutsi had mentioned , the nature of the batsman has something to do with their approach to your bowling.(See ref to Martyn earlier) Aus are the most aggressive!
With this patch a spinner with a lower average will be thrashed compared to someone like kumble or harbhajan.

BTW- 6-7 runs/over??- my fast bowlers get thrashed for 8-10runs/over(apart from a green top)!!!!
i dunno how u guys struggle?

i have doubled the CPU difficulty (using editor), cos i kept getting the CPU out four under 100!

now though i find they make about 150-175 (45 overs)..

Its very rare that any of my bowlers go for more than 4 rpo. I bowl just outside off stump on a full (but not half-volley) length..

As for spinners, i am playing as Durham, so my spinners (Bridge & Breese) are crap, and they have NEVER conceeded more than 20 runs in a one day game off their maximumn overs. The CPU just keeps blocking or hitting the ball straight to mod-on/mid-off.

I have to say though , that i find the one-day games more "playable" than the 4/5 day games using this patch. (only after doubling CPUdifficulty).

In the 4/5 day games the CPU is still to break 150 runs agianst me , despite in the last game the CPU batted 77 overs! ..and every batsmen in the CPU top seven (except one) faced AT LEAST 50 balls. However only 3 made double figures!

It wasn't that i had defensive fields either. I used the Config editor to edit the fields (so i had 3 slips, 2 gulleys, sq leg, 3rd man and fine leg). The CPU just is too negative.

I haven't played ony ODI's yet or on a dusty pitch. So i am going to play one right now. Australia V India..lets see what happens.

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