Tutsi's A.I. Patches

yea i tend to avoid damp pitches, the low bounce makes the spinners unstopable. playing on a green pitch with this patch is a real eye opener in the early overs the seam movement is nuts i love it lol. on a green wicket i agree the edges need to be slightly less.

there are ways of getting cheap wickets with cricket 2004, i just make sure i never use them, as i find it makes the game more of a challenge, plus its more satisfying when u do get them out.

as for batting i guess u just try to slog everything with scores like that, i cant bat like that, lose wickets. i prefer to try a boundry off every over and pick up anything else on offer without taking to much off a risk. i also tend to leave the good deliverys alone and block out all yorkers. probably why im hardly ever caught in the slips or by the keeper :)
just took some satisfying wickets using tutsi 7.0 patch, first one was played on from a back foot square cut by an indian batsmen. he was on it to early and the ball hit the pitch twice before bouncing onto the stumps.

the second was even stranger, off the pad and hitting the stumps, excellent. :cheer



hi i'm glad that u all are finding my patch very good. thnx for that. i'll try to release 7.1 as soon as possible which will fix/tweak a couple of issues which will make the game even better.

littlegenius90 - hi.....r u using SAM'S NO CURSOR EXE ???
tutsi one thing u could do to improve ur 7.1 version - the way you have made it tougher to hit cover drives and square drives (Hard) with the forward stroke button(button -1, default S), u can also make the advance(coming down the pitch) coverdrives and square drives a bit tougher... these shots go real fast to the boundary in 7.0 and all one needs to get right is the timing coz the batsman can hit this shot at a variety of deliveries and lines... any full delivery starting from offstump to about three stumps wide of offstump can be thrashed this way (without moving the batsman during bowlers' runup)...

all the physics in the world suggests that the velocity of the ball should be high if the timing is correct but perhaps the variety in line that this shot can cater to can be reduced...
what do ya say???
hi as far as ai patching is concerned you are the best in business and we try to immitate you...I would like to see top edges pull shots going to fine leg and sometimes over the head of keeper, and if you try a way to edit so that we can play 3rd man gliding defensive shot. I tried the former successfully but sometimes got frames missing in the latter, so i requezt you try this in your next patch, since you are the best.
A few suggestions for the patch( some or most maybe impossible to implement or may already have been implemented.. but these are just a few suggestions.)
1. Better pacing by the CPU in the one dayers. This includes trying to be aggressive in the first 15 overs and then slowing down between 15-35 and then slogging irrespective of the number of wickets in hand. If the req run rate is up the CPU should try to force the pace- and if the CPU has lost too many wickets then it should try to hold on to wickets.This should also depend on the players attributes- Gilchrist will be aggressive despite the situation but Dravid will play anchor if things are going badly and then accelerate only towards the end.
2.Correct attributes for each player for the major teams(Rahul Dravid and Akash Chopra show up as aggressive in test matches on my team attributes!!)
3. Inappropriate attributes - Most of the australian team doesnt have any weakness , if you look at their attributes- now I agree they are fantastic but to say they have no weaknessess is carrying it a bit too far- Ponting has a definite weakness to spin)
4. Special individual attributes- Shane Warne and Murali should be able to get greater turn even in unhelpful conditions unlike some one like Anil Kumble. And Pathan gets more swing than someone like say nehra.
5.More appropriate field changes- if a tailender comes in , the CPU should be more aggressive with field placement, especially on a track helpful to bowlers. Right now the CPU changes its field for a new batsman , but it is the same field.
6. Field changes for individual batsman- If ganguly's weakness is the short ball and his strength is the offside- there should be more runs protecting runs on the off and a fielder close in on the leg side for a catch of a short ball.Also the bowler should not bowl randomly , but bowl to a specific field for each batsman- say short on or around leg stump for ganguly.
7.More bat -pad catches of spinners on helpful pitches and a few more edges of spinners in general. Although there are a few edges off spinners I have very rarely seen bat pad catches in cricket 2004(Though I have not played a test with dusty pitch yet with tutsis patch)
8. It would be fantastic if a batsmans running attributes were taken into account- say someone like bevan or kaif would run much faster than a laxman or inzamam. The CPU fielder would then try to throw it to the end where the slower batsman runs.Also this way quick singles become riskier when you have a poor runner between wickets.
9. CPU should have better field placements especially in one days- few common faults are - no slips in the first few overs-and lack of close in fielders to prevent quick singles- I usually get 40% of my runs as singles where I either just defend , or the ball touches my pads and drops near the stumps and I take a run. (Usually with fast bowlers)
10. I think the edges are fine- I feel that even on a normal or hard pitch - there should be a few edges in some situations- either early on in the batsmans innings, or when a very good bowler bowls to a tail ender.This will make the game more realistic- as I find we have tons of edges on a green pitch (see above , aus 67all out) but very few on a normal pitch.

These are just a few suggestions. I am quite sure these are impossible to implement in cricket 2004 and will probably not even find their way into the next version of the game.However Tutsis patch is revolutionary in that players really play to their attributes(The way the game should have been in the first place!) and maybe he can work his magic and implement a few of these suggestions
also one mmore thing, please give me a detailed information about your latest patch so that i can include that information in the game information(EA sports extras in the main menu,since i can edit that ),and release it with my menu_tweak patchv1.0 to encourage everyone to use your patch,as the game information will give eveyone an insight to your patch.
how about revers swip

hey tutsi one suggestion for next version if you could also include reverse swip shots against spinners.
ashwinkm said:
A few suggestions for the patch( some or most maybe impossible to implement or may already have been implemented.. but these are just a few suggestions.)
1. Better pacing by the CPU in the one dayers. This includes trying to be aggressive in the first 15 overs and then slowing down between 15-35 and then slogging irrespective of the number of wickets in hand. If the req run rate is up the CPU should try to force the pace- and if the CPU has lost too many wickets then it should try to hold on to wickets.This should also depend on the players attributes- Gilchrist will be aggressive despite the situation but Dravid will play anchor if things are going badly and then accelerate only towards the end.
2.Correct attributes for each player for the major teams(Rahul Dravid and Akash Chopra show up as aggressive in test matches on my team attributes!!)
3. Inappropriate attributes - Most of the australian team doesnt have any weakness , if you look at their attributes- now I agree they are fantastic but to say they have no weaknessess is carrying it a bit too far- Ponting has a definite weakness to spin)
4. Special individual attributes- Shane Warne and Murali should be able to get greater turn even in unhelpful conditions unlike some one like Anil Kumble. And Pathan gets more swing than someone like say nehra.
5.More appropriate field changes- if a tailender comes in , the CPU should be more aggressive with field placement, especially on a track helpful to bowlers. Right now the CPU changes its field for a new batsman , but it is the same field.
6. Field changes for individual batsman- If ganguly's weakness is the short ball and his strength is the offside- there should be more runs protecting runs on the off and a fielder close in on the leg side for a catch of a short ball.Also the bowler should not bowl randomly , but bowl to a specific field for each batsman- say short on or around leg stump for ganguly.
7.More bat -pad catches of spinners on helpful pitches and a few more edges of spinners in general. Although there are a few edges off spinners I have very rarely seen bat pad catches in cricket 2004(Though I have not played a test with dusty pitch yet with tutsis patch)
8. It would be fantastic if a batsmans running attributes were taken into account- say someone like bevan or kaif would run much faster than a laxman or inzamam. The CPU fielder would then try to throw it to the end where the slower batsman runs.Also this way quick singles become riskier when you have a poor runner between wickets.
9. CPU should have better field placements especially in one days- few common faults are - no slips in the first few overs-and lack of close in fielders to prevent quick singles- I usually get 40% of my runs as singles where I either just defend , or the ball touches my pads and drops near the stumps and I take a run. (Usually with fast bowlers)
10. I think the edges are fine- I feel that even on a normal or hard pitch - there should be a few edges in some situations- either early on in the batsmans innings, or when a very good bowler bowls to a tail ender.This will make the game more realistic- as I find we have tons of edges on a green pitch (see above , aus 67all out) but very few on a normal pitch.

These are just a few suggestions. I am quite sure these are impossible to implement in cricket 2004 and will probably not even find their way into the next version of the game.However Tutsis patch is revolutionary in that players really play to their attributes(The way the game should have been in the first place!) and maybe he can work his magic and implement a few of these suggestions

Most of these suggestions are not controlled by the AI patch you use but by other things. As you can see from the various editing projects currently under production a Player Editor and a Field Editor will allow you to deal with much of this.
sachinisgod said:
tutsi one thing u could do to improve ur 7.1 version - the way you have made it tougher to hit cover drives and square drives (Hard) with the forward stroke button(button -1, default S), u can also make the advance(coming down the pitch) coverdrives and square drives a bit tougher... these shots go real fast to the boundary in 7.0 and all one needs to get right is the timing coz the batsman can hit this shot at a variety of deliveries and lines... any full delivery starting from offstump to about three stumps wide of offstump can be thrashed this way (without moving the batsman during bowlers' runup)...

all the physics in the world suggests that the velocity of the ball should be high if the timing is correct but perhaps the variety in line that this shot can cater to can be reduced...
what do ya say???

hi....well thnx for reminding me of this.

acctually the ADVANCED COVER DRIVE and LEG GLANCE 6 HIT shots are not there in the cfg editor.

i would request prakash or anybody else who has the values of these 2 particular shots to provide me with the info.

but i think they have not been discovered at all.
das_vicky said:
hi as far as ai patching is concerned you are the best in business and we try to immitate you...I would like to see top edges pull shots going to fine leg and sometimes over the head of keeper, and if you try a way to edit so that we can play 3rd man gliding defensive shot. I tried the former successfully but sometimes got frames missing in the latter, so i requezt you try this in your next patch, since you are the best.

well i can and will try to do the mistimed hook shot going to the fine leg fielder thing.

and for that defensive shot going to 3rd man....well i can surely do that but it won't look good at all coz the animation for forward/defensive defensive shots are in such a way that the ball going to 3rd man with that will look ugly.
das_vicky said:
also one mmore thing, please give me a detailed information about your latest patch so that i can include that information in the game information(EA sports extras in the main menu,since i can edit that ),and release it with my menu_tweak patchv1.0 to encourage everyone to use your patch,as the game information will give eveyone an insight to your patch.

Well thats a very good idea and i'm glad that u want the info. of MY patch to be in the game. Well along with the official info. provided by me i can also add comments posted by the top members of the forum who have liked my patch. that will help people to form a general image about my patch aprt from the info. i've provided. here is the info. more will come at the release of 7.1.

Well, this patch is complete in itself, it is ment for 10,20,45,50 over matches, both TEST and ODI matches, and for NORMAL and HARD difficult.

This patch is based on a new tech. of batting that has never been thought and used before by any of the patcher.

The new tech. of batting is that there are no limitations on any of the strokes regarding their difficulty, chances of producing edges, etc.

All this things will depend upon the skills of the batsman ur playing with.

But u will say, "thats already in the game"...as to every batsmen have their own skills, but my patch will ensure that no external help is given to the batsman and he plays only according to his skills.

If a batsman is poor in hooking then u might not be able to connect a hook shot with that batsman and if u do connect, it will be of very low quality and u might get out.

Well this patch introduces a new method of gameplay which makes the batting for both CPU and HUMAN more complex. How good you or CPU bat no longer depends upon couple of values. The batting and bowling averages and the skills which every batsman/bowler has plays a very very important role in the game. The shots to, there is no limit to how difficult a shot can be, it will depend upon as to how much confidence ur batsman has,SERIOUSLY. Well there are so many changes which has been made to the tech. upon which the A.I is based that list or explaing each and everyone of them is impossible.

hope it helps.
desireuben said:
hey tutsi one suggestion for next version if you could also include reverse swip shots against spinners.

its already in the game.

to play a reverse sweep shot.....

Play a power boosted front foot late cut shot.
hi guys.....i know this will feel as if i'm demanding something for what i've given you(MY PATCH).....

but if u like my work u can also support me by click on the "Reputation" button.

Well i don't feel good asking u for this coz u might think i'm selfish or anything like that.

i hope u guys don't mind.
thanks for your info. I have included that in the game information and your name in the credits and i am planning to include all the names in this community,please help me in doing so .Also help me, as i am currently unable to create a patch using the export function of the config editor

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