Tutsi's A.I. Patches

I bowled England out for 59 , all wickets falling to the same shots. Either lofted front foot coverdrive/square cut or backfoot square cut. If you bowl slightly wide outside off stump and a full length the CPU usually will try to a front foot shot and get out. Also it is very easy to restrict the run rate .Although they do attempt to play every ball, they keep hitting it to the fielder- now this maybe just be my field placements and captaincy(Ahem..!!!) but the CPU gets really tied down when I put 6-7 fielders on the off and bowl the McGrath line- they keep playing the same shots straight to the fielder.Rarely they may move forward and try to play it on the leg side.
i took 60 overs to bowl out new zealand and they only reached a total of 102!!!
i got most wickets in the first 3 overs from catches from slips.
The tailenders are harder to get out than the openers!
ashwinkm said:
I bowled England out for 59 , all wickets falling to the same shots. Either lofted front foot coverdrive/square cut or backfoot square cut. If you bowl slightly wide outside off stump and a full length the CPU usually will try to a front foot shot and get out. Also it is very easy to restrict the run rate .Although they do attempt to play every ball, they keep hitting it to the fielder- now this maybe just be my field placements and captaincy(Ahem..!!!) but the CPU gets really tied down when I put 6-7 fielders on the off and bowl the McGrath line- they keep playing the same shots straight to the fielder.Rarely they may move forward and try to play it on the leg side.

yea...i have changed the square cut and the cover drive so that yet don't go into the air too much to give a catch.

but yea...one thing i wanna know, When do they give a catch, when they time it right or if they miss-time it? According to me they give a catch when the square cut is timed right AND when the cover-drive is played just a little bit early. I just wanna conform it.

And yea...the thing about cpu play off-side shots despite of 6-7 fielders, well we can't really do much about it. we can change how the batsman will play but where will he play....we can't change that, if u bowl on off-side he plays off-side....if u bowl middle-leg cpu plays leg side.....as simple as that.
Right i have now played 5 tests on the 7.a patch ( on hard)..

I have played on every suface type (hard, dusty, normal, damp, green).

The Cpu has NEVER got more than 114 runs. But they usually last approx 35-55 overs.

I get almost all my wickets by bowling "just short" of a good length on or outside off-stump. The CPU plays a "BACKFOOT DEFENSIVE" . These deliveries are eventualy edged to slips.

Batsmen 8-11 are lucky if they last 3 balls before getting out.

I usually have the top 3 batsman out within 5 overs (to same delivery).

In almost every match one of the CPU batsmen "gets in" then throws his wicket away witha rash "AERIAL" shot.

On "DAMP" pitches, if u bowl just short of a length (at full pace) the CPU plays a backfoot defensive and gets bowled (especially true of tailenders).

The square drive is "too aerial", once a batsman gets a "little settled", bowl a full,wide ball and 9 times out of 10 he will "slap" it straight to point/gulley. Even when timed 100% correct.

I'd like to see CPU score faster, but in a controlled manner. In my experience the CPU scores at 1-1.5 rpo until one batsman get "set", he then smashes a few boundaries before throwing away his wicket.

You always know what to do once u have seen the CPU batsman play a "lofted" shot, put mid-on, mid-off and cover 1/2 way back to the bondary. Then pitch the ball up, and wait for the batsman to "committ suicide". (can't remeber anyone EVER playing a lofted back foot cover drive in ANY form of cricket)

Couldn't you just make it so that instead of certain "6-hit" shot going in the air, make them REALLY powerful, (guaranteed 4), and make them go along the ground. This would make if very hard for the infield to stop and "hopefully" peirce those 7-2 offside fields. Only do it for backfoot 6-hit shots?

hope this info helps
The_gas said:
Ok i know this ain for screenshots but i am halfway thru a good match and thouht id help share my experiences of tutsi 7.4b batting tech patch. Am just starting an ashes tour of australia. First match against Chairmans X11 (who have a bloody good team fo a warm up game lol). ODI game, green pitch, sunny and warm conditions i win the toss and chose to bowl first. If im honest i expected to roll them over easily. I made a good start, i got a few early wickets. I had to use the field editor because they were scoring a stupid amount of runs off very wide edges, and many edges (off a square cut) going over the keepers head. It was lookig like i would get them out for under 150 but they managed a nice middle to lower order partnership. I managed to keep one end quiet thru the bowling of ashley giles but one thing which i did note was not one single defensive shot was played throughout the whole innings, even after the 15th over. If this could be tweaked it might be a little bit more realistic, especialy in te middle part of the innings. I eventually go them all out for 214 after 42 overs. Overall i was impressed by the cpu batting, if edges had gone my way they would have score at least 50+ less runs but nevermind. Just thik te pacing from over 20-35 needs to be tweaked a little so the good balls are ocassionally blocked. Am about to bat, i suck on green surfaces so ill be suprised if i win this one.



Well i won, just! By one wicket infact. It was looking like defeat untill my tail icked in. Giles played well but harmison scored all of his 4's bar one of them off nicks thru the slip cordon. Overall a great game as it went right to the wire bar a couple of overs. Im gonna keep playing with this patch and hope i dont discover the problems that have bugged other users. Below are my screenshots of my 2nd innings.


tutsipoppy2 said:
hi i don't know why the patch is not working correctly for you. trust me i have never gotten the cpu out for such low totals. i'm sure sumthing is seriously wrong over here, coz for other cpu atleast makes a decent total. i think u should install the patch on a fresh gob file and then play and try it.

ok....lets try to solve this....

OK...Tell me how do u get the cpu out soo cheaply? Is there any particular ball on which they get out, or what? Tell me...coz maybe that could be a possible bug which needs to be fixed.

ok here r few I thing I would like u to know
1) square drive should not be ariel or if played uppishly make sure it clears infield (cpu played couple of them 1 went for 6 and other for 4, u r already working on it so that a good thing)
2) whenever cpu plays lofted cover drive it almost always clears infield (which is a major improvement)
3) whenever cpu plays other lofted shots can u make it powerful enough to clear infield but not go all the way to the fielder waiting there on the boundary and when timed particularly well go for a six
4) can u please make defence stronger i.e. 8 out of 10 wickets fall playing a defensive shot
5) so far I havent gotten any wicket where cpu players cover drive and it goes straight to fielder in covers, but I do get few outside edges from cpu

well there is not a particular ball I bowl which gets me wickets
but there r bunch of them which gets me wickets here r few thing I like to do when I bowl
(I always bowl round the wicket)
1) full length outswinger almost at yorker length on to leg stump, cpus get out playing defensive shot edging it to 2 slip, 3 slip, gully1 or gully2
2) same delivery but the little dot in the ball going other side i.e. going to left side, would be like a straight deliver with just a little movement coming from a bad angle, results same as above
3) same line i.e. full outswinger but short ball this time, if cpu plays defensive shot it would most likely edge it or if it plays a shot then normally would get out caught around point region
4) full length wide delver, trying to make cpu play a square drive
5) full length outswinger, outside the off stump, with no power (so it swings more), trying to make cpu play a cover drive and get an outside edge
6) straight delivery pitching just in front of cpu's toe no exactly a yorker but something less than that, if cpu plays defensive shot then consider it done (I learned this trick when cpu got all my left handed batsman like this)
and of course I like to mix things up trying different things in specific format mentioned above...

spinners r cool I think, cpu plays them sensibly
but I am have some very hard time getting wicket with an off spinner...
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Heres something interesting Tutsi - I am playing as Australia for a change against India at Melbourne. As usual two wickets fell to the same shot , the lofted cover drive or the shot played going down on one knee and the square cut. With the front foot shot , it is usually to balls bowled wide outside off stump(almost a wide) and around the wicket (but sometimes over the wicket as well)
India are now 60/2 off 11 overs which is not too bad.Whats interesting is that the CPU still plays the same shot , however most of the time it fell short of the fielder (exactly the same field settings) so they have not lost any more wickets. I wonder if the size of the ground has anything to do with it? The earlier matches were played on smalller grounds whereas this is in Melbourne which is a huge ground . Maybe thats why the ball though hit in the air keeps falling short of the fielder. Even in the previous matches the fielder usually had to dive forward to take the catch. Maybe thats of some help Tutsi , to change some settings.

I dont think that the CPU necessarily has to play on the off side. There are a few times when they come across and then try to work the ball on the leg side. But these are few and far in between. Most of the time for the same ball 9 times out of 10 the cpu plays a front foot cover drive to the fielder, but all of a sudden the cpu moves towards off and then either plays a leg glance or an ondrive . So there must be a way to make the CPU play these shots more often. They also NEVER play a back foot straight drive or on drive with the latest patch(I can testify to that after having bowled 130 overs in the test and 30 overs in one days).

BTW what did you think of my previous post with the tied test match ?Can you make the batsman a little more aggressive. Earlier on with either 7.2 or one of the beta patches , the batsmen were playing more realistically with the only problem there being their tendency to get out to spinners(getting stumped) I believe I had posted this several months ago..

Also with the new patch it is very very difficult to get the tail out since they never play aggressively but dont give any edges in tests unlike previous patches where the tail wouldnt last more than a few overs.
tutsi can u tell me what i need to adjust to make the cpu play slightly more aggresively in tests on hard, and what to adjust to make the cpu not play the square cut in the air, thats all that needs adjusting in ur patch otherwise its top class, best ive played so far
Lol Mike didn't you check the previous page of this thread?I posted the solution to this problem there.Anyway,check the thread you started concerning this,for you have a reply waiting for you....
Tutsi's 7.5 A.I Patch - BETA/ALPHA

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo................

Now listen up ya guys over there.........

I read...Read...READ...all that u had to say........

Now this is what i have come up with........

I have just changed/edited the patch with CFG EDITOR and havn't tried it yet.........

Thats why is called a BETA....and i mean....BETA Patch........

So listen up guys over there, Its for the NEW BATTING TECH..........Test the patch and let me know.......

Or else the Doctor will pay a visit to ya and deliver the goods personally.........!!!

!!! WORD LIFE !!!

**Download the latest BETA-2 patch from this link : http://www.planetcricket.org/forums/showthread.php?p=89158&posted=1#post89158
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Hi Tutsi,

Am using patch 7.4 with new batting technique and have the following questions / comments / suggestions: Apologies if these are already in the new beta version.

1: Is it possible to make the CPU batsman leave more wide balls while still playing to the same aggression level? I am playing as England against South Africa - 2nd test on a green pitch. I bowled, and S.A. were all out for 40 with 8 catches to slips and keeper.

Now, my problem is that 3 of these were from balls that were full and very wide. Instead of leaving (or attacking) the batsman slid across his crease and played a forward defensive stroke to a ball that would easily have been called a wide in a 1-day game.

2: The first test, played on a hard pitch was fantastic. The game ended as a draw with S.A. chasing 175 to win with less than 1 day to go. Rain interrupted 1 day and I didn't bat well - lost a few wickets to badly timed back foot drives - which made for a low-scoring but ecellent game. The CPU played pretty intelligently. Two guys were out to the square drive, but I had set them up, and one was to a slower ball.

3: I often leave the game running with cpu vs cpu to see how scores etc will pan out. I returned towards the end of a 50 over game to find Essex scoring the winning runs. With 1 over to spare, Essex beat Sussex by a score of 435 for 8 vs 432 for 9. Seems a little excessive. Is this due to wierd pacing files or is this a peculiarity of letting the computer play itself? I rarely play 1-day stuff as I prefer the test matches so I have nothing to compare this with - just thought I'd let you know.

Other than that - excellent stuff. I'm now going to see if I can chase down the S.A 40 and establish a 1st innings lead.
Well I played with the beta patch. Got India all out for 139 in 46.7 overs . I resumed from 60/2 off 11 overs. A few things
1. The bug reported earlier is definitely gone- the same shots are now played along the ground.
2. the cpu still struggles to force the pace. I had only 2 fielders in the outfield even in the 45th over and they still were struggling to score. The pacing may need to be tweaked
3. There must be a way of making the cpu play more shots instead of just playing the front foot cover drive - and hitting the ball straight to the fielder.
4.The cpu plays rather well against spinners though , although they only scored 3 runs /over they did play different shots and on both sides of the wicket.They would try running the ball to third man, the on drive , pull shot, sweep, cut ,even a backfoot ondrive.

Tutsi please find a way to make the cpu play similar shots against the pace bowlers.Other wise with my 8:2 field they will never score more than 2 -3 runs per over.
One suggestion is to give more power to the lofted shots so they go for 6 or fall beyond the fielders prompting the user to try changing the field settings.

But this is still a beta patch and I am happy that you have fixed the bug that made the cpu get out easily.
Tutsi, I really think that these problems of the cpu not scoring high totals ect are caused because of the direction of the shots. If you look at the human and cpu spiders while using your patch, majority of the strokes are all in the same areas. If you could make each stroke have a wider area of direction in them, you would have runs scored in all different parts of the field. What do you think?
The one problem that i am having with this patch i cant get edges.I haver tried bowling bouncers etc but still same result no edges.

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