Tutsi's A.I. Patches

A patch that does it all, now thats a patch to remember.

The Bats, Faces, Kits, Game play.

Yea You are right Madmattg. This patch has all kits update, pitchad, stumps and above all Gameplay. When you ahve all in one, why are you worrying for others?
Okay Vaughan, I agree, you can also install that too, even I did it. But generally its a good patch and I think that Tutsi 5.2 version had also improved straight drive.
ok....thnx guys.

by the way i'm going to re-release my 5.2 patch in a couple of hours, which u can install on a original FRESH gob file.(for those who are not able to download barmyarmy's kit update or they do not want the updated graphics at all)
Ok....guys here is the Re-Released version of my 5.2 patch.

U'll need an original fresh gob file to install this patch on.

scootstiener - hhhhhheeeeellllooooo......y r u flooding MY thread with MY patches which I have released(uploaded) earlier?
tusi bhai , please make it clear... do we need previous patches of yours or only this re-released version can do on a an original gob file ? it's only 82kb ?
Im current;y playing with 5.1 and I find the batting perfect. However, the computer batsman just block over and over, and then start slogging until they are caught out. All my dismissals of the computer batters come from catcges and very rarely a cut back onto the stumps. I have played 3 tests in a row without my guys even appealing for an LBW and without the computer scoring over 200. Batting is great, but the bowling is still ver repetitive and boring.

Will 5.2 improve this?

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