VB Series

I think they need to get a new top order, they havent done anything this series. Also I think one of the main points in the Zimbabwe innings is when Sean Ervine got run out. IF he didn't get run out they would've won it wit balls to spare
Originally posted by squiz
good, that'll teach him, he should play the game properly without trying to cheat.

wtf do you mean by cheat? and teach what? Are you blind that you can't judge the issues with Wet ball, slippery outfield?? I saw when Ganguly was cleaning mud from his shoes aussie commentator was whining that he is wasting time. so Indians are supposed to bowl with mud in their shoes?
And do you know that Ricky Ponting in the same game, took around the same extra time? Ganguly was three overs short, Ponting was 2.4 overs short!!

you can have your opinion but be careful about calling anyone cheat without knowing the facts. or it only proves that either you are blind/deaf or too jealous of Indian team.
I wasn't talking about the mud on the shoes, yeh you don't wanna bowl with mud on your shoes. The things that I am talking about is when Youvraj Singh supposedly injured himself, and took him about 10 minutes just to get off the field. If he was that injured why did he come back on right after the 25 overs, when the game was official? Also there is Ganguly changing the field every 2nd ball, really is that neccessary? The only runs that they were getting is download to long off and long on.
yes you were not taliking about mud in the shoes but I'm giving you an example of how people are often unfair. re field setting, it was a pressure situation, can you really blame a captain for taking time to set field? and what was time wasting going to get Ganguly? it was a DN match so there was no issue of play being called off due to bad light anyway.
He wasn't worried about Bad Light, he was worried about the rain. They already left the field once that night because there was a few showers.
Ganguly was fined for 'slowing down the game to his team's advantage' hmmm... didn't Australia actually win the game on the second to last ball of the match? Would he have still been fined if crybaby Ponting hadn't had got out the next ball after Yuraj's injury. The Australian fans can cry all they want, but there is no doubt the current sledging world champions would have done exactly the same thing is the same situation. Of course Ponting wouldn't have got fined under the current policy of one rule for Australia and England, another for everyone else. Strange how Brad Williams didn't get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct for screaming at Ganguly a couple of matches ago. The irony is Ganguly was fined 80% of his match fee by Clive Lloyd, for those of you old enough to remember, his West Indies team was the reason the 90 over a day requirement was bought in for Test matches. At the time Lloyd's team bowled around 70 overs a day. Hypocriscy is the greatest luxury.
Originally posted by squiz
He wasn't worried about Bad Light, he was worried about the rain. They already left the field once that night because there was a few showers.

LOL! The match was valid after 25 overs. They bowled 9 more overs after that.
Originally posted by Hory
Ganguly was fined for 'slowing down the game to his team's advantage' hmmm... didn't Australia actually win the game on the second to last ball of the match? Would he have still been fined if crybaby Ponting hadn't had got out the next ball after Yuraj's injury. The Australian fans can cry all they want, but there is no doubt the current sledging world champions would have done exactly the same thing is the same situation. Of course Ponting wouldn't have got fined under the current policy of one rule for Australia and England, another for everyone else. Strange how Brad Williams didn't get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct for screaming at Ganguly a couple of matches ago. The irony is Ganguly was fined 80% of his match fee by Clive Lloyd, for those of you old enough to remember, his West Indies team was the reason the 90 over a day requirement was bought in for Test matches. At the time Lloyd's team bowled around 70 overs a day. Hypocriscy is the greatest luxury.

well said.
Originally posted by Shailesh
LOL! The match was valid after 25 overs. They bowled 9 more overs after that.

Thats wot im talking about, all the things that i stated happened before 25 overs
Originally posted by Hory
Ganguly was fined for 'slowing down the game to his team's advantage' hmmm... didn't Australia actually win the game on the second to last ball of the match?

What has that got to do with anything?

Originally posted by Hory
Would he have still been fined if crybaby Ponting hadn't had got out the next ball after Yuraj's injury.

crybaby?? How bout the Indian complaining about Steve Bucknor. And I dont see how that has got to do wit anything either.

Originally posted by Hory
The Australian fans can cry all they want, but there is no doubt the current sledging world champions would have done exactly the same thing is the same situation.

No Doubt? So you play for Australia do you?

Originally posted by Hory
Of course Ponting wouldn't have got fined under the current policy of one rule for Australia and England, another for everyone else.

I don't know why people think this, maybe because those 2 teams don't play wit dirty tactics like the other nations.

Originally posted by Hory
Strange how Brad Williams didn't get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct for screaming at Ganguly a couple of matches ago.

I agree wit you on this one, he was a bit over the top.

Originally posted by Hory
The irony is Ganguly was fined 80% of his match fee by Clive Lloyd, for those of you old enough to remember, his West Indies team was the reason the 90 over a day requirement was bought in for Test matches. At the time Lloyd's team bowled around 70 overs a day. Hypocriscy is the greatest luxury.

Clive Lloyd played over 18 years ago, you'd expect some changes in rules since then.
yer guys, the game is over, everything is done and can't be undone. Just settle down lets not start anything.
"squiz" you obvioulsy couldn't comprehend what i was saying. Clive Lloyd was captain of the Windies in the 70s and 80s and his team willfully bowled a slow over rate.
I have "no doubt" Australia would have employed similar if not worse tactics in the same situation as I have been watching cricket for over 20 years now, and Australia are the all time masters of "gamesmanship" (or when the opposing team is doing it it is called "dirty tactics" "cheating" etc..)
And as for Australia and England not playing "wit dirty tactics" as you put it, are you that one eyed that you need me to provide you with examples? e.g Australia's current leading wicket taker being banned for failing a drugs test? England bowling unhittable wide deliveries in the final hour of a test match against Zimababwe in order to stave off a humilating defeat?
9th Match Aus vs Zim

Toss: Australia

Australia 279/7 (50 ov) (Bevan 75, Ponting 63) (Streak 3/45)
Zimbabwe 266/8 (50.0 ov) (Flower 94) (Williams 2/38, Symonds 2/47)

Result: Australia won by 13 runs

Man of the Match: GW Flower

Points: Australia 5, Zimbabwe 1

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