Wealeys slider and skills playtest! OP updated with sliders!!

Oh my days!!! first over bowling with jimmy... inswinger inswinger inswinger OUTSWINGER thin nick off front foot defensive to keeper, Warner GONE! So beautiful! :)

Keeper taking the ball over his head off a good length :)
Currently after 10 overs AUS 46-1 (due to a few byes/over throws)

Renshaw 15 (25)
Khawaja 26 (32)

I've got to say, This is so fun :)
Oh my days!!! first over bowling with jimmy... inswinger inswinger inswinger OUTSWINGER thin nick off front foot defensive to keeper, Warner GONE! So beautiful! :)

Keeper taking the ball over his head off a good length :)
Currently after 10 overs AUS 46-1 (due to a few byes/over throws)

Renshaw 15 (25)
Khawaja 26 (32)

Are you using same sliders? Also what pitch!
Are you using same sliders? Also what pitch!

Ahh sorry i posted it further up forgot to add it to the post.

Yes same sliders as you posted

Eng v Aus test match with pitch Grassy,hard,Pristine,Light cracks. Difficulty on easy bowling and Veteran. chose england then chose LORDS download with the team
Nice to see visual cracks appearing! Wealey88, roughly when in your match did the pitch lose all its bounce?
At lunch AUS 119-1 Both batsmen have 50's

Renshaw 60 (83)
Khawaja 50 (82)

I'm not the best at bowling yet but this is very enjoyable.
So as you know played all 5 days of this test apart from Simming England's first innings!

As you know I though the pitch had gone dead and the pace had gone etc.

Which seemed cool. But then I thought that it was meant to be a hard pitch so really the bounce should be fine.

I went into my sliders and went back to default then changed back to how I had them adjusted.

Now it's playing how it was on when I started with proper bounce and pace.

I think the sliders may get stuck when you save the game and load it back up sometimes?!

I'm a bit confused!!!!

@blockerdave @DAP @Dridge118
Could it have changed back from when you simmed? Ill now save and exit and check
Could it have changed back from when you simmed? Ill now save and exit and check

No I'm pretty sure it went dead or back to normal which seemed dead during first innings!

It may not be after every save. But I haven't adjusted the sliders I just reset them then went back to them and all of a sudden it's back to how it was in the first free overs!
No I'm pretty sure it went dead or back to normal which seemed dead during first innings!

It may not be after every save. But I haven't adjusted the sliders I just reset them then went back to them and all of a sudden it's back to how it was in the first free overs!

Ill defo keep a look out for this. I have just saved and exit. Reloaded and its still working. When did you apply the sliders? in game? As I changed my sliders out of a match & on main menu.
Definitely looks like mine went to default somehow without me knowing.

Didn't really affect the match at all still played lovely I just thought the pitch was slow as shi't
Ill defo keep a look out for this. I have just saved and exit. Reloaded and its still working. When did you apply the sliders? in game? As I changed my sliders out of a match & on main menu.

Can confirm it definitely happens! Got a little video illustrating it. It's easy to tell cos the pace drops to normal figures on the scorecard!

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