started playing GTA IV but didn't enjoy it that much. it's a good game, but i think i'm just GTA'd out. I have done the killing rampage thing so much that doing it with new better graphics doesn't do much for me much... and the characters are not really likable and the plot kinda predictable.
I called the first girlfriend as a police officer ridiculously early.
I've got about 6 unopened games (dark souls, killzone 3, final fantasy 13-2, skyrim and i think some others) as i've just been playing the mass effect 3 multilayer. I guess i should get borderlands 2 fairly soon as if i leave it too long maybe the multiplayer will be hard to find games on.
can't wait for the hockey season to start (whenever that is) so i can get nhl13. no point at the minute may as well just player 12