Your Cricket What Pace can you Face

didn't make me laugh - at least he is being truthful, so respect for that
Yeah I respect his honesty but just 60kmph is too less. Several 12-13 year children I know can also face 60kmph comfortably.

@Mark: For people who regularly play cricket for their schools/colleges or even street cricket, facing pace upto 135-140kmph is no big thing and so I'm sure that most of them never even bother taking videos. I don't wanna flaunt off my reasonably good batting skills but in inter-division matches that take place in my college I can easily face deliveries of about 135 or even 140kmph sometimes but I never took any video of it.
Asking for a video to the guys who post their limit to prove themselves is foolish IMO. You either believe them or you don't. Your thoughts won't affect their lives anyway.
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haha I bet you can't even hold a cricket bat properly, let alone face deliveries at 140k
Haha I don't care what you think, in fact nobody on this forum does. As I said in the earlier post too, your thoughts won't affect anyone's lives.
BTW I'm pretty sure that you have either never batted in the nets or if you have, you haven't spent much time there. Facing deliveries of that pace isn't a big deal at all. You probably think it's a big deal and so feel that anyone who says he can face that pace is being untrue.
I don't know how to hold a bat. I'm not claiming to know how to bat either though.


Can someone who actually goes to a proper cricket academy shed some light on this.

140k, that's a joke right. None of these kids can face that.
I don't know how to hold a bat. I'm not claiming to know how to bat either though.


Can someone who actually goes to a proper cricket academy shed some light on this.

140k, that's a joke right. None of these kids can face that.

I don't play at an academy, but going by the fact that most International Indian bowlers don't even reach that pace (or most international bowlers), I find it hard to believe, especially on slow and low tracks in India. No disrespect to you, if you can. I just doubt it.
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Mark may not play cricket, but the people who think they're facing 80mph bowlers in their school games are living on a different planet :lol:facepalm
Mark may not play cricket, but the people who think they're facing 80mph bowlers in their school games are living on a different planet
I had already mentioned about that pace but plenty of posts got deleted over here and that post was one of them. The extra pace is due to some special small pitches of about 14-18 yards at Shivaji Park. Also while playing street cricket our pitches are small due to lack of place. :thumbs

That post was deleted because I said a few unacceptable things for Mark, but this part of the post is clean and I guess there should be no problem if I quote it.

None of my friends or most cricket friends (the people whom I met on the grounds) can reach that pace, but then there is a place called Shivaji Park here in Mumbai where they have reduced some pitches (ranging from 14-18 yards I think) for the practice of the Shivaji Park team against some foreign team as they have a tie-up or something. Common people can play there as well, and that's where I generally try my hands and still do.
And then there are some typical 'Indian - Pakistani' kind of bowlers who literally throw the ball at times, and their pace is epic.

Most of the times even during street cricket when playing with a double tennis ball our pitches are short due to the lack of place and that's where the speed increases again.

BTW as far as my cricket is concerned, there is no reason for me faking it. I know where I stand, and faking it to the people whom I have never met and probably will never meet makes no sense to me. I had not come to this thread to prove my cricket experience as I'm satisfied with how good or how bad I am. I had just come here to tell Mark to stop asking for videos to everyone who posted about their cricket.

Anyway, let's end this topic here to avoid any more fights. I have a cricket league running in the leagues section and I don't want it to stop by getting infractions/bans. :p

I just think some people don't have a clue still Yudi. 70mph with some movement is quick to all but the top level batsman. Watson trundling in at 80mph is postitively rapid.

Bottom line. A car drives at 70mph for 100 yards or a car drives at 70mph for 120 yards. It reaches the end point quicker of course when it drives 100 yards, but that doesn't mean it drives any quicker... see what I'm saying? A 50mph bowler from 10 yards away is still bowling at 50mph.

What people don't seem to realise on here, is that someone who bowls 70mph+ with a bit of movement would be practically unplayable for any but a high standard of batsman.
I just think some people don't have a clue still Yudi. 70mph with some movement is quick to all but the top level batsman. Watson trundling in at 80mph is postitively rapid.

Bottom line. A car drives at 70mph for 100 yards or a car drives at 70mph for 120 yards. It reaches the end point quicker of course when it drives 100 yards, but that doesn't mean it drives any quicker... see what I'm saying? A 50mph bowler from 10 yards away is still bowling at 50mph.

What people don't seem to realise on here, is that someone who bowls 70mph+ with a bit of movement would be practically unplayable for any but a high standard of batsman.

that is the best comment on this thread so far. so True
I just think some people don't have a clue still Yudi. 70mph with some movement is quick to all but the top level batsman. Watson trundling in at 80mph is postitively rapid.

Bottom line. A car drives at 70mph for 100 yards or a car drives at 70mph for 120 yards. It reaches the end point quicker of course when it drives 100 yards, but that doesn't mean it drives any quicker... see what I'm saying? A 50mph bowler from 10 yards away is still bowling at 50mph.

What people don't seem to realise on here, is that someone who bowls 70mph+ with a bit of movement would be practically unplayable for any but a high standard of batsman.
Very well said, but what you ignored is the reaction time. With small pitches the reaction for the batsman gets decreased considerably and that according to my view is equivalent to facing a delivery of a little more pace.

What I personally consider is that if a guy bowls at 120kmph on a 22 yards pitch, his pace on a 14 or an 18 yards pitch is something equivalent to a 130kmph delivery on a normal 22 yards pitch as the batsman gets much less reaction time to hit the ball. :)
I just think some people don't have a clue still Yudi. 70mph with some movement is quick to all but the top level batsman. Watson trundling in at 80mph is postitively rapid.

Bottom line. A car drives at 70mph for 100 yards or a car drives at 70mph for 120 yards. It reaches the end point quicker of course when it drives 100 yards, but that doesn't mean it drives any quicker... see what I'm saying? A 50mph bowler from 10 yards away is still bowling at 50mph.

What people don't seem to realise on here, is that someone who bowls 70mph+ with a bit of movement would be practically unplayable for any but a high standard of batsman.

Bowling machines mate. That is one way you can get the ball to you at that pace without any movement. Helps to prepare you for when you get slightly slower balls with movement so that they don't seem as fast.
Most bowling machines can move a ball either way at speeds up to 90mph+ However they don't really count as being able to "face a pace." I'd also, perhaps somewhat prejudiciously, suggest that the same people claiming to play their cricket on tiny pitches with no space and with non-hard balls don't have access to a working bowling machine.

For the record, we cranked up the machine at my club to the maximum reading. It gives 99 as the maximum number on the dial, but we're pretty sure it tops out at 90mph and has been getting slower with age. It's fair to say that at that pace, I stop playing a shot, but instead hoping it lands wherever it was set up to land and that my pre-determined shot happens to hit a ball :p

Too many people in this thread seem somewhat oblivious to the fact that they're claiming to face speeds of genuinely international bowlers :rolleyes
Most bowling machines can move a ball either way at speeds up to 90mph+ However they don't really count as being able to "face a pace." I'd also, perhaps somewhat prejudiciously, suggest that the same people claiming to play their cricket on tiny pitches with no space and with non-hard balls don't have access to a working bowling machine.

For the record, we cranked up the machine at my club to the maximum reading. It gives 99 as the maximum number on the dial, but we're pretty sure it tops out at 90mph and has been getting slower with age. It's fair to say that at that pace, I stop playing a shot, but instead hoping it lands wherever it was set up to land and that my pre-determined shot happens to hit a ball :p

Too many people in this thread seem somewhat oblivious to the fact that they're claiming to face speeds of genuinely international bowlers :rolleyes

The one I used at the local indoor cricket facility could get to 160 km/h, obviously I never wanted to try it at that. I usually tried to hit balls at 80-110 with movement, any higher than that and it is extremely hard to hit with movement so I just made sure it went straight.

90 mph is bloody fast and congrats if you can hit a ball, premeditated or not at that pace with movement. Best I could do was just below that with no movement, fairly premeditated.

Saying that though I very much doubt that most of the kids from India here have access to a bowling machine. When I see kids playing cricket there there is barely space for a proper pitch and it's usually with a rubber or tennis ball travelling no faster than 60-80 km/h.
Well yeah it's completely guesswork though. If it was a real bowler he'd just dig the next one in short and I'd be flattened ha

Just have to appreciate with awe the levels the top international batsman reach. The speed they react and get their feet into position as well as play the movement is staggering.
Just have to appreciate with awe the levels the top international batsman reach. The speed they react and get their feet into position as well as play the movement is staggering.


When I play some of the 'genuine' quick bowlers (their actual pace isn't more than 120 km/h) and it hardly moves, I struggle to get in line and play the shots I want. I am comfortable against 90-110 km/h but, anything more than that, it is just getting the bat in the way of the ball, ha ha.

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