sachin said:
More people play soccer than any other sport in Australia.
True that, but the AFL is the most supported by a mile, the thing about soccer is it appeals to parents, because they know there little Johnny's won't get hurt, but most stop playing it by the time they hit secondary school.
Also the AFL is the top league of it's sport, so you see the best players playing which is why it's well supported, the A-League is full of hacks bar a few.
Other than when Australia plays in the World Cup, Soccer is very boring, im sorry but i have grown up around Aussie Rules football which is skillful, fast, and tough.
I can't argue that soccer isn't the most popular sport, we all know it is. But i can argue it's not the best.
Although i enjoy playng Indoor Soccer!
Briggsey said:
Say that to any country where football is popular (much more than half of the countries in the world) and you would get laughed at!
Yes but here in Australia we have an indegenous football code to follow, we call AR football here, Association Football is known as soccer. Just depends where in the world you live.
Might i just add i remember reading the AFL is in the top 5 for the highest average attendaces in the world for any football code! i think even higher than the EPL...the AFL average around 35-45k i think. We get over 60k for a lot games and 90k for a match between Essendon and Collingwood...the Grand Final gets close to 100k and the crowds very rarely go under 20k...
It's sad to see so many one eyed soccer fans, that don't open there eyes and look at other football codes around the world, soccer is not the only sport in this world, just because it's the most popular dosn't mean it's the best!...Ford (car company in Aus) sells more cars here than Mercedis (spelling) but Ford make crap cars, just because it sells, dosn't mean it's better.
Soccer got head start in this world because think about how many countries in Africa, Asia and South America were colonised by the Dutch, French and English, they took soccer to those continents long ago, before any other football code was exposed to them. So soccer grew in Africa, South America and Asia because the people wouldn't have even heard of Aussie Rules, Rugby, Gealic and American Football. Now we are slowly seeing the rise of other sports in this world.
Im sorry but it's reality, have you noticed in coutries that have there own football codes, soccer is not usually dominating the sports market and is usually 2nd best. eg Australia, New Zealand, America.