Wrestling Mafia- Game Over. Abhas Wins!

What's with that thing?

It's a post restriction. He is John Cena. I reckon I know what his role is, but don't want to say it for the Mafia to know. Basically, John Cena's saying is, 'You Can't See Me' and obviously he has to put that in every post.
Hmm.. Quite a lot happened while I was at Uni..
I believe Aray is playing a good game trying to get a discussion going.

Mad is acting really weird. He's been posting randomly, and most of it makes me suspect him.
Ollie is most likely town aligned.
Blake is more inclined towards the town.
Hmarka is acting uninterested.. could be a mafia strategy.

I'm game for lynching WC though. After what happened in the last game, I couldn't care less if he was townie or mafia.

About the writeup, it does seem to reveal a bit, but can't really be sure about anything yet.
Khali is probably the doctor, or, possibly the role-blocker (Yes, Town can have that as well).
I feel the man in the leather jacket is Undertaker. He's described as tall, which clearly undertaker fulfills more than any other. Apart from this, he is seen as an accomplice of Vince McMohan, something I don't see Stone Cold as.
The tall man caught Guddu by his throat, lifted him into the air, and into the room. The door slammed shut.
he lifted him by the throat.. Choke-slam?
Seems most likely that the undertaker is mafia.

Clearly, there is a mention of Steve Austin in this para:
A man was lying down in the lounge, with everyone around him fast asleep. But he was wide awake. He noticed Guddu sneaking out of the room, the seductive lady slink out shortly after. Something wasn't right here. He knew it.

His motto had always been that you could never trust someone. This time was no different. Despite what they said, everyone had their own agendas. Well, so be it.

He got up, and snuck over to the trophy room. This town was where he was born and bred, and this stadium was his second home. So naturally, he had a few tricks up his sleeve.

He returned with a few cans in his hands. He scanned the room, and picked out his targets for the night. He cracked one open, and headed over to the first one...

Seems interesting, but I feel he's something like a Cop or tracker. He doesn't trust anyone, and being his second home, he does know the place a bit. He's probably watching them, or investigating.

Waiting for the cops to reveal their results, if any..
Looks like its time to start posting here, will get through the thread today itself..
After reading this all, I feel the Great Khali is the doc and nice to see him saving Ollie. The long man in leather jacket looks to be the Undertaker and there is Vince and a diva who looks like a roll blocker. Sad Guddu is no more and more sad that he was Edge.

'You're lucky they don't suspect me. I was able to overhear the whole conversation'

After reading this, I think there is some who is acting like a townie but he inst one. :spy We need to be careful, he could back stab us any time..
wow, nice

btw guys, i'm a vanilla townie...

MaD starts with a sudden post

Just lettin everyone know, I don't have any role so don't expect too much from me...
Also idc if the Mafia kill me coz i'm useless although my vote does count...

Frankly i dont know why would openly say this if you are a townie, Because this is a very anti-townie move. The reason being if you are a vanilla townie, you just made it easier for mafia to take out someone else (who might have a power role).

Then he says this:
I used my role already

MaD added 0 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

Lynch: World Champions
Reason: Trustin ollie on this one

meh, think want you want

MaD added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

FOS: blake, ARay, User
Reason: All against me, tryin to start a vote?

thats AOE by MaD there.

Then when i say this:
Okay MaD, you have already said that all of us could be mafia.
NOw tell me why you consider me mafia or anyone else for that reason.
Clearly you are suspicious of people, I dont think you should be afraid to voice your suspicions about players. The reason why i am asking you this is because I want to have a better read on you.

he gets very defensive (instead of replying directly to my simple question)
You tell me your Mafia and Townie list with an explanation of why you think so

I give him my list, however he still decides not to reply to my question:

But I don't suspect anyone nor do I think anyone is a townie (except Ollie) and i'm a vanilla townie

MaD, this is why i find you most suspicious of all. You better have some decent answers to all the weird posts. Otherwise I shall change my vote and vote against you.
hMarka, i think the whole point of mafia is to discuss. All I am trying to do is have make some sort of discussion.:doh
Difference between critical discussion and conjecture. barely anything has happened and you guys have been going on for 6-7 pages :mad

Lynch everyone who posted last night
Woah, I miss two days and I have to read alot of pages. Just to clear things out, my time on the net is very restricted these days. What I am about to say, will put me in a hell of a lot controversies and as mentioned my time on the net is very restricted (I have got A Levels coming up in three weeks + my net connection is broken) so I cant answer all of your queries

Here it goes, I dont think we will have a strong suspect today for a lynch and at the end of the day we are gonna lynch someone randomly, unless a few genuises do the impossible and find out the mafia.

I think by the next time I come online Day 1 will be finished and I would rather get someone lynched then a no lynch. I dont believe I have got anything solid on this guy but if you guys wait till Day 2, I will you a%

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