MaD starts with a sudden post
I was simply being weird
Frankly i dont know why would openly say this if you are a townie, Because this is a very anti-townie move. The reason being if you are a vanilla townie, you just made it easier for mafia to take out someone else (who might have a power role).
Jeez, you want me to reveal everything...
Okay look, I said i'm a vanilla townie, which I am
The Mafia may think i'm lying or may not, they may believe me
If they think i'm lying and kill me, who cares
If they think i'm tellin the truth, even better coz then they won't kill me
Then he says this:
thats AOE by MaD there.
Yes, I had a role, which I can reveal if you like but I don't really want to
I didn't use it wisely and ended up as a vanilla townie
Then when i say this:
he gets very defensive (instead of replying directly to my simple question)
I give him my list, however he still decides not to reply to my question:
MaD, this is why i find you most suspicious of all. You better have some decent answers to all the weird posts. Otherwise I shall change my vote and vote against you.
And this is why i'm suspicious of you, why are you doing all of this? Yeah, I know you're tryin to get all detective and all, it could simply be because you want us to think you're a townie...
Now you seem like a really good player and if the Mafia don't get rid of you, then it really raises the suspicions as to why they wouldn't want you out of the game, because you're clearly an experienced player.
MaD added 2 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...
And now if you die, everyone's gonna be like, oh MaD killed ARay coz he suspected him blah blah blah, this is what happened in the last game, everyone who suspected me was killed by the Mafia to raise suspicions on me, they played an excellent strategy and even silenced me, and that may happen again.
And now you guys are gonna be like, oh MaD is saying this coz he is a Mafia and he's gonna kill everyone that suspects him in this game blah blah blah, well... i'm just a vanilla townie