Wrestling Mafia- Game Over. Abhas Wins!

you people forget hmarka is the double voter =/
Majority is reached. There is nothing that can be done now :(

Umm, excuse me. Has he claimed to be a double voter? If so, please direct me to that post. If he has role claimed that then he is a lieing SoB. If we have a lie detector check out the sentence where he says he is a double voter, because it is utter BS.

@ Hedger: I have stated my reasons for being less active earlier in the thread. I feel mafia has had a bit of an overkill and to begin with I wasn't as interested. Now it is heating up I'm more involved. I've been mafia Godfather twice, and the first time I was very quiet, which was why I didn't win. No mafia Godfather should be quiet if they wan't to win. I don't actually think that inactiveness is a sign of a mafia player, except maybe in the case of a first time player.
Hopefully we've actually managed to nail a mafia, although I will be surprised if we do. It seems a bit too good to be true.

Maybe a cult partner. I voted SR, because he did not defend himself at all, nor did he make any vital contribution to helping townies win. Now its back to the drawing board now. Need to reexamine all the posts again.
Hopefully the night will bring some more clues. So far, we've been able to identify a lot of the wrestlers participating - i.e. Steve Austin, Great Khali, however it's going to be trickier pinning a role to a person. Could also prevent some role claims - like, you wouldn't want someone saying that they are the Great Khali because then boom, they get taken out by the mafia.

I've been analysing a few people's posts recently, trying to come up with another theory of mine.. but I suck at analysing stuff.

Edit: Treva, I think I understand what you are trying to say about your own role.. which makes it very interesting. Why would Hmarka lie blatantly if he was a townie?... :spy
BKB1991 - 1 (ARay)
MaD - 1 (LongLegs)
WC - 8 (Blake, User2010, Tom, Ollie, MaD, hedger, hMarka, CG123)

A majority of 9 is needed. But then 8 votes suffice to finish him off.

I think my role as the double voter townie is proved by that statement Aray, thats why 8 votes was enough for the lynch

Thats why i believe hmarka to be the double voter. No one is that group has counterclaimed. So hmarka is telling the truth.
Ok, I think it's time I revealed my role for the benefit of the town, even if it does get me killed at night.

I am Randy Orton, Egomaniac, Team Face Aligned. My role says that I am an arrogant loud mouth making me always someone people love to hate. This is why I am the miller. I will always come up on investigation as anti-town. However, because of my loud mouth I have the role of being double voter.

Now there is no way there are two townie double voters.

Unlynch: The Spin

Lynch: hMarka
A majority of 9 is needed. But then 8 votes suffice to finish him off.

Thats why i believe hmarka to be the double voter. No one is that group has counterclaimed. So hmarka is telling the truth.

Are you blind? Treva is indirectly counterclaiming him, look a few posts up..

Edit: Directly counterclaiming, look one post up. ;)

Also, I'm going to go out on a limb here and go with Treva. I was ready to kill Shantanu off... but this new evidence looks very interesting. What would Hmarka stand to gain from lying and claiming that he is the double voter when he obviously isn't? Absolutely nothing.

Unlynch: Shantanu
Lynch: hMarka
No Lynch- 2(CG123,hedger)
BKB1991- 1(ARay)

fling. Reading 10 pages of this thread makes my head hurt. May as well just go with WC as thats the majority.

Unlynch: No one

Lynch: WC

lynch: WC

Unlynch: No one

Lynch: WC

Reason: Since it's easily the majority, I'm going to trust Ollie on this one. YOU CAN'T SEE MEEE!!!

It was actually 9 votes. hMarka is mafia, 100% sure of it.
What if there's 2 double voters? Do not hammer vote Mark, he must defend

MaD added 1 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

Oh ok, nice work, shoulda come earlier
Unlynch: Shan
Lynch: hMarka
okay blake, posted then i saw treva's role claim.

But then wait treva i saw that post, after that did you see LL unvote WC?
The vote count became 5 after that.

ARay added 3 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...


Lynch: MaD

there he had unvoted. SO the vote count was 5. Then there was vote count of only 8.
So he did. I would be very surprised to see two townie double voters. That would weigh in heavily towards the end of the game. Maybe there is one townie double voter and one mafia, and I certainly aint the mafia one.

I'm sticking with my lynch.
Guys lets not get carried away here, Its Spin Vs Shan and one of them is guilty IMO. Treva, your roleclaim clearly states that hMarka is lying but look folks, this is gonna waste a goddamn day and in the end we are gonna end with a no lynch. Lets just stick to Shan-Spin and go for hMarka later, pending whether Shan or Spin ends mafia
I agree with you treva, I do not think zorax will make the game so unbalanced. Which means that hmarka is either cult-aligned or mafia aligned.
So now the my own hitlist of people I want to get is:

Also unlynch:shan. Sorry BKB, but new evidence points in different direction
Bah, just got home, and have to run for a Bday party.

Shantanu is dying it seems. I believe the hammer vote was cast a few pages back, your attempts to lynch hMarka won't work.

And if there was no hammer on SR, then whichever of SR or Spin had majority by 08:00 GMT will die.

So I'll come back home and write this up. In the meanwhile, it is now Night. Send in your roles.

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