Wrestling Mafia- Game Over. Abhas Wins!

Well I do not think the role blocker should not mention whom he blocked directly in any way. I think the best strategy would be now to would be to allow the role blocker to continuously block the same person every night. (If that is possible)

That way mafia can make no kills at night and we get the time needed.
Also notice guys, no activity from the cult. Which means that cult can recruit only every alternate night.
Firstly, Zorax is a moron. Not being able to post for so long is so annoying. :p

Secondly, blake, sup? :) How's it going? So hedger's your buddy right? And someone quite clearly communicated with MaD outside the thread, to confuse us. Nicely done, nicely done. Also, thanks for acknowledging my skills. Clearly I'm cooler.

Right, 12 alive, 5/6 of the remaining are NOT town.

1. blake - Undertaker, trying to bluff us, if you'd posted once and gone away, it would've actually worked, but your constant attempts to bluff us = fail. Hell, with nearly 50% of the remaining characters not town aligned, I reckon we have more than a fair shot of killing somebody anti-town, if people hesitate to put the hammer vote, they're clearly missing something. He has 2 allies - which means there's clearly another alliance, just by looking at the ratio of players.
2. User2010 - Sting. Highly suspicious. Sting never worked for the WWE, but worked for WCW/TNA.
3. mattfb - Can't say.
4. Abhas - I haven't really analysed Abhas this game, but I FOS'd earlier, and I stick to that. Abhas has been relatively quiet...he either has a key town role or he's anti-town.
5. LongLegs - I'm hollow, I chose to carry this post restriction, so that I gain a major survival advantage. It was a choice. And I have been town-riffic. The post restriction should clear me.
6. BKB1991 - Seems town. Can't say 100%, but seems town.
7. hMarka - Not town, afaic.
8. Treva - Split on treva, Randy Orton it seems.
9. ARay - Seems highly townie.
10. TheSpin - See ARay.
11. Hedger_14 - Mafia tbh.
12. Ollie_H - Kurt Angle, hmmm.

Characters confirmed in the write-ups: HHH, HBK, Khali, some woman.

The CEO and the prostitute are clearly non-Mafia. There's Austin, and Hogan too. Hogan is probably cult. Dunno about Austin...JOAT?

There's a cult in this game. Definetely. Well, Hulk Hogan seems to be the leader, and he's probably recruiting TNA wrestlers I think, maybe WCW - but I think Zorax based this on current times. WHICH is why I heavily suspect User2010 and Ollie_H. How can Kurt Angle have no role? Perhaps he didn't at the start, when MaD copied him! But, after he gets recruited, his role appears! I think it's a possibility that can't be ruled out. Hogan is currently in TNA, for those who don't know.

One of treva, hMarka is lying. If one is not, they both are anti-town. Or they're on the same team...and are planning something outrageous.

Of those remaining, I say ARay, The Spin and BKB are alright.

I'm definetely missing 2-3 more town. I haven't really analysed much with my lack of posting.

Lynch: blake

While I do think it's a possibility that he could have that role given, I do think there's a chance someone might slip up and actually hit the hammer vote despite being non-townie. If a townie dies, we'll actually learn a lot, believe it or not(there will be a lot more people cleared of being Mafia you'd think). At most, I believe if the role exists, it'll be only a one-time thing. Take out blake I say.

treva's logic to vote out the Spin just after I posted is highly scummy too. Would've expected better reasoning from treva. But, guess he was in to much of a hurry to throw suspicion on The Spin. Miller/double voter is an interesting claim.

I've quite a strong opinion on the fact that we're missing something from the Night posts. It's not coming to me either, but most the clues we're pointing out are blatantly obvious. There's definetely stuff we're missing out on.

I'm up for a mass character claim too - not role claim. Clearly some people will be forced to fake claim, and it could bring out a lot.
Okay folks we lynch Blake right?

Yes we will lynch blake, but I think since we have two days we should use the majority of the two days discussing the possible two members.
1) hedger- Is definitely a safe mafia lynch.
2) I am not sure about the second mafia. It could be treva, it could also be user2010. *shrugs*

On the plus side, we are getting ollie back soooon. He is very much needed. His analysis will help us immensely. :)

Guys let me remind you, even though blake is a safe lynch, I want a full discussion like we did on day 2.
I am off to sleep for now. Good night. :)
I would assume actually that the CEO kill is separate from the usual maf kill, probably allowed once every alternate night. By leaving him we do limit the mafia killing power, but also we don't know who they are! We can limit his killing power just as well by lynching him!
LL, you make very interesting points about the cult. Definitely need to look up at the write ups again.
Spin, the reason why I am saying that the leader is better to be role blocked is because if he dies, his killing power is transferred to another alive mafia member.

The CEO in this game is the godfather I believe.
Well I do not think the role blocker should not mention whom he blocked directly in any way. I think the best strategy would be now to would be to allow the role blocker to continuously block the same person every night. (If that is possible)

That way mafia can make no kills at night and we get the time needed.
Also notice guys, no activity from the cult. Which means that cult can recruit only every alternate night.

You cant roleblock the same person two nights in a row. I know that cuz thats what usually happens in the previous game (I was the silencer, in LOST Mafia and I couldnt Silence the same person twice) So I think it might be a wise Idea for the Roleblocker to come out forward? Plus, If he doesnt come forward and dies tonight, with the knowledge of the mafia godfather with him, we are back to square one. However, it could turn out to be a bad move though, the mafia know him and if they kill him at night its bad news cuz he is the only one that can protect us from a night kill.

So in total we have how many mafia (including Blake)? I think it is 3. I have a feeling Treva is one, although we need to find out the rest as well. It could be Hedger and if its three mafia other than Blake, we have a problem.

Lynch: Blake
I do not think role blocker should claim in any way. If you want to lynch the godfather, then I think it should be done by the role blocker more subtly. Why should we make it easier for the mafia to get power townie roles?

Btw I keep saying do not hammer blake toooooo sooooon. I want a discussion first, we have two days and we need to use it well to be sure of the third mafia member.
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God damn just lynch him now. he has been found out and admitted it, why the hell do you want to drag this out for two more days. at this rate this game will last past Christmas
Because hmarka, I want to find out who the third mafia is. Its better when we have more townie players in the game. Later on, the players will decrease and so will the number of players present to discuss who the third mafia member is.
Can I sense an impatience inyou to end this day quickly and move into night 3? ;)

ARay added 5 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

And zorax vote count please. I need to ensure everyone knows the count and does not kill blake tooo quickly.
Firstly, Zorax is a moron. Not being able to post for so long is so annoying. :p

Secondly, blake, sup? :) How's it going? So hedger's your buddy right? And someone quite clearly communicated with MaD outside the thread, to confuse us. Nicely done, nicely done. Also, thanks for acknowledging my skills. Clearly I'm cooler.

Right, 12 alive, 5/6 of the remaining are NOT town.

1. blake - Undertaker, trying to bluff us, if you'd posted once and gone away, it would've actually worked, but your constant attempts to bluff us = fail. Hell, with nearly 50% of the remaining characters not town aligned, I reckon we have more than a fair shot of killing somebody anti-town, if people hesitate to put the hammer vote, they're clearly missing something. He has 2 allies - which means there's clearly another alliance, just by looking at the ratio of players.
2. User2010 - Sting. Highly suspicious. Sting never worked for the WWE, but worked for WCW/TNA.
3. mattfb - Can't say.
4. Abhas - I haven't really analysed Abhas this game, but I FOS'd earlier, and I stick to that. Abhas has been relatively quiet...he either has a key town role or he's anti-town.
5. LongLegs - I'm hollow, I chose to carry this post restriction, so that I gain a major survival advantage. It was a choice. And I have been town-riffic. The post restriction should clear me.
6. BKB1991 - Seems town. Can't say 100%, but seems town.
7. hMarka - Not town, afaic.
8. Treva - Split on treva, Randy Orton it seems.
9. ARay - Seems highly townie.
10. TheSpin - See ARay.
11. Hedger_14 - Mafia tbh.
12. Ollie_H - Kurt Angle, hmmm.

Characters confirmed in the write-ups: HHH, HBK, Khali, some woman.

The CEO and the prostitute are clearly non-Mafia. There's Austin, and Hogan too. Hogan is probably cult. Dunno about Austin...JOAT?

There's a cult in this game. Definetely. Well, Hulk Hogan seems to be the leader, and he's probably recruiting TNA wrestlers I think, maybe WCW - but I think Zorax based this on current times. WHICH is why I heavily suspect User2010 and Ollie_H. How can Kurt Angle have no role? Perhaps he didn't at the start, when MaD copied him! But, after he gets recruited, his role appears! I think it's a possibility that can't be ruled out. Hogan is currently in TNA, for those who don't know.

One of treva, hMarka is lying. If one is not, they both are anti-town. Or they're on the same team...and are planning something outrageous.

Of those remaining, I say ARay, The Spin and BKB are alright.

I'm definetely missing 2-3 more town. I haven't really analysed much with my lack of posting.

Lynch: blake

While I do think it's a possibility that he could have that role given, I do think there's a chance someone might slip up and actually hit the hammer vote despite being non-townie. If a townie dies, we'll actually learn a lot, believe it or not(there will be a lot more people cleared of being Mafia you'd think). At most, I believe if the role exists, it'll be only a one-time thing. Take out blake I say.

treva's logic to vote out the Spin just after I posted is highly scummy too. Would've expected better reasoning from treva. But, guess he was in to much of a hurry to throw suspicion on The Spin. Miller/double voter is an interesting claim.

I've quite a strong opinion on the fact that we're missing something from the Night posts. It's not coming to me either, but most the clues we're pointing out are blatantly obvious. There's definetely stuff we're missing out on.

I'm up for a mass character claim too - not role claim. Clearly some people will be forced to fake claim, and it could bring out a lot.

Spot On the stuff out Blake, He is bluffing, I posted the same theory a few pages back.
Austin is the roleblocker, the beer says it all.
The Cult part is the most interesting part. It makes sense. This way the Cult leader, can recruit only TNA/Anti-WWE superstars. I think when he picks User2010, User2010 doesnt have an option cuz he has got a career with TNA and he will join. However it is safe to say he hasnt joined them yet. But surely the one with Hogan role must know that Sting is TNA and he can be recruited. The only guy who knows least in Wrestling here is hMarka. SO he could be the Cult Leader. Likewise for Ollie, I think Ollie will have the opportunity to join the Cult or reject it, cant be too sure about it, cuz he was a wrestler in WWE.
I am pretty sure Treva is mafia, my theory is the main reason. He is too smart a player, and I cant believe anything he says. Hedger is his likely accomplice, but I wont rule out mattfb, he hasnt given anything away.

So My List:

- Me :p
- LongLegs
- ARay??????????
- Mattfb/Hedger
- The Spin
- Abhas????????

- Treva
- Mattfb/Hedger????????
- Blake

- hMarka???????
- Ollie (Not now, but may join)
- User2010 (not Now, but will join)

OK this is our chance to check out whether Treva is the double-voter or not. hMarka I believe that you are the double voter. Why dont we ask Treva to vote and end with exactly just 6 Votes (with Treva voting, and hMarka not, we should be getting the lynch which is set at 7, If treva is true on his claim)

And I dont want to waste too much time on this day. We have got a mafia, lets get it over with. I really dont have the luxury of spending day after day on PC
I hate it in this game when because you are a good player you are immediately 'suspicious'. I am not mafia, I am a better mafia player than townie, I'll admit that, and this is why I am having to defend heavily.

You know what, I may as well do this. I'll be the hammer blow on blake. I'll probably be lynched either way, so if I die then so be it.

Lynch: Blake

treva added 1 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...

Damn, that's only six votes (BKB, LL, me x2, hmarka x2) I'll unlynch and allow ARay to vote first

Unlynch: blake

Go ahead ARay...

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