ICC Chairman
If hMarka is telling the truth, then yes, it should be 7 votes.
Okay hMarka give us more info on your role. I believe you, but it should clear the doubts that people have on Treva.
What more do you want to know? Double voter townie, simple as.
Just check the history for WC and Shantu lynches, do the math
Randy Orton, Egomaniac, Team Face Aligned
A third generation wrestler, you are a 5 time WWE Champion, the 2009 Royal Rumble winner, former member of the Evolution stable and former leader of Legacy. You are young, talented, and destined for big things.
Unfortunately, you can't keep your mouth shut. Your ego and arrogance means that, no matter what you do, you will be the person that the fans will love to hate. Hence, your role is the Miller. Under investigation, you will appear as Anti-Town, despite being townie.
Being a Loudmouth does come with an advantage though, as you are also the Double Voter. Each of your votes count for twice those of a regular vote. This makes your vote twice as important – use it wisely!
You win when the Townies win, if you survive till the end.