Wrestling thread

wwe are so stupid the great khali is the worse wrestler ever he is worse than the big show or the big slow i should say
No that would be awful. And i don't think he will play the Great Khali for anything. If he wins the title back, which looks probable, he will win it off somebody half decent. I hope that Matt Hardy wins the title soon, he would be a great champion.
wwe are so stupid the great khali is the worse wrestler ever he is worse than the big show or the big slow i should say

If you had seen the Big Show when he was at a decent fighting weight you'd know that he was a very good wrestler, even able to wrestle catch as catch can matches.

Sadly injuries and weight gain meant that his ability to wrestle diminished as the years went on.

On the other hand Khali is there for one reason and one reason only. He's big.
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I don't see Vince's obsession with big blokes, often the more talented ones are the smaller more agile ones, like Mr kennedy is a prime example. Those guys never seem to get the proper push.
Because it will be a rubbish match

Latest news is Taker vs. Mark Henry at Unforgiven. That will be rubbish as well
Yes it will be average.

Better than Khali vs Taker though. There would be about as much speed and action in that match as there is in an old peoples home.
I caught raw and Mr Mchmahon was searching for his child and announced that it was a boy. Well then he said to Cena it could be you i may of ... your mum, Cena game him a smack then he ended up playing Snitsky. He won by disqualification when Randy Orton RKOd Cena twice. Kennedy vs Carlito.
King Booker demanded that Jim Ross kiss his ring on Raw as an apology for his negative remarks the week before.
The World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch were upset by high-flyers Paul London & Brian Kendrick in non-title action.

Also, the current Women’s Champion Candice Michelle teamed with Mickie James to defeat Melina & Beth Phoenix in tag-team action. Coming off the announcement of a tri-branded Divas Battle Royal by Regal and a guaranteed title opportunity for the winner, Mickie threw Candice from the ring after the match. Then Melina attacked James and tossed her out to the ringside mat. Finally, Beth Phoenix threw Melina over the top rope to the floor, showing that there will be no friends, only foes, at SummerSlam.

Cody Rhodes continued his winning ways after he converted a Boston Crab attempt by Shelton Benjamin into a small package to gain a pinfall over the Self-Proclaimed World’s Greatest Tag Team member. After the loss, Benjamin and his partner, Charlie Haas, attacked the young Superstar.

However, in a lighter moment on Raw, Maria finally went out on the date with Ron Simmons that she won on The Dating Game two weeks ago. But jealous boyfriend Santino Marella interfered and brought Jillian Hall to the local restaurant as his own date. For his efforts, the increasingly braggadocios Italian got food tossed on his lap. Watch the video...

King Booker demanded that Jim Ross kiss his ring on Raw as an apology for his negative remarks the week before.
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Fortunately, word is that Mark Henry is done with WWE soon, so expect that to be a short sharp Undertaker demolition job.

Yeh, i read these stories, but i can see him renewing his contract eventually. He said that he will retire in 2 years. I hope he goes, hes pretty useless anyway.
I wanna See Khali vs Big Daddy V

Your wish may come true. He is set to come to Smackdown in October in order to take on the big guys, and was only on ECW to build up his monster status. He will also fued with the undertaker.

Undertaker will be facing a slew of large opponents when he returns to the ring this fall.

He's scheduled to make his return at the Unforgiven pay-per-view. He will be facing Mark Henry. Taker will probably be the one to put Henry out of action for good in the storylines as Henry is likely finishing up with WWE when his contract expires in a few weeks.

In a return feud from about 12 years ago, Undertaker will be facing Big Daddy V. Plans have been made to build Big Daddy V up as a monster in ECW, then move him to SmackDown sometime in the fall to feud with the top babyface talents of the brand -- including Undertaker.

Taker is also scheduled to feud with The Great Khali again.

Big Daddy V will likely be moved to SmackDown in October or November to feud with top stars such as Batista and Rey Mysterio. In the meantime, they'll continue to build him up as a monster on ECW. This is more or less a mirror image of what they did with Snitsky before shipping him back to Raw, although Snitsky has yet to work with any top stars.
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