Wrestling thread

personally i think ECW is great i mean where else would athletes like Johnny Nitro(Morrison) and CM Punk and Marcus Cor Von get a well deserved push they certainly wouldn't on RAW or SD
Naa i was saying thats what there gonna do with most of the stars anbd you didnt mention its high devleopmetal status..but lets not argue about it..it is planned for the undertaker to fued with big daddy v when he comes bck (after beating mark henry) and then the wors khali vs taker
(sorry if peolple have already said it)

Sorry i wasnt having a go...

Sorry people, but The Great Khali will not be retaining the title this weekend...and Batista will be winning it back..hooray.
Current plans have Batista taking the title from The Great Khali this weekend at SummerSlam and hold the title until Survivor Series or Armageddon, around the time Edge is set to return. Edge is set to take the title and hold it until WrestleMania 24 where he will defend the title against The Undertaker in the SmackDown main event.
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Hmmm Khali already losing the title, thought WWE would carry on this impossible to beat this beast storyline a bit longer.
Well this is what is appearing all over wrestling news sites.

Also announce teams will possibly change, with JR & Tazz announcing Raw, and Jerry Lawler & Joey Styles on ECW

Just thought id post the Cyber Sunday poster..rumour has it this could be the last one
Cyber Sunday is a great PPV. Whether it is fixed, i wonder.
A 3 hour raw would we packed you wouldn't get bored. I bought the summerslam PPV only because i wanna see King Booker vs. HHH Match up and the return on little rey.
anybody like my sig if it ever come up.
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