Wrestling thread

A 3 hour raw would we packed you wouldn't get bored. I bought the summerslam PPV only because i wanna see King Booker vs. HHH Match up and the return on little rey.
anybody like my sig if it ever come up.

A 3-hour Raw would be boring. They wouldn't be able to come up with 3 hours worth of good stuff, they can't even fill 2 hours with good stuff so they definitely dont have enough wrestlers to fill a good 3-hours
no but it would be like tri branded thing where all are involved like the Draft show
If you are going to have tri-branded episodes of Raw all the time then its a little stupid. Its called Raw because it is for the Raw brand.

They were talking about making every Raw 3-hours. That was a rubbish idea as well
well it depends if you enjoy watching the action on raw. i mean each person thinks differently, some may enjoy watching 3 hours as they enjoy the wrestlers involved:p
Even those people wouldn't like a 3 hour Raw. If you think about it, they could do 2 things with the extra hour:

1. Use it for the top stars. THis would be boring because you would have seen them for most of the 2 hours already, how many things do you want them to do.


2. Use it for the low card guys. This would be boring, for those fans who like Raw, because they wouldn't care about who those guys are because they are unknowns.

So it would be a bad move either way
I think you're underestimating the strength of the Raw Roster. Sure it wouldn't work on Smackdown as there isn't enough depth there. On Raw though, you have guys like Benjamin and London/Kendrick who wrestle very rarely, not to mention the fact that it could be used to boost the Tag Division and give more talent a chance to have longer matches.
The problem is that guys like Londrick and Benjamin probably wouldnt be the guys given that time. If WWE wanted them to be up at the top then they would be by now, but they are nowhere near. Benjamin especially has been mishandled, he had clean wins over Triple H and still wasn't given a proper push.

We would probably see the time wasted on the next big monster guy
Just watching TNA and those title belts sound like a load of tin cans when he puts them down on the floor. :D
shelton benjamin should be higher up the cards but actually he shot his self in the foot because he refusues to do promos which means he will never get to the top
Shelton is very athletic and talented. He deserves better. London and Kendrick are incredibly talented also. I think Vince just doesnt like high flyers and instead prefers big musclemen like Batista and Lashley.
I've had enough of shelling out £15 for these events that are nearly always rubbish anyway! I mean, isn't it enough that we have to pay nearly £40 for Sky, without paying extra for these damn events?
That's what I don't understand. Sometimes they're free and sometimes they're not. A few years ago, Wrestlemania was free, for God's sake!! What they've started doing, is making the rubbish ECW PPVs free, so they can charge us more often for the WWE ones.
Summerslam looks worth £15 to me. Should be great.
i would get it but im not sure how to get it in singapore...i nearly always get the big four but miss out on summerslam cos im in singapore.

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