Wrestling thread

This is aimed at all people, who have been debating TNA/WWE youngsters.

Both promotions are at a critical point. They have people, who have reached their peak and now they have to wind down a bit, and help put the potential over. For the two, I mean:

WWE (Past Peak) - Cena, HHH, Taker (even though I adore him), Flair, Michaels (possibly)

TNA (Past Peak) - Angle, Sting (don't flame me), Cage (not too sure), Nash, Hall

I wouldn't say critical. I'd say both are at risk of going too far and need to move on, but there are plenty of people who can fill the void if given the chance. The future ones you mentioned look ok to me, perhaps a few more from both camps though, it the 'past peak' ones that I'm not so sure of.

For WWE, I agree with 'Taker, Michaels and Flair, Flair being about 10 years ago. But Cena and HHH? Cena no way in my view, he's going to get better with experience, you can see he's improved a lot in the last few years in my view. Regarding HHH I'd say he's in his prime, while obviously not a guy for the long term future, he is still one of the best in the world today.

For TNA, Nash and Hall are the same as flair, Sting is also agreed with. But Cage, like Cena is still going to get better in my view. I think he has a bit of pressure on him with the fact that he's one of the big names in my view. As for Angle, I'd say he's also still very, very good on his day. It's just that his days of being past his peak could be very soon as they depend on his all too brittle body.
Well...anyway...its Survivor Series in about an hour. Its going to be great.
CM Punk def. Miz & Morrison

Face Divas def. Heel Divas

Cade & Murdoch def. Holly & Rhodes

Elimination Match...(No Matt Hardy, so 5 vs. 4)
Kane Eliminated(5 vs. 3)
Rey Eliminated(5 vs. 2)
MVP Eliminated (4 vs. 2)
Kennedy Eliminated(3 vs. 2)
Big Daddy V Eliminated(2 vs. 2)
Finlay Eliminated(1 vs. 2)
Umaga Eliminated(0 vs. 2)

The survivors Triple H & Jeff Hardy.
Winners Team Triple H (HHH, Kane, Rey, Jeff Hardy)

Great Khali def. Hornswoggle (DQ)
Finlay interfered and hit Khali with several chairshots, while Vince and Shane sat at ringside sticking up for Hornswoggle.

Randy Orton def. Shawn Micheals.

Batista def. Undertaker.
Mixed battle and great fight between the pair. Undertaker took spears and spinebusters and kicked out, and then got a Batista Bomb through the table and kicked out again. Tombstoned Batista, who kicked out. Tombstoned him again onto steel steps, 1,2, ref pulled out of ring and Edge returns, he has under a wig and was the cameraman. He threw his camera down and attacked the undertaker with a conchairto onto the steel steps, then pulling Batista over Taker for the pin. He then attacked Taker with a chair after the match.

One thing, with it being a hell in a cell, e.g no rules, couldn't Edge have actually won, if he pinned Taker or Batista?

Good to see Edge back anyway, he looks more muscular than last time and looks well.
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How can Hornswoggle have won via DQ if Khali was attacked?
Survivor Series was the best PPV I've seen for ages, definitely worth the money! The Michaels/Orton match was worth the admission price alone! I'm disappointed that prat Orton won, if HBK could've used his finisher, he'd have beaten Orton easily!
Yes true, but i doubt HBK will ever become champion. Firstly, he doesn't do house shows anymore, secondly he wants to give it to younger guys and get them well known. He has refused reigns before.
I went to WWE.com to watch it because I do like Y2J and there was something which struck me. The major difference between Y2J's debut and this "2nd Coming" is that this time the crowd was totally flat. WWE's crowd didn't seem to give a damn about it and especially when he was talking after his entrance.
I thought that. But after watching it, they really did get going, and went a bit mad towards the end.

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