Wrestling thread

Funny, people was getting exited that booker t is joining TNA, i'm like "thank God, he's out of wwe!!!", seriously never liked him.he was surely chump for sometime....i mean sorry Champ for sometime... but look at the champ now. Batista...wow what a difference between the two.now u know y booker t quit wwe. theres too much muscle that he cant handle!! and regarding oldies , Undertaker still rules smackdown but vince is smart, he doesnt let young stars stay in shadows. thats what makes wwe rule!!plus huge stars like the Rock, Stone Cold all are products of wwe.. i doubt such fame for any TNA star.
Funny, people was getting exited that booker t is joining TNA, i'm like "thank God, he's out of wwe!!!", seriously never liked him.he was surely chump for sometime....i mean sorry Champ for sometime... but look at the champ now. Batista...wow what a difference between the two.now u know y booker t quit wwe. theres too much muscle that he cant handle!! and regarding oldies , Undertaker still rules smackdown but vince is smart, he doesnt let young stars stay in shadows. thats what makes wwe rule!!plus huge stars like the Rock, Stone Cold all are products of wwe.. i doubt such fame for any TNA star.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Another misgided WWE fanboy.

Your Chump remark was... "hilarious"

I agree with you on the next point though, there is a massive difference between Booker T and Batista. Batista is a steroid freak who has no wrestling talent, whereas Booker T is one of the best to get into a ring.

Too much muscle in WWE? Yep, too much muscle due to too many steroid freaks. Vince seems to have some love for heavily muscled men, the amount of them he has around. Should get more talent over muscle

You say that although Taker is ruling, Vince "doesn't let young stars stay in the shadows". Which talented young stars have WWE been pushing lately? I cant see many at all. MVP at a push, but not really any more. Once HHH, Shawn Michaels, Taker etc. retire, which will be sooner rather than later, WWE have no young talent to replace them.

In conclusion, WWE are going to continue going downhill, fast
Chez, why didn't TNA take Jericho back. He wanted to get back into wrestling and went to see TNA before he even apporached WWE. They had a prime chance to take a massive, massive star. And they didn't.
Are you calling me a WWE Fanboy Chez?

I was talking to rajthepianist. He was making no sense unlike you.

Chez, why didn't TNA take Jericho back. He wanted to get back into wrestling and went to see TNA before he even apporached WWE. They had a prime chance to take a massive, massive star. And they didn't.

I honestly don't know. He might have rejected, which would seem likely to me seeing as he has a good relationship with WWE. He made plenty of jokes and references to joining TNA, but never quite did. obviously it would have been great if they did sign him
Yes it would. It would have brought them tonnes of WWE fans for sure. I read that Jericho refused because of an insulting offer. How true that is i don't know.

One thing is for sure, he's coming back to WWE.
Seriously Spin, what damage can a spinorooni ever do to someone? even girls have better moves than those. booker t was good before but after he was crowned KOTR he started all that "royality" stuff, "king Booker" crap , he just ruined the image he created. the only thing royal about him was that he was "a royal pain in the A$$". and triple h aint that old to retire either. plus wwe still got loads of talent, starting with john cena. wwe is never going downhill. lets see how long TNA can hang on.its not even close to wcw.
So your saying that Triple H might go to TNA. Thats about as likely as your posts being proper english. He's married to Stephanie McMahon, Vince's daughter you bafoon.

Here are my views on TNA.
1.They have a lot of talent which they can use to good effect and get more fans.
2.They are catching up WWE, and WWE need to do something fast to improve.
3. They need more money in order to claw back the difference on WWE for sure.

Now, my views on WWE.
1. They need to stop favouring RAW so much and make the brands a little more equal.
2. ECW, needs changing, and needs more talent in order to succeed. It also needs to be more extreme like the old ECW, in order to get the old fans back.
3. WWE have quite a lot of good young talent...
Shelton Benjamin, Lance Cade, Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Mr Kennedy, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Bobby Lashley, Deuce, Domino, Matt Hardy, Jesse, The Majors, Jamie Noble, MVP, Jimmy Wang Yang, Gregory Helms, Elijah Burke, CM Punk,John Morrison Kevin Thorn, Umaga... pretty much all of these could be used better and the amount of talent they have is really amazing.
4. They also have some of the best "older" guys out there...
Shawn Micheals, Triple H, John Cena, Batista, Kane, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Edge, Chavo, Big Daddy V, Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards. I think most of these stars are being used well but could be used with younger stars more to get the younger stars noticed. I also think the ones from ECW could be more extreme and get back some of the old ECW fans, rather than this WWECW trash.
5. They have a few guys who need scrapping altogether from the roster, because they cannot wrestle and are just there because they are huge or strong, or people who can't actually wrestle, this includes older guys who are well past their sell by date.
Santino Marella, Jim Duggan, The Highlanders, Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, Kenny Dykstra, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, Ric Flair (sorry, i think he should only make occasional appearances), Funaki.

I think that if all of these changes were made, and some new talent was brought in from the development territories and some more exciting matches, rather than just one or two per card thenWWE would be a better place, and would probably see off the challenge from TNA.
Seriously Spin, what damage can a spinorooni ever do to someone? even girls have better moves than those. booker t was good before but after he was crowned KOTR he started all that "royality" stuff, "king Booker" crap , he just ruined the image he created. the only thing royal about him was that he was "a royal pain in the A$$". and triple h aint that old to retire either. plus wwe still got loads of talent, starting with john cena. wwe is never going downhill. lets see how long TNA can hang on.its not even close to wcw.

Mate, you're digging yourself a hole. Chez is gonna have a field day here.

First of all, no wrestling moves cause damage unless it's badly performed/the wrestler isn't very good. Booker T doesn't have the King Booker gimmick in TNA (not that I know of. I haven't seen TNA in a while). John Cena is not talent. John Cena is a terrible wrestler, whose reign as champ went on far too long. As Chez pointed out earlier, WWE's young talent doesn't really compare with TNA's, so when Triple H, Shawn Michaels etc retire, they won't really have much to fall back on, seeing as they don't really use their good young talent too well, and will end up using Cena and some other rubbish wrestlers.

sd92 said:
3. WWE have quite a lot of good young talent...
Shelton Benjamin, Lance Cade, Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Mr Kennedy, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Bobby Lashley, Deuce, Domino, Matt Hardy, Jesse, The Majors, Jamie Noble, MVP, Jimmy Wang Yang, Gregory Helms, Elijah Burke, CM Punk,John Morrison Kevin Thorn, Umaga... pretty much all of these could be used better and the amount of talent they have is really amazing.

Don't forget the development.

Paul Burchall, Colt Cabana, Matt Sydal, Ace Steel (34) to name a few. But, TNA do outweigh WWE in young talent. Deuce and Domino aren't really talented. Not compared to Elijah Burke, CM Punk etc.
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I think it will be interesting to see what happens when Vince retires. It will be handed over to Shane, Stephanie, Triple H and Shawn Micheals. But the question is, what will they do with it? Improve?

First of all, no wrestling moves cause damage unless it's badly performed/the wrestler isn't very good.

That is the reason Kevin Thorn is currently inactive. He botched a move on ECW against KC James and could have seriously hurt him. So he is being punished by Vince for it.
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There have been many times I've shelled out ?15 for a WWE PPV, only to be disappointed and ?15 poorer. Are you guys ordering Survivor Series and do you think it'll be worth it?
I am. I have ordered every PPV for 2 years. Hell in a cell is going to be great, Triple H is going to kick ass, CM Punk's match is going to be a good one. Some others which will be good too.

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