Well, was Destination X on Bravo last night, and guess what, it was another TNA PPV that desperately needed the X Division + Kurt Angle to save the show. TBP vs Taylor, Roxxi and the Govenor was a pretty lame match, saved by Velvet Sky looking incredibly hot. Then we had Brutus Magnus vs Eric Young in what was one of the most botch filled matches I've seen for a long time. Brutus may be decent on the mic, and have some potential, but that match with EY was a shocker.
This was followed by a purely awful little angle which gave fans the chance to win a night with ODB. JB clearly thought it was his audition for a talk show, Shark Boy's Stone Cold gimmick is awful and the other 2 entrants were terrible. Awful TV. Then we had Morgan vs Abyss, which could have been good, but actually got less time than their last match, which was very soon after Morgan had an operation on his shoulder =/ Pretty poor showing.
Kong vs Sojo was very meh. Sojo's not over with the crowd much at all, and it was a pretty boring match. Then we had a 1 minute match between Joe and Steiner, which was ended almost instantly as Joe went mad with Steiner's steel pipe getting disqualified. They then just ran through the iMPACT zone before the cameras lost them, very bad.
AJ vs Booker for the Legends Title followed. Was an OK match, Booker and AJ put on a good show, and it was easily the best match of the show so far. Was good to see AJ winning the Legends title, and hopefully it'll set up a match with Sting for the World Title. We then got a chance to see the ever entertaining Beer Money Inc in their off the wagon challenge match against Team 3D. The match ended as Beer Money got themselves intentionally disqualified, Cornette restarted the match and then Beer Money just got themselves counted out. Why restart the match and then just end it even more stupidly a few seconds later. Just sums up TNA really. Ludicrous.
Then we had the best match of the night, the Ultimate X which was a fantastic spot fest as always. Daniels performed well as Suicide, although you could tell it was him under the suit, as some of the mannerisms had Daniels written all over them. The big Suicide Dive at the end was fantastic, and was a perfect spot to end a very good match. Not the greatest Ultimate X of all-time, but still easily the best match of the night.
Main Event was ok. Ruined by Jarrett and Foley sticking their noses into the Main Event once again. Jarrett's turning TNA into a cheap WCW knock-off. The writing staff are seemingly getting worse, and Sting's still got the World Title which is ridiculous considering he doesn't do House Shows. Angle performed well, but the end was so predictable.
Overall, pretty shite PPV from TNA, saved by AJ Styles and the Ultimate X. Without AJ and the Ultimate X it'd have been a woeful PPV. Typical TNA.