Wrestling thread

The following preview is from the official website of the Charlotte Bobcats Arena - the venue hosting the RAW brand's June PPV, Vengeance.

World Wrestling Entertainment?s? (WWE) Vengeance, a live, pay-per-view event Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 7:45 p.m. with tickets on sale Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.

Superstars scheduled to appear:
Charlotte?s own?RIC FLAIR
And many more!
Line-up subject to change.


Last week, an advertisement on the official Viewers Choice (PPV provider) website says that D-Generation X will be reuniting at the upcoming Raw brand pay-per-view Vengeance. The preview was changed after WWE management found out it had been posted already. They were said to be extremely upset that the upcoming storyline information had leaked online.

satishmania said:
What happened to Jonathan Coachman (Coach)?

Taken From wwe.com

If you watched RAW Monday night, you got quite a show from the announcers. But amidst all the controversy with Joey Styles, the one thing everyone seems to have glossed over is that Jonathan Coachman was nowhere to be found.

So where was Coach? Well, no one?s seen or heard from him in almost two weeks, since he stormed out of RAW in London after being assaulted by Viscera. If you noticed Coach was missing from RAW, well, it wasn?t a vacation; he was a complete no-show. No one, from Mr. McMahon on down, has any idea where Coach is. In fact, his family hasn?t heard from him, nor have any of his friends.

Because of his recent disappearance, Coach will NOT be in the broadcast booth for this week?s edition of WWE.com HEAT. The WWE Television Production brass had no other choice, and has announced that Todd Grisham will be flying solo this week on HEAT whether Coach surfaces or not.

While it will be Grisham?s first shot at tackling a show by himself, it won?t be the first time an announcer has done a show on his own. Former RAW lead announcer Joey Styles did commentary for hundreds of ECW shows on his own, and if you want to count it, there has been the occasional segment on RAW or SmackDown in the past where one member of the team had to take care of business by themselves.

Even though he?s not exactly a pioneer, Grisham was excited about it when I talked to him about it today. ?I?m excited about it, even though it?s uncharted territory for me,? he told me. ?I?m just glad the company has enough faith in me to give me this opportunity and I?ll do my best.?

Regardless of the opportunity he?s been presented, even Grisham is worried about Coach. ?When you ask me where he is, normally I?d say check the nearest gentlemen?s club,? he joked, ?but seriously, I don?t know. We?re actually friends, believe it or not, and I usually talk to him once a day. But, I haven?t seen or heard from him either.?
Jonathan Coachman isn't missing of course, he's just taking a little time off. WWE intends to bring him back, but not as a commentator. Rumours are he'll be the manager of Shelton Benjamin.
andrew_nixon said:
Jonathan Coachman isn't missing of course, he's just taking a little time off. WWE intends to bring him back, but not as a commentator. Rumours are he'll be the manager of Shelton Benjamin.
That could work out well, Shelton lacks that bit of charisma he needs to make it big. The Coach is the missing piece in his puzzle :D
andrew_nixon said:
Jonathan Coachman isn't missing of course, he's just taking a little time off. WWE intends to bring him back, but not as a commentator. Rumours are he'll be the manager of Shelton Benjamin.

but why banjamin needs him? where is her mama gone?
whom do you think will win king of the ring?

My Guesses

Lashley = 25%
Booker T = 40%
Finlay = 35%

What do you guys think?
I am putting my money on Lashley. Simply because the WWE is pushing him like hell, and they've always used KOTR to try and put midcarders onto the main event. Kurt Angle is a prime example.
Finlay is old. No reason for the WWE to give him that sort of promotion. I seriously doubt that they're thinking of pushing him to the Main Event.

Lashley on the other hand is a serious prospect for the WWE. He is a winner of 3 national championships while at college, and has been a top OVW draw for a while. He has been pushed hard on Smackdown over the past few months and is young and can be a big star.
Viewing from this angle, it should be Lashley. I think it should be either Finlay or Lashley.

andrew_nixon said:
Jonathan Coachman isn't missing of course, he's just taking a little time off. WWE intends to bring him back, but not as a commentator. Rumours are he'll be the manager of Shelton Benjamin.

Such things happens quite often in WWE. For instance: Paul Heyman was initially managing wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle , Big Show, etc. Then he disappeared for sometimes. And then returned to WWE as Smack Down general manager.
Got to be Lashley. Although I think Booker T deserves another push, I think they'll use the tournament to elevate Lashley. He just needs to work on his promo skills. Finlay is primarily being used to make other guys look good, I doubt he'll get a serious main event push. His semi-final against Lashley should be a damn good match though.
I don't think it will be Booker T. WWE always gives a push to rising superstars in PPVs like King of the Ring and Royal Rumble.

Anybody knows what happened to Chris Jerricho?

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