Wrestling thread

If HHH does win the title at Backlash, he'd have to drop it shortly anyway, as I think his baby is due at the end of June. I'd much rather see HHH in an ECW match, as he has shown he can wrestle that style, whereas JBL these days is just a fat git with nowhere near as much talent as he used to have. It was funny watching Smackdown the other night where the London crowd were chanting "you fat bas tard" at him.
BTW, the WWE rumours that RVD will wrestle JBL at Backlash have been nixed or at least not confirmed. In fact it is 99% likely that RVD will fight for the WWE title instead of the World title.

Just some info

HHH or JBl watch out as RVD will be going Extreme on you at ECW.
Another big news this week that WWE and Brock has Settle there issues i think soon or late in this year we will be seeing Brock back in the WWE ring.
faraz haider said:
HHH or JBl watch out as RVD will be going Extreme on you at ECW.
Another big news this week that WWE and Brock has Settle there issues i think soon or late in this year we will be seeing Brock back in the WWE ring.
No we won't as both WWE and Brock Lesnar have said that they don't want to work together again.
No we won't as both WWE and Brock Lesnar have said that they don't want to work together again.

Such statements are retracted daily in wrestling, aren't they? Bret Hart had pledged never to step into a WWE ring again and he did make an appearance to be inducted into the HOF.
Ritwik said:
Such statements are retracted daily in wrestling, aren't they? Bret Hart had pledged never to step into a WWE ring again and he did make an appearance to be inducted into the HOF.

Yes these are statement which are retracted in westling Like Sting says he will not be in TNA ring and after a month he is back.
Do you guys think HBK will retire soon?

Why though ... he can still go in the ring and has been very entertaining the past few months. His feud with Mcmahon has been well played out.

Unless he has a severe falling out with Vince, HBK is likely to stick around awhile, since he can be an excellent trainer/mentor for newer WWE stars at their training camps as well as OVW and DSW.
Will Edge Be New Hardcore Legend?

i think wwe making him a new hardcore legend, because if he beat Foley next week on raw under the barbwire, the rated R star will really become a Hardcore Legend.

Why HHH Can't Win at Backlash?

I don't belive my eyes when i see that champ was still thee on raw, since i didn't watch backlash but see raw today, and i don't think John cena deserve to be a champion after wrestlemania but some how he get through it, but i don't what is wwe next storyline since cena uptill the champ, can't belive it on wwe storyliners how can they do this when the crowd is not loving cena.
Is DGenerationX in making again?

anyone who see last night witness a stare between HHH and Micheal, and since vince is un happy of fact that HHH cant finist the job of refree and He should really became mad after seeing Micheal saving Cena. so what my point is that now Vince is unhappy with Both hhh and micheal and he may put them together as a tag team against Spirit squad and if it really happens than no one can stop them of making D generation x again.
DX back.That's cool.

I was studying the the structures of the faces of Boogeyman and the guy who used to come to SD wearing white clothes and with a white cross(can't remember his name).Looks like the two are one and same.Not 100% sure about that.

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