Wrestling thread

andrew_nixon said:
1. Because he isn't actually that good a wrestler.
2. Because he's being pushed way too much, the same way as the Rock was in his days as Rocky Maivia.
But there are huge amount of fans for Cena.
ritwik said:
The last time Triple H played face(during the invasion angle IIRC) it bombed very badly.
HHH also played face after winning the 2002 royal rumble and then beatin Chris Jericho for the Undisputed WWE championship at Wrestlemania 18...
The majority of the WWE fans (especially the "smart" fans) can't stand the guy, for the reasons I said, hence the boos.
Hey Andrew, I expected better of you.;) Don't spoil the incomparable word please. Its SMARK (that is a Smart Mark), where a mark is a casual wrestling fan, who usually believes what happens on the shows is genuine.
ritwik said:
Hey Andrew, I expected better of you.;) Don't spoil the incomparable word please. Its SMARK (that is a Smart Mark), where a mark is a casual wrestling fan, who usually believes what happens on the shows is genuine.
Yeah, I meant smark, was rushing my typing......

Although the smarts probably don't like him much either.
Waht more do you want from him? He may not be the greatest "technical wrestler" but he's beat the best in the business. He's done wonders both on RAW and Smackdown and the crowd fancy him. He's regained the WWE Title against Edge and Defended it against Kurt Angle and Triple H (the best "technical wrestlers"- HHH & Angle). He has a determination nobody has and always emerges from the ruins to add another victory to his kitty.

P.S. I support HHH not Cena but I know Cena's the next legend. Don't go ballistic on me, it's my opinion and everybody's entitled to their opinion and that applies to me as well.
Cena is getting boooed .Also RAW is becoming boring now-a-days .Need some great wrestlers back on RAW.What about Goldberg where is he?? and Jerico is fired any chances that he may come back ??
btw anyone has John Cena's new theme music??
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shravi said:
Waht more do you want from him? He may not be the greatest "technical wrestler" but he's beat the best in the business. He's done wonders both on RAW and Smackdown and the crowd fancy him. He's regained the WWE Title against Edge and Defended it against Kurt Angle and Triple H (the best "technical wrestlers"- HHH & Angle).
He only beat them because it was in the script. You can't look at win/loss records when deciding who is a good wrestler or not.

gamerkid22 said:
btw anyone has John Cena's new theme music??
It'll be on an album soon, if it isn't already.
Gyaan_Guru said:
Where can i get Cena's "My time is now"?
Help please.
On the "You Can't See Me" album.
andrew_nixon said:
He only beat them because it was in the script. You can't look at win/loss records when deciding who is a good wrestler or not.

If you did, Goldberg would be the best wrestler ever with his winning streak in WcW. :p
Cena is getting boooed .Also RAW is becoming boring now-a-days .Need some great wrestlers back on RAW.What about Goldberg where is he?? and Jerico is fired any chances that he may come back ??
btw anyone has John Cena's new theme music??
Jericho is on "hiatus" from the wrestling business, as he's said that he just wants to focus on other things at the present time. He also said that the only company he'll consider if he wants to come back is the WWE.

If you want to see good wrestlers (who actually get TV time, unlike in WWE with a very few exceptions) start watching TNA ...
hey guys is DX Generation is again in making.
from sources and by seeing wrestlemania i got that triple h and shawn micheal both uses DX sign in there respective matches.
can any one confirm this?
faraz haider said:
hey guys is DX Generation is again in making.
from sources and by seeing wrestlemania i got that triple h and shawn micheal both uses DX sign in there respective matches.
can any one confirm this?
The bigger news is that there are rumours of WWE re-starting ECW.

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