Wrestling thread

The bigger news is that there are rumours of WWE re-starting ECW.
Really? Please tell me its with Paul Heyman in charge. It would be a travesty if it has someone other than Heyman at the top.

Paul Heyman unencumbered by financial burderns is gold -- just see recent OVW tapes for proof !
ritwik said:
Really? Please tell me its with Paul Heyman in charge. It would be a travesty if it has someone other than Heyman at the top.

Paul Heyman unencumbered by financial burderns is gold -- just see recent OVW tapes for proof !
Apparantly Paul Heyman and Tommy Dreamer will be in charge.
There are two big news.

Sources: Wwe.com/ Rajah.com

1> Dave Scherer is reporting that WWE has made the decision to bring back Extreme Championship Wrestling as a full time entity. While all of the details remain sketchy, WWE has already sent contracts out to several former ECW talents in order to bring them in for the return of the promotion. Early reports indicate that WWE is targeting September as the date to bring ECW back full time.

There is a possibility that it will take over current OVW territory and would get matches on RAW and/or SmackDown in some manner. Former ECW owner Paul Heyman and hardcore legend Tommy Dreamer will be booking ECW.

2>World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. and former WWE Champion Brock Lesnar have mutually agreed to settle a lawsuit that has been pending over the past year in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut.

Lesnar, who originally filed the lawsuit against WWE in February 2005 asking the court to declare his non-competition agreement unenforceable, has decided not to discuss the details of the settlement agreement due to its confidentiality.

WWE is very pleased with the outcome of the litigation, and believes that the settlement agreement appropriately protects WWE's substantial investment in Brock Lesnar's wrestling character.
uh oh ... the ecw news is from Rajah.com.

It probably means that they're going to have another One Night Stand "ecw-style" ppv (which is confirmed; the odds are on for RVD to use his MITB and win the title!) rather than a full blown ECW re-emergence.

An ECW emergence, if it happens could be a good move for the WWE since they can promote it on an equal footing to TNA and effectively kill TNA by using the "hardcore" approach which has quite a few takers. As an added bonus they can 'control' the growth of ECW as so that it never threatens WWE and acts as a potent 'indy-killer' for them.
ritwik said:
uh oh ... the ecw news is from Rajah.com.

It probably means that they're going to have another One Night Stand "ecw-style" ppv (which is confirmed; the odds are on for RVD to use his MITB and win the title!) rather than a full blown ECW re-emergence.

An ECW emergence, if it happens could be a good move for the WWE since they can promote it on an equal footing to TNA and effectively kill TNA by using the "hardcore" approach which has quite a few takers. As an added bonus they can 'control' the growth of ECW as so that it never threatens WWE and acts as a potent 'indy-killer' for them.
I've seen the ECW news on a few sites now, including the usually accurate Slam! Wrestling. WWE have also sent contracts out to several former ECW stars, including Sandman, Justin Credible and Balls Mahoney. They've also poached Sabu from TNA, who has announced that he has signed a contract on his official website.
Yep, shame for TNA they're on the rise and would use Sabu better than the WWE would. Also they would slow down his in ring ability, they prefer slower type matches than fast X-Division type of TNA. I wish it was WcW who was returning though :(
Yeah I've done some checking around and this seems to be *confirmed* - atleast at this stage.

But I am worried about the fact that they should not just sign the ecw veterans - most of them are now too old or too wasted to carry a promotion. Some of the younger guys currently at OVW like CM Punk and Chad Wicks would fit very well. They should give new guys a chance, and ECW could go back in some ways to being the place which made the characters that WWE later bought!
ritwik said:
But I am worried about the fact that they should not just sign the ecw veterans - most of them are now too old or too wasted to carry a promotion. Some of the younger guys currently at OVW like CM Punk and Chad Wicks would fit very well. They should give new guys a chance, and ECW could go back in some ways to being the place which made the characters that WWE later bought!
A few of the rumours suggest that it could replace or complement OVW. I expect it will be a mixture of ECW veterans, the top OVW wrestlers, and some under-used wrestlers from the WWE main roster.
Yeah I am aware of that, and WWE can maybe do without OVW now that they also have DSW as a development territory ? And ECW, if revived, is also likely to provide already-made stars ripe for the WWE to pick.

All in all, I am pretty optimistic about it. I am particularly interested in how the WWE position it as regards to TNA.
Some more ECW related news: An arena in Ohio is advertising a WWE v ECW event for the 7th of June. Also WWE are in negotiations to use the old ECW Arena for an ECW house show on the 24th of June.
More ECW news: Spoilers there that Rvd will use his money in the bank against JBL challanging him for World heavyweight championship this shows that Rey will lost his belt against Jbl and then Rvd will challange him on ecw2.

Judgement day Main event announced Jbl vs Rey
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i'm sorry, but i h8 WWE, its soooo fake!
andrew_nixon said:
Makes sense, as JBL has legit heat with ECW, after punching Blue Meanie for real at last years event.

Well Ecw has got a history with Jbl and Edge as they were part of last year PPV and they were against Ecw. but since Jbl was the captain of that team of Wwe so i think,

Jbl vs Rvd(chances 40%)
Hhh VS Rvd(chances 35%)
Edge Vs Rvd(chances 25%)

This is what i think of chances of Rvd facing to these three men and i dont think cena will be there because of his in-ring bad abalities because if he will be in mainevent of Ecw Ppv i think People will booooooo him from start of the match till end.

Give your suggestion about my above Statements.
Makes sense, as JBL has legit heat with ECW, after punching Blue Meanie for real at last years event.

It sucks since when they're finally going to put the title on RVD he'll be defeating JBL whose upper mid card at best. Something like a "franchise player of WWE vs franchise player of ECW" (like RVD vs HHH) would have been much cooler, particularly since Trips has been very entertaining since his return.

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