Wrestling thread

You mean the vampire dude Gangrel?

Gangrel is short white and chubby.

Boogeyman is tall brown and muscular.
kuttakumar said:
DX back.That's cool.

I was studying the the structures of the faces of Boogeyman and the guy who used to come to SD wearing white clothes and with a white cross(can't remember his name).Looks like the two are one and same.Not 100% sure about that.
Boogeyman is the only character the guy has ever portrayed in WWE.
andrew_nixon said:
I think it's reasonably safe to assume that RVD will be going to the new ECW.
Ya even i think so and WWE will reduce its roster by sending some of its superstars to ECW...this way WWE will have just one undisputed WWE champion and tag champions as before 2002..do u guys think so too?
satishmania said:
Ya even i think so and WWE will reduce its roster by sending some of its superstars to ECW...this way WWE will have just one undisputed WWE champion and tag champions as before 2002..do u guys think so too?
I think they'll keep the separate champions for now at least.
yes they will keep the belts seperate.

The office of the Chairman of WWE has announced Joey Styles' replacement at the RAW announce booth is none other than stonecold pal JR.
faraz haider said:
yes they will keep the belts seperate.

The office of the Chairman of WWE has announced Joey Styles' replacement at the RAW announce booth is none other than stonecold pal JR.
Oh wow, I didn't see that one coming. [/sarcasm]
Ritwik said:
And styles would be going to the new ECW I presume.

Hoping he'll do better there than what he did on RAW.
To be fair to Styles he was expected to change his Style a lot for RAW. The promo he did on the last edition did contain a certain degree of truth to it.
but i think what he says on last raw was just preplanned, he uses his speech to through first stone on wwe from ecw. and it will set a match between WWE vs ECW.
faraz haider said:
but i think what he says on last raw was just preplanned, he uses his speech to through first stone on wwe from ecw. and it will set a match between WWE vs ECW.
It was pre-planned, although it was written by Joey Styles himself, and does reflect his real life feelings. It is what is known as a "worked shoot".
Main Event For ECW One Night Stand PPV Revealed

According to Dave Meltzer, the decision is final and John Cena will be Rob Van Dam?s opponent in the main event match at the ECW One Night Stand PPV this June.

Apparently WWE will be using this opportunity to officially turn John Cena heel after being booed by fans for months. It also appears that this will be when RVD will cash in his ?Money In The Bank? title shot, thus indicating that Cena will continue to retain the WWE Heavyweight Championship.

Source: Rajah.com

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