Wrestling thread

andrew_nixon said:
Got to be Lashley. Although I think Booker T deserves another push

Actually Booker T has an outside chance, since I read at some wrestling forum a while back that he might be given a last world title run before he retires/becomes semi-active.

But Lashley would definitely be the more logical choice, unless the WWE is planning for some kind of surprise or interference which might take the storyline forward.
Ritwik said:
Actually Booker T has an outside chance, since I read at some wrestling forum a while back that he might be given a last world title run before he retires/becomes semi-active.
I guess that is a possibility, as Smackdown is currently very short of top stars. Orton is suspended (and may not even come back), Angle is injured, Mark Henry is just plain crap and apparantly Mysterio is wrestling with two dodgy knees. Undertaker is the only top star they have who is fit, and he's working a reduced schedule anyway. Booker T is the only former WCW star who has actually stuck with the company since the take-over, and after helping to elevate the Boogieman the way he did, he deserves something!
Yeah, Booker was good during the whole Boogeyman skit. And I am sure he'll make a better World Heavyweight champion than Mysterio.
Booker wont have a world title in wwe, i dont think that vince sees him as whc material. shame because he is a great wrestler.
Ritwik said:
Yeah, Booker was good during the whole Boogeyman skit. And I am sure he'll make a better World Heavyweight champion than Mysterio.

quite right, i agree with it. booker has good better ring skills than rey. i think jbl will beat mysterio on judgement day, and then jbl start his title old days, that means he will hold the title to 3-4 month and then lossing to the king of the ring finalist. because i dont think jbl would like to hold this belt for one ppv and loosing to king of the ring finalist.
Darrend1234 said:
Booker wont have a world title in wwe, i dont think that vince sees him as whc material. shame because he is a great wrestler.
Nah he doesn't :mad:

Probably due to his WcW days in the Monday night wars. I loved the Boogeyman-Booker skit :hpraise
Yorkshire_No1 said:
Nah he doesn't :mad:

Probably due to his WcW days in the Monday night wars. I loved the Boogeyman-Booker skit :hpraise

yes i love Boogeyman-Booker skit too but i dont think thee was need of shermal to be introduce in the match against him at wrestlemania.
satishmania said:
Why has Randy Orton been suspended?
No-one really knows, but rumour has it that it is due to his attitude towards the women involved with the company. Some people think that if it wasn't for his main event status, he'd have been fired long ago.
andrew_nixon said:
No-one really knows, but rumour has it that it is due to his attitude towards the women involved with the company. Some people think that if it wasn't for his main event status, he'd have been fired long ago.
Yeh there touting him as the next "Rock" :boxing

I just read on a wrestling website that there are DX shirts for sale (Don't ask me where) with the WWE logo on. Just confirms the obvious really. DX are returning :hpraise
i think last raw told the whole thing, if cena couldnot help micheal than it will be hhh because is on half way of ramp, and going for the help of micheal when succcenly cena beats sprit squad and then getting pedigree by hhh. and afte pedigree hhh uses DX sign three to four time.

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