India in England Jun-Sept 2014

Also on the Gambhir issue the only explanation for his urgency to go back into the pavilion is he has got the concept of Comeback wrong. He is thinking this being his comeback, means he must go out to bat and come back ASAP ! :D
The biggest problem with Ind Batsmen is they are not looking to score, just to stay at the crease. Which means Anderson and Broad are getting a full over to line up and work the batsman. Vijay being a great example, a few outswingers and suddenly one that nip in - gone. If the batsman were more positive, they would be looking for some singles here and there, drop the ball, run rotate strike. But more importantly the bowlers then hvae to start the work again. Those are the basics that get the score moving. The -ve end of a battery is more +ve than the Ind batsmen have been in the past few tests.
It's like watching India play against an associate team in India. Huge, huge difference in the way both teams are going about their task.
It's like watching India play against an associate team in India. Huge, huge difference in the way both teams are going about their task.

come on, the associates aren't that bad
Shouldnt have been axed to start with.

I agree he got a raw deal there, having said this, it has been three years since he got the axe, so worth recalling him or shd Ind look at new options given that Vijay, Dhawan and Gambhir don't cut it[DOUBLEPOST=1408285000][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gambhir's last innings in international career ended with a run out :( How sad !

His last test innings should have been long ago.
That catch shows the difference between the two sides ... Ind batting has failed but the catches have hurt more than the batting.
India better stop touring overseas. Probably after 10 years later, India would have stopped playing test cricket. Just focus on the IPL. Indian cricket is dead! With the power gone into the hands of the current office bearers of the BCCI, I am pretty sure they will cause enough damage to Indian cricket and make it like Indian hockey.

We are in a big mighty mess. The upcoming World Cup. We've somehow ensured that the format will carry us into the second stage but we will lose at the first knockout itself. Any foreign conditions, India will slip. I wish we lost at Lord's. We did not deserve that win at all. Right now, I worry if people back home think "3-1 is better than 4-0". India being a country of numbers/statistics, they will probably think like that. This 3-1 is as bad (if not worse) as our last 4-0. And losing two consecutive matches without a fight in 3 days calls for many heads to roll, atleast those of the captain and coach (who have now presided over many such disasters for India).
Cheteshwar Pujara now holds the record worst average in a test series for the number 3 batsman for India, 22 odd. Congrats to him!

Just about to fall asleep when I heard the fall of Dhoni's wicket! Good to see Kohli still there, interesting if he can muster a half century with the likes of Stewart and Aswin, or and Bhuvy who has averaged higher than him in this series.

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