Well i did think that was what you were implying.Hardly nice

You've ruined yourself on the subject of Henry,as you don't know him either yet are saying he isn't a nice guy...

:On Ronaldo:I wouldn't swap him for Henry.I think he's a fantastic player who pulls off some of the most atrocious dives i've ever seen(Yes i know all about Henry's antics at the World Cup).I question his integrity.And as you perhaps could gather from my posts,i don't think he's as good as Henry... The only person who i'd say is better than Thierry is Ronaldinho.
Well when you decided to...err...make fun of what i was saying in an indirect way,leaving me no recourse for a proper responce.Plus the above post hardly makesw you less of an idiot.Has your opinion always been that Arsenal 'Should' sell Henry?Or have you had that opinon since he's been injured
