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    PS3: Random Match Thread

    Why has the list of osn gamer tags disappeared? Im trying to hook up a game with someone but not havin much luck!
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    PS3: Random Match Thread

    Anyone that's up for an honest online game or game's feel free to add me. If im online im always looking for a game. I seem to have no opponents to play against most of the time. Psn id is padidaddy
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    PS3: PS3 username thread for online matchups

    Psn id: padidaddy British time. Looking for some aussie bashing fun. Id like to set up a test series if possible. Contact me for setting up time and dates. Everyone welcome.
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    AI tweaking thread - Figured out how to reduce confidence and reduce smashing

    If thats true they should be informed part of their job is to test the AI, not just sit around playing with themselves.:sarcasm
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    International Roster v2.0 released (with bats)

    nice one, just installed and plays fine. im playing eng vs zim and so far no stupid ai run outs, im destroying them with my new bowling stats, lbw, bowled, and a good few edges. cheers for the work. such a good game in moments ruined by schoolboy errors.:facepalm padidaddy added 6 Minutes and...
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    International Roster v2.0 released (with bats)

    will the updated stats work in all test matches? not just for the ashes series. any news on a run out patch, im fed up of saving after each over.
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    PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

    is it me or does anyone else find too much lag wen in bat, my connection is fast enough for all other online games. the bowling is fine but batting is becoming irritating cause of the lag. i still never quit though.:laugh
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    PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

    im gonna host a game now. 2020 if anyone up 4 it?, please go easy with the yorkers! Padidaddy
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    PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

    cricketking10 has redeemed himself!, well smashed me. fair play. see u soon! online has potential to be awesome. just needs ironing out.
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    PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

    just had my first online game. im finding very few people online?. was having a great game with "cricketking10", he collapsed then quit. anyone that want a proper game send a friend request. im on pc username padidaddy
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    PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

    Im on PC. Padidaddy. please no quitters. ill be online after5pm each day.
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    Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

    just got the game, so far so good. is anyone else finding menu hang times to be very long?. i got the game on pc.
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    Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

    sorry if this has already been everyone generally pleased with this new cricket game?
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    PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

    and i thought this was sopposed to be a "test match" simulation game.
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    PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

    is it possible to come back to online tests, id love to play this form online but could be hard to arrange a full on sesh with no gaps.
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    Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

    with regards to online mode does ashes cricket 09 run on its own servers or do u need to install a windows live type program?
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    PC demo released

    played the demo in 2player, very good. hope they get the online mode right. against the cpu also goo but the running by ai was a joke.
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    PC demo released

    exe not working here. anyone else have error message exe not valid win32 application? think i better start dloading:noway again.
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    PC demo released

    anyone had problems with wireless 360 pads?
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    PC demo released

    oh no.. its not the same.