PC demo released

Going back to the batting again, as you all probably know, this was much more of a problem in BLIC 2007, but patches were made (by P.C.) that made the pacing a lot more realistic (I think it was a process involving changing the batsman's ability to time the ball).

The problem is, there were far too many issues with the bowling as well - the AI was fond of leg-glancing onto his stumps all the time, so it was far too easy to get them out. There are no such issues with AC09's bowling - so if a similar batting patch can be made, we should be onto an absolute winner! And if the borked edges/AI running can be fixed - but as wealy88 said, that could be down to the demo only being three overs and not correctly optimised.
Going back to the batting again, as you all probably know, this was much more of a problem in BLIC 2007, but patches were made (by P.C.) that made the pacing a lot more realistic (I think it was a process involving changing the batsman's ability to time the ball).

The problem is, there were far too many issues with the bowling as well - the AI was fond of leg-glancing onto his stumps all the time, so it was far too easy to get them out. There are no such issues with AC09's bowling - so if a similar batting patch can be made, we should be onto an absolute winner! And if the borked edges/AI running can be fixed - but as wealy88 said, that could be down to the demo only being three overs and not correctly optimised.

Do you think that a sound pack could be made, to change the various sounds of the game? I mean change the crowd noise, and especially to bring in a "thwack" sound of bat hitting ball (and the variants, based on the shot and power of the shot). This could replace the lame sounds that exist for crowd and ball hitting right now. :sarcasm
Do you think that a sound pack could be made, to change the various sounds of the game? I mean change the crowd noise, and especially to bring in a "thwack" sound of bat hitting ball (and the variants, based on the shot and power of the shot). This could replace the lame sounds that exist for crowd and ball hitting right now.

I wouldn get too caried away with the sound yet!
As the case with many demos a "taster" of commentary is put in and a lil bit of sound from the crowd!

We been told Tony Greig, Beefy, Shane Warne and Aggers are all commentators. Demo only shows 2!

Im expecting more sounds chants etc from the real game!:)
I wouldn get too caried away with the sound yet!
As the case with many demos a "taster" of commentary is put in and a lil bit of sound from the crowd!

We been told Tony Greig, Beefy, Shane Warne and Aggers are all commentators. Demo only shows 2!

Im expecting more sounds chants etc from the real game!:)

Commentating is of little importance to me; I tend to turn it off. But the sound of bat on ball is quite significant I think.
But the sound of bat on ball is quite significant I think.

Yeah im a bit of a realism geek and there nothing better than the sound of the ball hitting willow!

The ball hitting the stumps and bat both seem a lil dull in sound!

Dunno what your opinion is but i cant see the guys at transmission making this a priority.... even though its prob an important factor to many!:(

Just re-read yours.. def a patch be possible i reckon.... just shame it couldn be fixed before hand!!
Yeah im a bit of a realism geek and there nothing better than the sound of the ball hitting willow!

The ball hitting the stumps and bat both seem a lil dull in sound!

Dunno what your opinion is but i cant see the guys at transmission making this a priority.... even though its prob an important factor to many!:(

Just re-read yours.. def a patch be possible i reckon.... just shame it couldn be fixed before hand!!

It is very important. The only game to really get it right was BLIC '99 - the sound of willow on leather couldn't have been better if you had a cricket match going on in your own back garden. So modders, to save yourselves lots of work, just go and get the sounds from that game! Nothing needs to be changed - no treble or bass - they're great the way they are.

Should I get this or should I stick with Shane Warne Cricket '97 ? :(

That's the same as BLIC '99 pretty much isn't it? Yes, get this - it is a superior game in most respects and the issues (such as borked edges and AI running) might be fixed in the full game (we don't know how old these demo builds are) or in a patch. Get it on PC though: modders can't do anything about console versions.

Do you think that a sound pack could be made, to change the various sounds of the game? I mean change the crowd noise, and especially to bring in a "thwack" sound of bat hitting ball (and the variants, based on the shot and power of the shot). This could replace the lame sounds that exist for crowd and ball hitting right now. :sarcasm

Yes, I am sure there will be a sound pack made at some point.

Having said all that, the batting sounds are miles better than BLIC '2007's.
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Please help me, the demo is not running on my PC:(. I have Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8500GT 512MB and I am using Windows XP Service Pack 3. I installed the game and when I started it. It crashed, it did not even got inside the game just crashed. I don't know why this happened:(. Please help me:(!!!
played the demo in 2player, very good. hope they get the online mode right. against the cpu also goo but the running by ai was a joke.
I am sure there are many extra features (sounds, animations, videos etc) that will be in the final version.
The only thing I want is an online ranking system. That will create a more competitive environment and hopefully extend the games online life.
I am sure there are many extra features (sounds, animations, videos etc) that will be in the final version.
The only thing I want is an online ranking system. That will create a more competitive environment and hopefully extend the games online life.

I agree - I am expecting some decent sound chants at the very least. And as people are saying, the demos aren't optimised properly - that could be messing with the AI's running.
Now that my controller is working in the game CPU cant get me out. Batting is so easy. Will check bowling tomorrow. Broad got smashed around. And Monty was dangerous of them all.
well its not the direct x thats not making it work as i have version 10.

how do you find out what your graphics card is. I'm not too good at doing stuff for the first time.

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