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  1. N

    Ricky Ponting International Cricket delayed until 2009?

    Well I didn't know that, you learn something new everyday huh? Well when it does go over there I really hope that's as close as you get to regaining it (in the nicest way possible).
  2. N

    Ricky Ponting International Cricket delayed until 2009?

    Yeh the replica maybe, the original stays at Lords and always has done. The only time they've ever been removed was in 1988.
  3. N

    blic 2005 cover

    You only posted it on the Codies forum yesterday. Don't lie, holmie posted the cover on the 17th June. If you can find the 15th June post on the codies forum then I may believe you.
  4. N

    blic 2005 cover

    Yeh it is, afridi, you're a thief!
  5. N

    Rain in ODIs and D/L method

    Erm, it doesn't rain in the one-dayers only the tests and even then you don't see it.
  6. N

    Real Player Names Patch

    Why would that be? It's something that a certain Pro Evolution soccer fansite does all the time. It would make it easier on the copius amounts of people who don't want to spend a lot of time editing all the names.
  7. N

    Real Player Names Patch

    Ste, for people with the PC version this is great news. Do you think a similar patch will be made available for the console versions using a MaxDrive or an X-port?? Thanks -Nick
  8. N

    Special Balls

    This is the 5 for 1 I was talking about :) Including 4 wickets in a row. :D
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    I'm not saying it wont work on laptops, it's just not officially technically supported by Codies. So if it doesn't work, don't ask them what's wrong, because they can't help you.
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    Erm, this is straight from Rubbergenius himself. I think he knows slightly more than you!
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    Laptops aren't supported
  12. N

    Special Balls

    Not for me it isn't I regularly take wickets with my slower ball yorker. Infact, if you take a look on the codies forum, you'll see that I have the best bowling figures in the "blic demo competition" I got 5/1 with brett lee and 4 of them were in a row.
  13. N


    Don't tell me, you downloaded Cricket 2005??
  14. N

    Bowl with Brett Lee!

    I don't know how to do this, please tell me how. I haven't taken one wicket with a spinner yet. -Nick
  15. N

    Imported kit problem

    I did that and I'm still getting the same problem.
  16. N

    Imported kit problem

    I have just imported some kits using Graphics Importer and when I play the game all the imported kits are messed up graphics wise. Here are some screenshots screenshot Screenshot1 Can anyone help me out on this matter? Thanks in advance
  17. N

    GI zip file maker

    You are rude. Prakash puts a lot of hard work into his editors. To say that you are waiting in that manner is quote ignorant. Try waiting a bit longer, it will be released when it is ready. -Nick
  18. N

    Ball release

    What ball is that? Where is the seam? Where is the reflections? I think you should use the original balls as a template for your's. Nice job for your first try, I'm not taking that away from you :) -Nick
  19. N

    jasc paintshop

    I gathered that :) Just wanted to prove my suspicions :D -Nick P.S: Just to stay legal - warez is bad......mmmkay
  20. N

    jasc paintshop

    Man, how did you get yourself a copy of this program in such a short period of time. :eek: It was just the other day, you were asking what program to use :rolleyes: -Nick