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  1. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Can you please tell me that do dynamic lineups mean different teams across different formats.. Or changes made regularly in the team in one format.. For eg. If shami doesn't play well in 3 odis' he should be replaced in the 4th one.. Is that what should happen in dynamic lineups in career...
  2. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Yeah.. Yeah.. That is what i am asking that whether teams will change in one series or not.. Like in 5 one day series.. There will be changes in the team or not? Or is it like same team in all one days.. But different in t20 series?
  3. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    I want to ask something.. Can you tell me what dynamic lineups means.. I thought its like if in one one day shami doesn't perform well.. Then he is replaced by another player in next odi.. Is it not like that? Or is it just different teams across different fomats?
  4. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Yeah.. i guess you are right.. but still these club teams too have players in the pool which are not playing games and are there to be swapped to play games.. If you go and see in my team tile. There are players who are not playing..
  5. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    I hve played 7-8 club t20 matches now in career mode after this latest patch which said dynamic lineups.. but till now AI captain is selecting the same team in all the matches.. only in one match he changed the batting order a bit. But no changes in the playing XI there to be seen..
  6. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Sorry guys.. I will surely keep a check on that from now on!
  7. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Hope to get this fixed in today's update.. Hope BA listens to our category of people also.. Who want dynamic career mode lineups..
  8. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Dont worrry man.. I hve posted a lot of posts here in this prestigious forum.. For dynamic lineup issue.. We surely gnna get that.. I am with you.. But dont go for refunding.. Coz its a beautiful game now.. Mostly every logical bug is fixed.. After this dynamic lineup feature.. This game...
  9. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Man.. M not being incoherent.. When the game was about to release.. Dynamic lineups was there in the features list.. Retiring players.. Player progression.. Selection in bigger teams.. Soo m not demanding anything.. M only saying they have missed one of their main features in career mode...
  10. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    But not the same every match across every format no? Coz AI selects same lineup everytime. I cant stop saying till they are releasing day to day patches bro! :)
  11. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Dynamic lineups in career mode? You want that? Its much needed.. Plz vote for it guys.. Its the 4th or 5th time m sying it.. I m surprised many people here are saying bout changing camera angles and stuff like that.. But not the realistic things like dynamic lineups.. Its good this small...
  12. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    But one thing dat jaffer pointed out was dynamic lineups in career mode.. I am a pc user.. Soo i want this to be looked upon.. Because lineups are still remaining the same per match across every format even after the latest patch.. This change is needed tomorrow!
  13. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Can uh tell me which batting difficulty level ub hve in your career mode.. Because till patch 3 i was able to play very well at hardest difficulty... But now after all these patches the hardest difficulty is almost unplayable.. You also facing something like this!
  14. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Jaffer.. Hope we get dynamic lineups here..
  15. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    To sum all up changes needed are 1) your online improvement. 2) AI slogging more in death overs. 3) Dynamic lineups must be selected by AI across all three formats in career mode. 4) AI selecting fields according to situations.. Being logical If these 4 changes are made.. It would become a...
  16. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Please report this as the biggest bug in steam.. Its must be a priority for big ant other than that field change thing by AI.. Which is not that a big problem..
  17. Logic 46

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    What I want to ask from you here is that what you are saying is AI captain selecting the same squad for every match across all formats? Because I also feel this is the biggest bug! Your Team line-up remaining same for every match you play under AI captain.. This is boring and unrealistic