Out of form umpires? Who monitors them?

Unlike the English Team in Australia, our team actually competed in the series and the matches were quite tightly contested. India dominated quite a bit and the umpiring decisions were quite important in the context of the series and also the fact that they happened in crucial stages of the matches so they were disappointing to say the least...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for the Indian team which did play badly on occasion and contributed to their own downfall, but the umpiring decisions actually played some part in both Cape Town and Durban.
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The point I am arguing with you is that it is not bias as you suggested earlier. Mistakes happen, sometimes they are more important than others, but they are just that mistakes, not some deep seated plot by the CIA funded by reptilian Alien overlords to try and shaft your, Harishankar's, cricket team.
As I've said before, it's not an issue of bias. It's poor umpiring that is disappointing. I'm not complaining because India lost. If you look at South Africa as well, there were even more poor decisions, but India did have more decisions go against them - that's a fact. Umpiring has to improve, otherwise technology needs to be given a look.
Adarsh said:
As I've said before, it's not an issue of bias. It's poor umpiring that is disappointing. I'm not complaining because India lost. If you look at South Africa as well, there were even more poor decisions, but India did have more decisions go against them - that's a fact. Umpiring has to improve, otherwise technology needs to be given a look.

Exactly. I'd have been unhappy even if India had won. The umpiring was quite substandard from any perspective.
harishankar said:
Exactly. I'd have been unhappy even if India had won. The umpiring was quite substandard from any perspective.

I looked back at the start of the thread and it wasn't actually you that said it was bias, it was the original thread starter. So I get the feeling I've been trying to convince you of something you already knew :p
puddleduck said:
I looked back at the start of the thread and it wasn't actually you that said it was bias, it was the original thread starter. So I get the feeling I've been trying to convince you of something you already knew :p

If you look closely, it was the guy who posted after me who said it was bias. If you look more closely at the third post in this thread, you'd find this.

But bias as blatant as letting a guy bowl the 7th ball of the over to a no. 11 batsman at a very crucial stage?

I was questioning the comment made by the guy who said it was bias.

It would be better if members read carefully, before making such comments.

I am not concerned with the win/loss, but I am concerned with the falling standards of umpiring.

If Asad Rauf/Mark Benson can be on the int'l panel, then I don't see any reason why AV Jayaprakash can't be.

I can understand that an umpire can have a bad test or a bad series, but I can't understand how an umpire can be so consistent with bad decisions.

Oh, and some one said India should have defended 210. If you saw how they bowled after lunch on day 5, you would have appreciated the effort. But, what can Zaheer do if Asad Rauf doesn't give Kallis out, when there is a clear deviation and a lound woody noise when the ball passes? That was another very crucial moment, and SA would have struggled, with Kallis out first ball.

I want to again say that it wasn't bias, it's just the poor umpire selection policies of the ICC. But, when I see other sport bodies, and what they have done to the sport, I still feel ICC is doing a good job.

If anyone follows hockey, you would have noticed how it has become a power game from a skill game in twenty years. Astro turfs, no off side rule etc contributed to it. That's why matches involving Holland, Spain, Germany are so boring, and matches involving Australia, India, Korea and Pakistan are so interesting.
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Again SA seem to be benefitting from poor umpiring in their first test. A couple of LBW decisions turned down against Pakistan.

Really Steve Bucknor, that blind old bat should retire gracefully.. It's incredible how long he's been on the panel purely on reputation and with such declining performance in the last few years. This goes for all the overage umpires on the panel right now. Just as we need young players, it's the young umpires who seem to be doing well now.
harishankar said:
Again SA seem to be benefitting from poor umpiring in their first test. A couple of LBW decisions turned down against Pakistan.

Really Steve Bucknor, that blind old bat should retire gracefully.. It's incredible how long he's been on the panel purely on reputation and with such declining performance in the last few years. This goes for all the overage umpires on the panel right now. Just as we need young players, it's the young umpires who seem to be doing well now.

Abosulutely. as an umpire, i have umpired grade cricket with older gentlemen and middle-aged and younger men, and the younger and middle aged men do a much better job then the older guys. steve bucknor, at however old he is, muct be told to stand down. his umpiring is flawed, and he is keeping out younger guys who would simply do a better job.
tsyrmas said:
Abosulutely. as an umpire, i have umpired grade cricket with older gentlemen and middle-aged and younger men, and the younger and middle aged men do a much better job then the older guys. steve bucknor, at however old he is, muct be told to stand down. his umpiring is flawed, and he is keeping out younger guys who would simply do a better job.

We need more guys like Simon Taufel. He is spot on almost always.
Poor chap, that's 4 harsh decisions against him throughout this tour, this was probably the worst of the lot....

Must be bias, the umpires dislike opera :p
Was it anything to do with you that post? No I don't think so. I can clearly see you didn't call the umpires biased, I was just making a joke regarding Strauss, classical music, and umpires, apologies if any of those subjects offends you :rolleyes:
puddleduck said:
Was it anything to do with you that post? No I don't think so. I can clearly see you didn't call the umpires biased, I was just making a joke regarding Strauss, classical music, and umpires, apologies if any of those subjects offends you :rolleyes:

You said in a previous post that the OP said that the umpires were biased.

My apologies. I thought you meant that.
puddleduck said:
Was it anything to do with you that post? No I don't think so. I can clearly see you didn't call the umpires biased, I was just making a joke regarding Strauss, classical music, and umpires, apologies if any of those subjects offends you :rolleyes:

See Jermemy what did I tell you? Sometimes even using :p doesn't work with some people.

Strauss's was a shocker but i'm still laid back as ever. It happens, deal with it.

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