It saddened me a little bit but I guess its up to personal choice, I'm a walker myself. The fact that it was Broad of all people made me more angry about the whole thing.
Sorry but I don't understand, how did Broad not deceive the umpire by acting as though he didn't hit it, which I'm sure played a factor in Dars decision.
Not "walking" is cheating, the laws don't stipulate the umpire has to give you out
Laws of Cricket said:
1. Out Caught
The striker is out Caught if a ball delivered by the bowler, not being a No ball, touches his bat without having previously been in contact with any fielder, and is subsequently held by a fielder as a fair catch before it touches the ground.
As you say he was trying to deceive the umpire, and at the very least it is against the spirit of the game/bad sportsmanship.
All those who think it's ok to stand your ground should hang your heads in shame, if you were playing a friendly game in the park you'd be furious if someone was out and didn't walk. If Broad knew, and I'm certain he did, he should have walked. There is no justification for not walking other than doubt, and he can't prey on slight doubt or hoping to get away with it.
aussies can't complain really, they are the ar*eholes who made it so common that people now accept it as part of the game, and that's the real shame, that so many people accept it and even defend it.
So enough with this "I guess it is down to the individual", even if you believe the umpire should have to give someone out for them to have hit the ball and the fielder caught it - and I'm not talking about clean catches - then you must surely not be so misled that you think it is in the spirit of the game to refuse to give yourself out?!?!?!?!?
Cheats Charter - you can choose not to walk
Oh and it also backs up what I've been saying all along about the Dopey Review System, that making it effectively tactical was always going to throw something like this up.
That said, Broad cheated and should have walked thus negating the issue of remaining reviews. And when the review still gets it wrong the injustice stands, but that's about silly blinking s*y and their priorities being up their own a*se