2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

Clarkey! tweaking top innings. Got back and forward so quick, timed the ball awesome and hit the gaps. Smart innings and him and Hadds have been going great.
Good stuff Clarke, well played Haddin as well.

Nice rear guard action, stopping the flow of wickets, frustrating England, making runs. Top job!
right, I was all for a little stand from the Aussies, but now I want a wicket, it's looking dangerous!
It's getting to that point where the umpires might offer the light. I hope not as I want nip a couple out with the new ball tonight.
England team huddle - they look a little worried. Take that new ball, enter Flintoff and blast these two out tonight, guys.
I doubt Australia can win from here, but geez... you have to love test cricket. Two crackers in a row.

Is it just me or does Ravi Bopara look like that guy off the daily show? Every time he is on screen I expect to hear some snarky political comment.
Two matches in a row that prove Test Cricket is, always has been and always will be the best form of Cricket.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Did Warne just say the partnership is 178? :eek: Come on, England, we need one of these gone to open the door to the tail...
Is it just me or does Ravi Bopara look like that guy off the daily show? Every time he is on screen I expect to hear some snarky political comment.

Do you mean Asif Mandavy? if so then no, not at all.

Anyways, these two do not look like getting out. I'm a bit worried even though 217 runs on paper should be a solid lead right now.

How the hell are we going to get them out? maybe bring Pratt on the field
Do you mean Asif Mandavy? if so then no, not at all.

Anyways, these two do not look like getting out. I'm a bit worried even though 217 runs on paper should be a solid lead right now.

How the hell are we going to get them out? maybe bring Pratt on the field

Maybe the best thing that could happen is for the day to end, so the bowlers can have a good long rest and come back fresh tomorrow. Having said that, that last ball was damn close!

Either way, this is shaping up to be another 2005.

Edit: They're going about the shadows again. Lights will cause shadows, it's inevitable. What is the point of even using the lights if they're going to moan about shadows?? And this business about the shadows blending in with the ball too much, well use this pink ball that everyone is going on about!

Damn, that was close just now!! Come on guys, a wicket is just around the corner!
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damn that could easily have been one of those cliche catch that wins the match. sigh..

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