2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

I think it'd make more sense to enforce the follow-on were it not for the inevitability that Aus would make 750-6 or something.

Still it's nice to be dominating for once.

Like the Crowe cameo.
Blame the shadows mate, don't be shy.

Feelin Blue? added 5 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

Aye! Bad light! Thank you and goodnight.
Hauritz has very un Aussie expression on his face.
Looks like we have light rain for the next 2 days, hopefully light is 6 hours during this test :p
We've got more play than expected and the remaining days are supposed to be better weather.
Great Show England. Lets wrap this up in the morning and get a lead of 500 by days end. Cant wait to see what the updated odds will be tonight!
Great day and great stuff from everyone in the attack. Jimmy and Fred were devastating.

Russell Crowe what a top fella. :D 3 days to go, it will still be tough, we need wickets tomorrow and the Aussies will be really fired up. The rain isn't much of an issue aside from occasional delays I imagine as it's Lords but I expect the wicket will flatten out a bit and could prove tougher as it goes on. I think the attack has improved a lot since last year but the second innings and these last 2 will show if it has.
I'm off. Goodnight guys. Terrible days play - It's going to be hard to sleep after that. Heres hoping it pisses down tomorrow.
Great day for England today. Jimmy was very good with the ball and gave a good innings with the bat too.
If its overcast tomorrow I think Poms should enforce follow on.
Pomegranates on top! We certainly need an Aussie for PlanetCricket Talk tonight!

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