3d models for TAOC

Take out the trees, work on the lights (look cardboard-ish and 2D), work on the adboards (too blurry & stretched), work on the rooftops of every structure (looks too bumpy). The main stand needs to curve in at the sides. I've been to the ground and the fence stretches all the way to the main stand. The fences need to be closer to the structures. The rest is fine, I just pointed out what needs to be changed. Looks better though.
Since this game isn't going to release for a while, i think i am goign to remake the whole entire stadium again. Please, no one else make this stadium because i won't give up. I am going to pay attention to every detail now and make it the best stadium. If anyone find decent pictures of it then please post it here because i can't find really good pictures of it.
guys i am very disappointed,topic started by me was 3d textures and models and not the topic where you all argues with something or the other,actually most members here dont like MSDhoni because of his argueing nature,if anyone advices you,you should listen it calmly and in a positive manner,If LC is advicing,something MS should take in positive manner,LC also adviced me many times or even tanmay nad all but we never argued in the way you are argueing...MS,you need to work on your nature.....

and for my stadium,since my exams are going on,therefore i am unable to make my stadium for now but definitely will release it after my exams are over...

I'm having a little trouble texturing my models for Headingley, I can texture all the 3d shapes that make up the model, but is there an easy way to just texture one face at a time or do you have to do just one texture for each shape by editing the UVW and lining up your texture with the UV Map. Sorry if i haven't used all the correct terms but I'm quite new to all this.

Thanks and keep up the good work
I'm having a little trouble texturing my models for Headingley, I can texture all the 3d shapes that make up the model, but is there an easy way to just texture one face at a time or do you have to do just one texture for each shape by editing the UVW and lining up your texture with the UV Map. Sorry if i haven't used all the correct terms but I'm quite new to all this.

Thanks and keep up the good work

am a lil confused LOL !! anyways...from what i've understood...

e.g you want to apply seating textures to the stands...
then create a texture, apply it by selecting the faces/polygons and
just play around with the UVs till it looks right.

you can use different textures for each stand or one texture for all the stands.
its a personal call really...what suits you better.
am a lil confused LOL !! anyways...from what i've understood...

e.g you want to apply seating textures to the stands...
then create a texture, apply it by selecting the faces/polygons and
just play around with the UVs till it looks right.

you can use different textures for each stand or one texture for all the stands.
its a personal call really...what suits you better.

Although this would rule out any possibility of baking lighting into the textures.

The way I do it is like this (I tend to have the stand in 3/4 sections, like HiTier, LoTier, Roof, Extras):
1) Finish all modelling.
2) Apply a different lambert material to each of the 3/4 meshes.
3) Delete any existing UVs as they will be wrong and just confuse things.
4) Now go around your model from the "most detailed" faces to the least detailed*, select one face at a time then choose planar mapping->best plane (this is Maya, but I reckon 3ds will have something very similar).
5) Move the faces around in the UV editor so that your most detailed faces are largest, and your non-detail faces are smallest.

Try and keep your faces in the UV to have the same aspect ratio as the face in the model. This makes texturing a lot easier. This is what the Best Plane planar mapping does.

If you have 2 faces which are along the same plane, you can map these at the same time.

* by detailed faces I mean ones which require the most intricate texturing. For example, this may be a sign saying the name of the stand, or the crowd in the stands or something. A non-detail face would be one such as the underside of a balcony. There is no need to assign a large amount of UV space to these faces, especially as they are likely to be: a) one flat colour, and b) not seen very often.

I will post an example of some of my UV maps so you can see what I'm on about if you still don't understand.

Anyway, UV mapping is the hardest part of modelling in my opinion, and takes time and practise to learn. The more stands I have made, the better my UV mapping has become - so just practise and learn.
Thanks a lot for all your help guys I will have a go and see what I can achieve
I think earlier someone said they wanted to see the wireframe of a stadium. This is my next stand in progress.


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Here we go. Preview of the finished Feroz Shah Kotla Pavillion. I said i will come back with a better model that my previous one and here it it. Anyone can comment on it and trust me, i won't argue back! I am going to improve so no more arguing.

View attachment 55334

So, how is it?
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Here we go. Preview of the finished Feroz Shah Kotla Pavillion. I said i will come back with a better model that my previous one and here it it. Anyone can comment on it and trust me, i won't argue back! I am going to improve so no more arguing.

View attachment 55334

So, how is it?

It looks nice. A couple of things:

1 - not sure what the real pavillion is made of, but if they are supposed to be bricks they are too big at the moment.

2 - The stairs at the back look very nice and everything, but it's highly unlikely that the stadium will be viewed from the outside in the game, so I doubt you will even see the stairs in the game ever. In my models (LM might castigate me for this, but hey) I go as far as deleting the backs of all the stands as they will not be seen, as well as the floors and any other hidden faces I can think of. Might help reduce the poly count.

What is the poly count on that? Can I see it as a "wireframe on shaded" view?

But overall, it's a large improvement. If the rest is up to that standard then I can't see any problem.
It looks nice. A couple of things:

1 - not sure what the real pavillion is made of, but if they are supposed to be bricks they are too big at the moment.

2 - The stairs at the back look very nice and everything, but it's highly unlikely that the stadium will be viewed from the outside in the game, so I doubt you will even see the stairs in the game ever. In my models (LM might castigate me for this, but hey) I go as far as deleting the backs of all the stands as they will not be seen, as well as the floors and any other hidden faces I can think of. Might help reduce the poly count.

What is the poly count on that? Can I see it as a "wireframe on shaded" view?

But overall, it's a large improvement. If the rest is up to that standard then I can't see any problem.

@ 1- I also think that the bricks are little bigger so i'll fix that. No problem.

@ 2- Yeah i know that maybe we won't see the back of the stadium in the game but i think it looks good if i just make everythign perfect. I would remove it if i thought that the poly count is high but its just 684 on the whole pavillion. I think maybe when the shots go for a six or maybe when camera changes, we might see the back of the stadium. I think i should keep it but we'll see what to do.

Here is the picture of the Poly count display.
View attachment 55336
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Unfortunately it seems you have misunderstood the term 'poly count'. For your pavillion it is 1358 polys, not 684.

When the model makes its way into the game, each face is divided into triangles through a process known as Triangulation. This means that if you have 100 square faces, you get 200 triangles in the game. It is this count that you need to be aware of.
Unfortunately it seems you have misunderstood the term 'poly count'. For your pavillion it is 1358 polys, not 684.

When the model makes its way into the game, each face is divided into triangles through a process known as Triangulation. This means that if you have 100 square faces, you get 200 triangles in the game. It is this count that you need to be aware of.

Tom is correct on this one. I think we can safely say the back of the stadiums can be very low detail, though its a shame cos your model really is quite fantastic, MS Dhoni. Great work, 1000 times better than the earlier attempts. Do be careful of polycount guys, as less is always better...its finding the balance between appearance and performance.


For added realism, are the Pakistani stadiums going to be omitted?!

Also, I'm going to be taking a brief break from stadium modelling as I'm getting a bit bored with it I must say! Won't be much more than a week though I wouldn't have thought.

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