4th Test: England v Australia at Leeds

Its not 102 all out pitch and neither was Jamaica. And this attack isn't anything special.

You make me laugh, like properly laugh.

This pitch has some decent inconsistent bounce, the conditions allow for swing...and you're saying the attack isn't special?

Siddle, can hit 95mph and get movement.

Johnson, when he's good, he's very good, he can tie you up, and take wickets at a rapid speed.

Clark, need I say anything? McGrath build, and pulls it off well. Can put the ball where he wants, and has some very good game-plans.

Hilfanhaus, this guy is quicker than Clark, but is of a similar type, swings it, seams it, and is generally accurate.

And then you've got guys like Clarke, who can bowl decently.

So don't say this attack isn't special, because its pretty good when in form. 102 all out is because of shocking batting and very good bowling.
I agree, but it has pace, movement and swing, the 3 things that equate to a Sehwag fail. He would not come onto this track, against Siddle, Hilfenhaus, Clark and Johnson and smash a run a ball hundred. Patience is the key on this track, not slogging.

He does not close his eyes and have a go. Anyway if you don't want Sehwag take Hayden. He would have done same.

scion_sid added 1 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

Even Broad can hit 90's miles and above.
You seen Hayden's record in England? He only made runs at the Oval, a pitch with nowhere near as much movement and tends to just have bounce and carry, something Hayden fed on. Got nothing on this pitch, Hayden would struggle on here as much as Sehwag. Give me Graeme Smith please.
Compared to teams in the past and what Australia are currently pressing through, it certainly isn't a tall order of quality.

Although, Hilfy is getting the swing, Clark is finding the accuracy and both of them are seaming it really well. Siddle is quite similar to Broad for me and both have performed quite well.

Australias consistent line, length and pressure all round was what did it for me.
Hey Shane Warne I was wondering how many times Stuart Clark has got Paul Collingwood out, do you happen to know.

And lol at this being our highest partnership of the match so far
Matt, think Clark got Collingwood out 5 times in 6 Tests, given that Warne's not mentioned it (Y).

Woah, 10 runs off 1 Clark over, that's almost as many runs as he went for in the first innings. :laugh

Edit: LOL, Broad's now the 3rd leading wicket-taker in the series, behind Siddle and Hilfenhaus, joint with Anderson. Amazing how 2 decent innings have boosted his figures ridiculously.
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Haha, Broad is now the third leading wicket taker in the series and top for England.
Apart from what, three days in the entire series, it's been a pretty tiresome one for bowlers.

angryangy added 6 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

Ooh, perfect delivery.
Big, big wicket. Strauss gone. Time for Belowpara to bottle it.

FFS. This is shocking. Trott at 3 next game. Inside edge though, harsh decision but still a poor shot. Just sums up Bopara's series. Bell's just the man we want striding to the crease in this situation as well.......
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unlucky for bopara but he just doesnt deserve to be in the team anymore.Did vaughn retire too soon???
Oh Ravi :( As a baseball umpire would say "Yooourr Outa here" and from the team too I would think.

Colly up to 3, Trott in at 5
C'mon Cookie lad. Get a double ton and prove the haters wrong.

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