4th Test: England v Australia at Leeds

You drop him because at present he's not a match winning bowler, and that's what we need at the Oval.

We need to pick the 11 best players in England for the Oval. It won't happen, but give the likes of Ramprakash and Trescothick one last hurrah. I'd feel a lot safer with those two at the top order than Bopara and Bell.

You'd feel safe with two cricketers who have absolutely no mental capacity to cope with the top form of the game? Why replace like for like?

Tres is retired. Do people forget that? Ramps is a good batsman but won't play. Besides, if you can't score runs at The Oval, you should just give up.

Ravi and Bell need dropping. Trott is one replacement. Patel is too fat still (probably). Hildreth? Joyce? Shah? Key? Morgan? Shah and Key are around the side. (Key is around most things). Fred back in for Harmy, if not fit, Sidebottom in. We need to take 20 wickets or Australia keep the Ashes. Any point in playing for 1-1?
You'd feel safe with two cricketers who have absolutely no mental capacity to cope with the top form of the game? Why replace like for like?

Tres is retired. Do people forget that? Ramps is a good batsman but won't play. Besides, if you can't score runs at The Oval, you should just give up.

Ravi and Bell need dropping. Trott is one replacement. Patel is too fat still (probably). Hildreth? Joyce? Shah? Key? Morgan? Shah and Key are around the side. (Key is around most things). Fred back in for Harmy, if not fit, Sidebottom in. We need to take 20 wickets or Australia keep the Ashes. Any point in playing for 1-1?

Sidebottom in, but drop who? Broad? He took six and scored sixty. Onions didn't do much, but then again neither did Anderson - he was totally off form. It's a tough one as to who to drop if Flintoff's fit; if not, it's simple. Drop Harmison, pick Sidebottom. Swann must be retained - he scores good runs down the innings and is a decent offspinner as well, besides which, didn't they say that the Oval will take spin?

As I said before, it's good that we have this long break. Now we just have to try to forget what's gone before and look on this as a one-off Test match for the Ashes.

I still can't figure out exactly why we batted on the first day!! Once you've been skittled for 100, it's almost impossible to get back into the game.

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

Isn't it over yet? What does it say about numbers 3 and 4 when numbers 8 and 9 have probably scored 3 or 4 times as many runs this series?

It's bewildering, isn't it?
There aren't many times I'd do anything other than bat first.

Aye, I think Broad had a good match. His confidence will be up, which is important. Yes, The Oval will spin, too.
Wasn't our superior spinner supposed to be an advantage? But have any of the pitches consistently spun?

Cardiff was a dead track.
Lords didn't spin.
Neither did Edgbaston
Headingly is a spinner's grave.
There aren't many times I'd do anything other than bat first.

Aye, I think Broad had a good match. His confidence will be up, which is important. Yes, The Oval will spin, too.

Two spinners, playing Broad as an allrounder?
I can't see them dropping two batsmen; Bopara out, Key in and Bell to keep his place. But what do I know, I can't even win from the computer let alone Australia!:D
Wouldn't Trott have to come in? Bopara is most likely on teh way out but I suspect they may keep Bell. Just give Flintoff some injections, England need him on teh field. As for bowling, does Onions stay? Sidebottom? Harmison gives way to Flintoff. Sidebottom for Onions?

If Australia suspects a spinner's pitch then Hauritz will come in for Clarke. I don't agree but that's what they'll do. This may also be Hussey's last chance.
For Australia's next summer there's Phil Jaques ready to make big runs and Hughes could well come back. Watson can bat at 6.
Australia will have a squad of 5 good fast bowlers to pick from next season plus some good batsmen still waiting for a hit. We've all forgotten Brad Hodge.

As for Ponting being booed, its all part of crowd behaviour these days. The English crowd see him as a villain and that's fine. It means he's doing a good job by getting under their skin.

Bring on the Fifth Test and let's hope he provides more reasons for the crowd to let fly with more booing!
Haven't been on for a few days - but hahahahahahahahhahahahhaahha! Stuey Clark mate!

@ King Peitersen - Marcus North aye? Did something special again. Going to get off his back yet? :p

@ evertonfan - Stuey Clark mate, we were right. Get him in the side and look what happens.

@MasterBlaster76 - Yeah mate, thats right. Your beloved team is a bunch of useless hacks. Bowlers hopeless, batsman fragile

I can't believe this Ravioili Belowpara bloke, how the hell is he suppose to be England's number 3. Whenever he comes in he is seen as a gimme wicket. He is useless.

Why did England go with such a weak batting line up -shocking choices.
Finally win for australia great perfoemance by them nothing negative in their squad i dont think they should go with hussey in oval they should drop him and in place of him they should play hauritz.:)

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