AC13 in the press - check here before posting articles

Its going to be ashes 09 with new clothes&names and other insignificant stuff... its not terribly bad as AC09 is a good game its just not the game we need right now.
Dont worry bro just buy BA cricket 14 :yes
then its going to be the worst cricket game ever hahaa
I don't think it's going to be anywhere near as good as AC09 or IC10.

Yeah because you've seen the game in it's flesh and seen how bad it is, but for some reason you say you can't tell what it looks like or your eyes are too old to tell the difference, some malarkey along those lines :p
I wasn't prepared to give an in depth opinion based on a 10 minute long distance view gathered while someone else was talking about it and I was trying to tweet at the same time.
They could have been playing BLC99 and I might not have noticed ;)
Unless you were in the games industry then I don't think you would be able to judge the game definitively from the distance that Barmy had to see it from. In my opinion Barmy could have gained a negative view of the game but would not be able to back it 100% and so he did the fair thing and did not. He neither said it was good nor bad, which I believe is reasonable in the circumstances.

Indeed it would be very difficult for anyone to have been able to judge the game quality from a distance on that day, particularly as the game wasn't finished at that time when he saw it in action, and because what was being shown and said was probably very rehearsed.

I had a similar view last week, perhaps 10 metres mostly and 5 metres at times, and it was only because I was able to hear a non-orchestrated set of Q&A from a very picky audience that I could form a true opinion.

I have one question for you Barmy though, when bowling there was a thin yellow line vertically up the screen in the build I saw, was this present in the build you saw?
That must be the new line and length bowling we have all heard so much about, will this game ever release.:noway
Maybe 505 games will tell us the good news on Friday that the game passed and will be release ......:p
Apart from not being true, I am not sure that would be good news for anybody... including them.
Apart from not being true, I am not sure that would be good news for anybody... including them.

I have half given up on ashes 2013, sure I still want to play it and see what the hell they have been doing in the last 2 years or so. Still with your game moving forward this Friday, that is all I care about at this time. PS Maybe you should release a 5 second look on vine to ross, titled THIS IS HOW IT"S DONE.:D


Ross if you were the boss of ashes and you were in this mess what would you do right now ?
I'd like to think I would not let it get to this, but the first thing I would have done is apologised on Friday for the lack of Q&A, or maybe the day before Friday signal that it is not coming. Perhaps apologise for the game not coming in July at the same time? I certainly wouldn't run away and hide... I've been late and we all make mistakes but at least I would like to think that I would front up and take your licks. I think that's what I'd be most disappointed about if I was holding a pre-order, the constant breaking of promises, who could possibly believe that the "DLC is coming and will be free" touting that is going on?
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