AI Extreme patch released

Hey Satish,

I have tried ur latest patch and it is awesome. jus a few improvement needed like:

edges should have power. imean inreal cricket matches when the ball edgesit flies.thats what ilike to see.

increase the paceof fast bowlersandmake them mix up deliveries.

slow the outfield a bit

line lenght of all the bowlers according to situation

make all the shots playablebut not always that shots should go for 4. i mean alot a sweet spot on the bat i.e. when the ball hits that sweet spotit races of the bat.

Fix squre cut groundshot and square-cut six hit.add some power in to it

backfoot shotsabit more power or apply the same as sweet spot.

Fix the hookand pull shots.

make sixhit also difficult

keep up the good work comin
hey raider...thanks for the comments mate...lets see wat we cud do on ur suggestions...

1) edges can be made powerful...i agree that it wud give an authentic look..will work on it..

2) i am gonna be changing the entire set of values for ball physics,that includes varying pace,spin & making those 'special' deliveries really special..

3) outfield pacing wud be made as per conditions..u have askd for a slowing down of the outfield,while a few find the outfield in this patch to be for thought,,,lemme try a few changes and hopefully i'll strike the right combo..

4) frankly,i've been working on the square shot,since v2.0,but it's just not coming out well...v4.0 wud see the best square cut of all my patches,guaranteed..

5) sweet shot is a concept that i've already applied in v3.0..u wud find that not all shots reach the fence & not all six hits clear the field..i'll better it in v4.0...

excellent suggestions raider...keep them coming...:cheers
another suggestion, try to change the freakin speed of the stupid fielders, if that can be solved it willbe awesome
-make the cpu bowlers bowl tricky balls, i wouldlke tobe challenged with swingers , pacers and spinners.
make all the shots playablel ike in medium level or difficulty of the game but make it very risky for the batsman.
wid edges and stuff.oncethe batsman gets some confience he can play alltheshots if he connects well.
any way can u change themovementofbatsman after the ballmarker isis finalised by cpu.try somethin man.

well will let u kno more later....thanxz....make the game challenging
the movement of the fielders or that of the batsman after the marker is fixed are things that cannot be changed at this point :(..but v4.0 wud be challnging and enjoyable...

Keep them coming...
I reckon the outfield pacing is perfect. Shouldn't be any quicker, that's for sure.

Very interested to see the new bowling physics. Nice work satish :cool:
in the next version can u make the cpu and controlled batsman a bit more aggressive. my make a odi patch and another for test matches.
gonzo99 said:
I reckon the outfield pacing is perfect. Shouldn't be any quicker, that's for sure.

Very interested to see the new bowling physics. Nice work satish :cool:
thanks gonzo99....yup, the bowling physics when altered make a lotta changes...i tried a few combos and it was a totally different ball game..hopefully i'll strike the best swing & spin values..

robertporter said:
in the next version can u make the cpu and controlled batsman a bit more aggressive. my make a odi patch and another for test matches.
valid point robert...i find the cpu batsman to be a tad sluggish too..i'll work on it..
the thought about releasing seperate patches for ODI's & tests is also sumthing i considered,but i am not sure how many of u wud like it..
if u guys don't mind using seperate patches,i'll go ahead and release it tht way....cuz its easier for me & also it wud make those modes more realistic...

keep them coming...
l for one think this is the only way to make the game realistic also when playing test matches say cpu has four fast bowlers and 2 part timers the part timers some times bowl first instead of the fast bowlers bowling first is there a way to fix this.
robertporter said:
l for one think this is the only way to make the game realistic also when playing test matches say cpu has four fast bowlers and 2 part timers the part timers some times bowl first instead of the fast bowlers bowling first is there a way to fix this.
I have'nt noticed this mate...cuz the cpu uses b1 & b2 as listed in the squad..i dont think it changes 'em..
For which team was the cpu playing?...u might need to check who the b1 & b2 for tht team are..
i was playing my self as australia and the west indies as cpu.

do u make patches on request for people.

any way i can fix the cpu bowling problem

also i have a problem when edited a squad other then australia when u can replace players when i try to replace players in other squads the replace button doesn't let me do anything could u also help me there
robertporter said:
do u make patches on request for people.
I have made a coupla patches on request...if ppl request any minor changes in v2.0 or v3.0, i just go ahead and change it for them..

robertporter said:
also i have a problem when edited a squad other then australia when u can replace players when i try to replace players in other squads the replace button doesn't let me do anything could u also help me there
how do u edit squads???
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could u do for me a patch for test that u average per over is 3-5 per over and odi 4-6 per over. also i use a gamepad rumble pad logitech but i still haven't worked out how to hit sixes yet. i like playing shots through the covers, mid on, mid off, fine leg and square leg i haven't played a cut shot, pull shot or hook yet because the cpu doesn't bowl there could u make the cpu bowl there a bit more and the current patch make it alot more aggressive with these shots for me would that be ok.

could i have a patch like this as a request what do i need to do to get a request do u need a email address or anything. also can u tell me how to fix the problem with the cpu bowlers i really hate that and not being able to hit sixes.
okay robert,subash had also asked me for a patch with a more aggressive cpu..i'll make the cpu more aggressive in the current patch & post it as an update..
i have never ever used a joypad,so sorry i cant help u there...
as far as cpu bowling is concerned, the only thing i can think of is to make sure that all the teams have their top bowlers as B1 & B2..BTW have u installed any rosters??
yes i installed the roster .pak with the bats version 2

when do u think u can the patch for us

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