AI Extreme patch released

Satish, I beleive that you didn't copy tutsi but the only thing to do to completely erase all these accusations is to come out with a bigger and better version 5.0 (I dont think you should be in this position in the first place though) I think you are definatly still needed in the cricket 2005 community so don't let comments made by others force you away.
hey satish...just entered ur AI THREAD and i find staggering replies...i can't b'lieve it...omg! wat 'cricket 60' says is the same according to me da, come up wid a new version ,and silence the sure...wid some guys like cricket 60 and me who know this game well and can give a review, will surely say dat we need u in the cric 2005 community...b'cuz ur patch lies a very different variety to the game, i hav'nt seen any better outfield in any other patch , i've played tutsi 2.1 wich boasts all kinda new shots wich are mindblowing to ur eyes ,but, the out field lacks the realistic style, i've always believed dat batsman shud be made to work their socks out in running between wickets ..and dats wat ur patch lies, ur outfield pacing is fantastic...if batsman times shot well, then it goes for 4, else, 2 or 3 runs...simple! tutsi and ur AI patch are completely different...and u have ur own style...its imp that u don't back off..let ppl blabber wateva they want to say, u make ur patches, give ur best shot , listen to views of some guys who know cricket and wish to make cric 2005 bettr gameplay wise like cricket 60 and MEEEEEEEEE hehee...:) C'MON! U STAND UR GROUND!
satish_lastride said:
okay guys..for those of you who are wondering why i am not replying,the reason is obvious,i am simply gutted...i am sure everyone would have seen the satishv4.0 exposed crap in c2k5 forum & i gotta say that i really dont understand the necessity to continue my work..

reasons being,

i am not sure how many of u still think my work is genuine...i dont want to release a patch in the future and get snubbed with posts like "whom did u lift this from?" and the likes...

i am not sure how many of you want to continue using my patch or openly post your reviews about it..i dont want to be a fool posting a patch that only me & probably tutsi might download..

i am feeling really low so i am not sure if i am needed anymore in this field of AI patching...

if anybody thinks i am worth trying or worth supporting,pls post your comments here...those who think i am trash can also post their views..


Satish i dont know if you read my reply to that disgraceful post just before it got closed which i hope was due in fact to my point about the moderators were supposed to stop that sort of thread appearing in the first place or at least stop it as soon as it was noticed.

I still think the moderators owe you an apology for letting that thread go on for as long as it did after it was plain to see that it was not appropriate and that they actually wayed into it as well absolutly disgraceful it was.

but i for 1 support you i have tried both yours and Tutsi's and if there the same in "actual gameplay" i am a BIG YELLOW BANANA :noway

Even if they same values in some configs files they are completely different when you goto play the game so therefore there must be significant differences in there somewhere, if this was a complete copy of Tutsi's as suggested with only 1 minor change then shouldn't both play exactly the same or close to it when you in the game, I cant find any similarities in actual gameplay they both play differently to each other.

I support you mate and my faith in this site also took a huge hit as well mate when those in charge didn't do anything to stop that attack on you (and that is exactly what happened). This should have been handled privately with you, Tutsi and the moderators and not been a public free for all as this turned out to be, this sort of thing can destroy reputations forever and should always be handled in private.

I want you to continue making patches mate and if that happens again I wouldn't blame you if you quit the site or quit making patches because i also would not put up with that sort of thing and I even considered leaving the site as well after this incident, it definatly stopped me from even attempting to make a patch i was considering it...but now am not going to even try, that way i dont open myself to that sort of thing happening to me.

Keep up the good work Satish and keep releasing those patches mate. :happy :cheers
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anyway i have played your lastest patch i was hoping u could increase the leg side shots like leg glance to fine leg, and the rest on the shots that go in that direction are very weak can u please fix this i think your patches are the best

the shots to square leg to fine leg are very weak could u please fix this
Hi satish,
As someone who tested a lot of patches which you made, i can say it might be a coincidence or whatever may be the reason, the issue was an unfortunate one .Probably there are 4 patches only you released but i tested around 20 different versions of the patches you tried to make before you released the new one.The main reason why i liked your patches is the outfiled pacing, edges which are quite unique to your patch only and didn't find anywhere else.God knows the truth and i hope in future any such matters won't occur.I don't want to be part of blame game here but can really assure everyone that you know patch making and you also put lot of efforts in it.Not only that you even made patches which suited individual people needs.I hope all the members forget about the issue and move on.I would definitely support you making more patches in future and appreciate your efforts.
Also it was not wise for rest of members here to split into two camps and start abusing other group.It only made the matter worse.Please we should all restrain from doing this and let the two people involved resolve this and hopefully moveon.We need all these good people who put lot of efforts to make the game better and not lose anyone.There were lot of good things in both patches that i sometime use stroke files of tutsi along with pacing and bowling files of satish and the game looks even better.You both are important members of this community and please forget about this and continue your good work.
I agree, we should all forget about it and help satish create a new patch.


for the support...yup its my Bday today and i am gonna go out celebrate with my colleagues & friends,but bfr i head out,i just thought i'll give sumthing for my PC friends..

what i did is that i have removed the stained v4.0 and replaced it with a re-release...all the mods,admins & tutsi can hex it or open the files individually and check for any plagiarism or watever...

it was a hurried job guys,so dont expect too much off this one..i uploaded this only to remove those sections of my v4.0 that caused an uproar!!

so chk this one out & post your feedback...

once again,thanks to everybody!!!

good to hear from u...........enjoy ur self.......and now come wit the best patches and gain rep, tha wat u deserve............laterzzzz
satish_lastride said:

for the support...yup its my Bday today and i am gonna go out celebrate with my colleagues & friends,but bfr i head out,i just thought i'll give sumthing for my PC friends..

what i did is that i have removed the stained v4.0 and replaced it with a re-release...all the mods,admins & tutsi can hex it or open the files individually and check for any plagiarism or watever...

it was a hurried job guys,so dont expect too much off this one..i uploaded this only to remove those sections of my v4.0 that caused an uproar!!

so chk this one out & post your feedback...

once again,thanks to everybody!!!


It is good to see you remaking that AI,hopefully this one shall be placed in the downloads center instead of the one that was removed earlier.Cheers mate.

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