AI Extreme patch released

satish_lastride said:

for the support...yup its my Bday today and i am gonna go out celebrate with my colleagues & friends,but bfr i head out,i just thought i'll give sumthing for my PC friends..

what i did is that i have removed the stained v4.0 and replaced it with a re-release...all the mods,admins & tutsi can hex it or open the files individually and check for any plagiarism or watever...

it was a hurried job guys,so dont expect too much off this one..i uploaded this only to remove those sections of my v4.0 that caused an uproar!!

so chk this one out & post your feedback...

once again,thanks to everybody!!!

your welcome Satish and Happy Birthday mate hope you have a great night out. :cheers :D
hey Satish first of all happy birthday mate.
Now the real thing.
I just think that u and Boss are the top and best AI patch makers.
I can't understand why ppl without testing ur patch properly make such rubbish comments.
I hav also tested Tutsi's patch and most his shots are quite different than ur ones.
I smashed the ball all over the park in the test matches against stronger bowling attacks like SAF(CPU) and always play in HARD mode.
and its always the hard battle in ur patch where U can't smash right from the word go.
so I'm a big fan of ur patches and u as a human being.
U should carry on ur fantastic job mate. don't be gutted abt what few person say.
U should concentrate on taking this game towards realism by making wonderful patches.
I came to net cafe today to post review on ur latest patch as my net is not working currently but.......
anyways all d best mat! keep it up.

I smashed the ball all over the park in the test matches against stronger bowling attacks like SAF(CPU) and always play in HARD mode.

In Tutsi's patch that is.
aziz_4_ever2003 said:
this is a good patch but i want u to work on fielding coz the fielding in cricket2005 is so fast plz try to slow it down in ur next patch anyways this patch is very good too.wish u best of luck for the next 1

Hey aziz.....
the fielders can't be made slower with the A.I. patching man.
Happy Birthday Staish.Forget about this and enjoy your day.It will be all normal tomorrow.
hey satish...hope u hada wonderful day wid ur colleagues...have fun..n njoy ur day...VAKAAO!!
satish_lastride said:

for the support...yup its my Bday today and i am gonna go out celebrate with my colleagues & friends,but bfr i head out,i just thought i'll give sumthing for my PC friends..

what i did is that i have removed the stained v4.0 and replaced it with a re-release...all the mods,admins & tutsi can hex it or open the files individually and check for any plagiarism or watever...

it was a hurried job guys,so dont expect too much off this one..i uploaded this only to remove those sections of my v4.0 that caused an uproar!!

so chk this one out & post your feedback...

once again,thanks to everybody!!!

Satish glad to see all this is better :) Go out enjoy yourself and get absoloutaly hammered :p


signing off today...looking forward to some feedback tomorrow...see ya.


Hey Satish,

Hope you had a great celebration for your birthday :)

Just had a look at your re-release. I use a Logitech Dual Action controller when I play the game and I found that with the new patch I couldn't play any shot. It was like I never pressed the stroke button :eek:

I'm not sure if this happens with the keyboard but it's a little bit of a problem :p Is anyone seeing this behaviour with the keyboard?

It's definitely something to do with the new AI file (not the strokes file which is the same ;)). The controller works with the first version of your v4.0 patch and all other patches.

I know this re-release was a rush job so I just thought I'd let you know about this bug ASAP.

Can't wait to see the unrushed re-release of v4.0 mate :D
the only thing i don't like about the new patch is that the leg side shots are weak could u please fix this or tell me how to do it.
EXCELLANT patch. Only 3 things I will bring to your attention.

1. Leg side shots are weak. I agree with that. If they could be a bit better it would be good.

2. A few more bouncers or shorter pitched deliverys would be nice.

3. When playing against very bad teams, they bowl a hell of a lot of wides. Is there any way to stop it. Its a minor thing, its its going to affect the play against good teams then don't bother. But I was playing the Neverlands in the World Cup rounds and they bowled over 40 wides in a 20 over game to me. It made it kind of boring and easy.

Otherwise it has made playing the game very fun for me. Great work. Thankyou!!!
Hey Satish, This patch is again great. I played Aus (me) v India (CPU) on a green pitch with grey conditions. In other words a bowlers paradise. I won the toss and bowled.

I actually got my first ever LBW which was great :) along with heaps of snicks and an edge onto the stumps to finish off the innings :D
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hey ppl...thanks to those who have posted their feedback..glad you guys liked the patch..guess i am safe to say that this patch is mine & even though it might not have been the best,i guess its turned out decently..

gonzo99 said:
Hey Satish,

Hope you had a great celebration for your birthday :)

Just had a look at your re-release. I use a Logitech Dual Action controller when I play the game and I found that with the new patch I couldn't play any shot. It was like I never pressed the stroke button :eek:

I'm not sure if this happens with the keyboard but it's a little bit of a problem :p Is anyone seeing this behaviour with the keyboard?

It's definitely something to do with the new AI file (not the strokes file which is the same ;)). The controller works with the first version of your v4.0 patch and all other patches.

I know this re-release was a rush job so I just thought I'd let you know about this bug ASAP.

Can't wait to see the unrushed re-release of v4.0 mate :D
hey gonzo i am not sure why its doing that for you...i played one game on that patch & i didnt have any issues batting & the irottev & cricket60 also seem to be doing fine,so i'm not sure what to make of it...

anyways,i have got good news or bad news (really based on the way you guys like my work), MY v4.0 that was released a couple of days back,would be my final patch...

there are a few reasons why i decided so,

1) i dont see what more i can do if at all i do plan on a new patch..

2) i dont see the reason i should make a new one...i am still of the feeling that i was ill-treated with the 'other' thread,so i dont think my future patches would be appreciated or recognised..heck my re-release is not even being considered for the download center (even though a few mods have posted in this thread),cuz they are still not too sure if my work is original.

3) i dont see anymore interest in my patches..i think boss & tutsi are more than capable to fulfill your requests..

So i thank you guys for supporting this thread for almost 2 months,with an approx 10000 was great sharing my work with you & looking forward to c2k6..hope its good enough to keep AI patchers out of business..



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