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And finally, before you draw your preconceived conclusion that the Indians are such hypocrites for calling the Aussie team arrogant, don't forget that there are levels of arrogance. When Australia visited India for the 7-match ODI series right after the Twenty20 World Cup, the first thing a few select members of their squad did in the media was basically bag the team and the fans for celebrating the Twenty20 victory.

I think 90% of players are arrogant. They know they must be good to play at Test/ODI level. It'd be impossible pretty much not to.
Yes. But it is entirely different to know that fact and then to behave ludicrously because you feel you have a free reign in that regard.
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And finally, before you draw your preconceived conclusion that the Indians are such hypocrites for calling the Aussie team arrogant, don't forget that there are levels of arrogance. When Australia visited India for the 7-match ODI series right after the Twenty20 World Cup, the first thing a few select members of their squad did in the media was basically bag the team and the fans for celebrating the Twenty20 victory.

Dont take this as an arguement, but I'd love some examples and proof of this because I was un-aware. Of course if u dont have any, I will of course, disagree with u.
Hardly. Basketball is a contact sport and I can assure you that there are basketball players that are not arrogant. Steve Nash, for example.
I wouldnt classify it as contact as there is very very very little. Im thinking more like Rugby, AFL, NFL, Ice Hockey etc etc
And finally, before you draw your preconceived conclusion that the Indians are such hypocrites for calling the Aussie team arrogant, don't forget that there are levels of arrogance. When Australia visited India for the 7-match ODI series right after the Twenty20 World Cup, the first thing a few select members of their squad did in the media was basically bag the team and the fans for celebrating the Twenty20 victory.
I dont remember the Australians having a go at the team or fans. All i remember was some retired Australians and English not having the best views on 20/20.

But if you'd like to provide some quotes or proof that would be great.
Of course he's young, energetic and raw. Add to that that we don't know what Symonds said to him at that point or during the duration of the innings/tour. We only tend to recognize things when they reach boiling point but many seem to ignore that like the hour hand doesn't go from 1pm to 2pm on the last second, there is a process involved. How do we know that Sharma wasn't simply being reactionary?

We don't. Regardless giving pointing to the dressing room just gets him into trouble. To be honest since Symonds was out, he shouldn't have much to say at the timei fhe didn't want to look foolish.
We don't. Regardless giving pointing to the dressing room just gets him into trouble. To be honest since Symonds was out, he shouldn't have much to say at the timei fhe didn't want to look foolish.
Oh, I definitely agree that he should be fined as it is in the rulebooks. I am just arguing the action of labeling him as arrogant based on one isolated incident.
Oh, I definitely agree that he should be fined as it is in the rulebooks. I am just arguing the action of labeling him as arrogant based on one isolated incident.

No, you can't label him arrogant after this. Its just some inexperience creeping in. I'm sure he'll learn though.
Dont take this as an arguement, but I'd love some examples and proof of this because I was un-aware. Of course if u dont have any, I will of course, disagree with u.
I dont remember the Australians having a go at the team or fans. All i remember was some retired Australians and English not having the best views on 20/20.

But if you'd like to provide some quotes or proof that would be great.
It was mainly Symonds. The first thing he did when he landed was publish an article in the papers about how he was annoyed about the fans and team carrying on and on about the Twenty20 victory. Here's a Cricinfo version of it:

"Something has been sparked inside of me, watching them carry on over the last few days," Symonds told AAP. "We have had a very successful side and I think watching how we celebrate and how they celebrate, I think we have been pretty humble in the way we have gone about it.

"And personally, I think they have got far too carried away with their celebrations. It has definitely sparked passion inside of us. It has certainly spiced it up as well."
Full article

I wouldnt classify it as contact as there is very very very little. Im thinking more like Rugby, AFL, NFL, Ice Hockey etc etc
I've never really heard or read anything these players have said, so I cannot comment on that. I do think that most NFL (American Football) players tend to be a little over-aggressive, probably bordering on arrogance. Of course, I don't follow the game since I think it is quite silly.
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India did go abit over the top honestly though lol. But its not a bad thing, they should since its a World Cup victory. And especially since cricket is so popular in India unlike other countries. Like imagine how nuts England or Australia would go if they won the football world cup lol.
IMHO the greatest players to show 'arrogance' and 'hubris' on the pitch were amongst those that played for the Windies in their Heyday.

Andy Roberts, with his stare, was a great intimidator and though perhaps slightly 'arrogant' he didn't have to say anything to convey his point that he was getting the better of the batsmen.

Same with King Viv. He'd just have this swagger. The bowler may hit him on the cheek, but he'd carry on and swat the next odd ball for a boundary.

These truly great players were 'arrogant' in a way, but didn't have to come out and say something to convey it.

One of my favourite players, Sir Gary Sobers, never said anything and was always usually humble. The one time he did get angry and have a word I believe he hit his career best innings.
It was mainly Symonds. The first thing he did when he landed was publish an article in the papers about how he was annoyed about the fans and team carrying on and on about the Twenty20 victory. Here's a Cricinfo version of it:

Full article

I've never really heard or read anything these players have said, so I cannot comment on that. I do think that most NFL (American Football) players tend to be a little over-aggressive, probably bordering on arrogance. Of course, I don't follow the game since I think it is quite silly.

But they have to be aggressive, like all the other sports ive mentioned. You cant be friendly with the oppenent, otherwise they will get the edge over you in tough sports such as these. To label all these sportsman as bordering on arrogance just because they play a physical sport seems silly. Take AFL for example, so many humble players, yet when there on the field there as tough as nails. Arrogance or doing your job?

Can be translated into cricket. You guys claim thr Aussies on field actions are arrogant and unacceptable, but is it arrogance? Or are they simply out their to achieve what they are payed to achieve since their peformance may determine their future.....
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India did go abit over the top honestly though lol. But its not a bad thing, they should since its a World Cup victory. And especially since cricket is so popular in India unlike other countries. Like imagine how nuts England or Australia would go if they won the football world cup lol.
Yeah, I mean it is understandable seeing it's the first major multi-national tournament we have won since a couple of editions of the knock-out trophy. However, I can assure you that Symonds' comment before the series was a large factor in the mess we see today.

Symonds made the comment. The media cooked it up into a nice pie and fed it to the public. Some players (namely Harbhajan and Sreesanth) seemed to have a slice and had it go to their head. And that's when all the controversies began.
Symonds made the comment. The media cooked it up into a nice pie and fed it to the public. Some players (namely Harbhajan and Sreesanth) seemed to have a slice and had it go to their head. And that's when all the controversies began.
I never new that. Makes sense then why the following dramas happended then!
But they have to be aggressive, like all the other sports ive mentioned. You cant be friendly with the oppenent, otherwise they will get the edge over you in tough sports such as these. To label all these sportsman as bordering on arrogance just because they play a physical sport seems silly. Take AFL for example, so many humble players, yet when there on the field there as tough as nails. Arrogance or doing your job?
I didn't label all those sportsmen as bordering on arrogance. I labeled the wide majority of American Football players that I have heard (may be a minority in the context of all players, for all I know) as bordering on arrogant. Regardless, cricket is not a contact sport and it definitely has a lot of historical value attached to it.

Can be translated into cricket. You guys claim thr Aussies on field actions are arrogant and unacceptable, but is it arrogance? Or are they simply out their to achieve what they are payed to achieve since their peformance may determine their future.....
So are the likes of Clarke and Gilchrist not as passionate about their game? There is a difference between being confident and passionate, and stepping over that line and rubbing your undersized genitals in the opponents' faces. There are plenty of Australian cricketers that I have no problems with and that I respect. It just happens to be that your three most successful players currently don't seem to have the gentlemen-ness that is associated with cricket, which is probably why the entire team is sometimes unfairly painted due to their behavior.
So are the likes of Clarke and Gilchrist not as passionate about their game? There is a difference between being confident and passionate, and stepping over that line and rubbing your undersized genitals in the opponents' faces. There are plenty of Australian cricketers that I have no problems with and that I respect. It just happens to be that your three most successful players currently don't seem to have the gentlemen-ness that is associated with cricket, which is probably why the entire team is sometimes unfairly painted due to their behavior.
But you just contridicted yourself. Before you said Sharma wasn't being arrogant. But then you say what i have highlighted in bold.
You can add my name to the list :p.

Seriously but why Rohit Sharma is there? Apart from not accepting out from Rudi Koetzen can you give me his fault in his international career?

Yuvraj and Bhajji will be arrogant cos they come from Punjab. Just like me.
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