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Symonds in recent months has shown little arrogance but you can't deny the fact that when he got drunk before the game against Bangladesh he admitted he said "its just bangladesh, we'll beat em with our eyes closed". And then they lost. That is arrogant. Yes you might say "bangladesh is a crap team" as they haven't played much cricket but you always play hard no matter who. And not showing respect to the opposing nation due to their constant failures, no matter who it is, is blatant arrogance. Its fine to keep it internal but never actually admit it and tell the media this is what you think.
Enough said.
England has bad boys? I know they have had bad cricketers, but bad boys? That's something I haven't seen.

I will say Paul Collingwood because his last name is Collingwood, and well the Magpies are hated everywhere.:D

Its funny cause Collingwood is the team he supports. England are fun to verse at least. I loved beating em 5-0.
England has bad boys? I know they have had bad cricketers, but bad boys? That's something I haven't seen.

I will say Paul Collingwood because his last name is Collingwood, and well the Magpies are hated everywhere.:D

They're also thieves. Stealing players from other nations like Pieterson, Alan Mullaly and Geraint Jones.

EDIT: Its sad isn't it.
They're also thieves. Stealing players from other nations like Pieterson, Alan Mullaly and Geraint Jones.

EDIT: Its sad isn't it.

Where else are they going to get good players? Actually look within their own country? Surely not!:p I love what Tony Greig said one day when England was here "It's good seeing a South African playing for England,"
Where else are they going to get good players? Actually look within their own country? Surely not!:p I love what Tony Greig said one day when England was here "It's good seeing a South African playing for England,"

I cant believe how many players they have stole. I reckon every 10 years, all the other test nations have to give England a player. For S. Law. Poor S. Law
For Indians if we disclude Pakistan we love beating England. Its so awesome to watch em think they have a chance. The last Ashes series was a hoot. "If we play our cards right we might have a chance at winning 2-1" speaks Strauss.

" It only takes a couple of decisions to go our way, one of our bowlers to hit a purple patch or KP to hit a big score and we could make the final and then it’s eleven men against eleven men. It’s anyones game. That’s what we’ll tell them."


EDIT: I found this hilarious...
"I’m still in something of a state of shock, to be honest. We actually bloody well won a game of cricket. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to win."
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No poor England, who'd play Law at international level? Oh wait I see where you are going Law = **** England = ****.


Jeez for a smart man ur slow.

For Indians if we disclude Pakistan we love beating England. Its so awesome to watch em think they have a chance. The last Ashes series was a hoot.

I think everyone loves beating the COTW XI (Crap of the world XI.)
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Wait till the poms read this. "What do you mean we have no good players? We have um er Botham. Oh snap"
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