Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Hi Mike

India is one of the biggest teams after winning the World Cup and the champions trophy, why are they not licensed?
India being licensed will sell millions more copy's just in India?

Read through the forums a bit... youl find the answer.
Great news mike, late but better than nothing for the moment. I guess when you move to the next gen there will not be these memory problems as much. Also your team is still having trouble with the unity engine, I thought after 2 years this would not happen as much as it has.

Also you say ashes 2009 sold like a million copies, are you sure about this or is it a guess. PS I thought only shane 99 sold that much, what a game that was mate. PS Go Aussies tonight, 2 1 with a bit of luck.:clap Thanks Mike.


Hi Mike

India is one of the biggest teams after winning the World Cup and the champions trophy, why are they not licensed?
India being licensed will sell millions more copy's just in India?

It's a ashes game mate.
Read through the forums a bit... youl find the answer.

You are right but the India team is licensed through the ICC and the ICC license is exclusive to EA Sports so we can't use it.


Great news mike, late but better than nothing for the moment. I guess when you move to the next gen there will not be these memory problems as much. Also your team is still having trouble with the unity engine, I thought after 2 years this would not happen as much as it has.

Also you say ashes 2009 sold like a million copies, are you sure about this or is it a guess. PS I thought only shane 99 sold that much, what a game that was mate. PS Go Aussies tonight, 2 1 with a bit of luck.:clap Thanks Mike.


I wish so too but we had unforeseen technical issues on a number of fronts but no excuses we screwed up and now we have to put all our efforts in making the best AC2013 game we can.

On AC2009 sales if you add up the total sales of AC2009 all all formats it is in excess of a million units. If you added in all the PC pirated copies it would a lot, lot more but don't get me started :)
Mike, my first post directed at you as it were, so hello and welcome and all that. Do you feel confident that you can deliver a good game or are you more in the process of making the best from a bad job as it were?

Are you confident that the issues can be resolved and that we wont be left with something with decent elements here and there tied together by bits of string and sellotape?

Mike: I am glad you guys are making progress. That's the bright side!

On the other hand, as a software engineer, I am confused how you guys still have seemingly serious memory leaks this late into your game release. Memory leaks can be avoided via good coding discipline and conventions, and there are so many good tools that can be used to catch them early.

Your assumptions are correct in theory but it is never quite as simple as that with any software development. We are breaking ground on a number of fronts with new technology here so there is no off the shelve solutions we can draw upon. We have had to do some major work arounds with hot fixes included but the work we have now completed will benefit the rest of the Unity game development community which is the only silver lining.
There's a whole thread you can get started in!

I have a question memory leaks and frame rates.

In AC09 there was a memory leak/frame rate issue out of the box (for some users including me) that was fixed with a patch. Are you encountering the same kind of problem?
I find it very interested that you said the features had already been locked down weeks ago. This is the same game that 505 refused to publish. Given you said this, and what you've said you've been working on, am I fair to say that the version that 505 would be happy to publish in November will only have:

1) Improved graphics
2) Improved framerate
3) Less bugs
4) More stable online

And that's it? Okay, framerates and bugs are killers but does this mean to say that 505 didn't release the game because it was buggy/laggy and not because they thought the gameplay wasn't fun or it was lacking features?
There's a whole thread you can get started in!

I have a question memory leaks and frame rates.

In AC09 there was a memory leak/frame rate issue out of the box (for some users including me) that was fixed with a patch. Are you encountering the same kind of problem?

No this is completely different this time around as we are marrying a bunch of new stuff together with Unity that is proving problematic hence the delays.
I would say that you have to get what you've got working before you can start adding the content Mike was talking about for DLC.
I find it very interested that you said the features had already been locked down weeks ago. This is the same game that 505 refused to publish. Given you said this, and what you've said you've been working on, am I fair to say that the version that 505 would be happy to publish in November will only have:

1) Improved graphics
2) Improved framerate
3) Less bugs
4) More stable online

And that's it? Okay, framerates and bugs are killers but does this mean to say that 505 didn't release the game because it was buggy/laggy and not because they thought the gameplay wasn't fun or it was lacking features?

In all honesty it wasn't about game play or features as we are a "safe pair of hands" with our previous experience it was about the frame rate, bugs and overall quality and at the end of the day the last thing we all wanted was to release a game that had these issues as you would simply take it back for a refund as I would too. In a nutshell, it was about the quality of the game and the fact that if released for short term gain it would only tarnish our reputation but more so the publishers 505 Games who made the brave call to delay it to give us more time to improve the quality.


I would say that you have to get what you've got working before you can start adding the content Mike was talking about for DLC.

I am please to say it is a balancing thing but it is going well on both fronts at present but I have to be careful on this project we have hit hurdles around every corner so I better shut up now.


Mike, my first post directed at you as it were, so hello and welcome and all that. Do you feel confident that you can deliver a good game or are you more in the process of making the best from a bad job as it were?

Are you confident that the issues can be resolved and that we wont be left with something with decent elements here and there tied together by bits of string and sellotape?


It is really a week by week proposition on getting everything we want for the game done but I have the utmost confidence in the team and the senior guys on it. We have worked together for over 10 years now in development through thick and thin so we will are working hard to address the issues. I will be better placed to give you a straight forward answer next month once we move beyond the technical hitches that have plagued us so far. On the upside each day I see more or more of the AC2013 game we wanted to make but we still have challenges ahead.
Mike I know AC09 wasn't you guys but I've picked it up recently again and one thing that always bugged me (ironic) is the pathetic run outs it had.

Hope you've taken a look at your version and not had so drying dramatically awful as that in. You'd guarantee minimum 2 run outs per session from the AI.
Mike I know AC09 wasn't you guys but I've picked it up recently again and one thing that always bugged me (ironic) is the pathetic run outs it had.

Hope you've taken a look at your version and not had so drying dramatically awful as that in. You'd guarantee minimum 2 run outs per session from the AI.

Actually it was them. The run outs were fixed in a beta patch that wasnt released for consoles. The patch is for pc copies only.

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