Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Thanks for you support and what's wrong with a good Aussie made car like a Holden FJ which are no worth a fortune. I had a ferrari but bits kept falling off :)

:lol Well said mike well said. Just remember to put that fourth wheel on and also put in that V8 engine plus turn on all the assists to HD ok. PS Rain Rain go away let the pommies bat for like 30 overs and game over man.
As I said, I can only compare it to an industry that I know something about how these things work (Media), but i really would doubt licensees would get any cut of game sales revenue... Especially a low-level sports title like Cricket.

Biggsy, I love your artwork man! Awesome logo ...LOL
Mike what you have to say about the cover of big ant and now does the whole licence mean anything when we have the name of the greatest playerr ever to play the game.The name Don bradman has appeal all over the world rather than england and australia.
Mike what you have to say about the cover of big ant and now does the whole licence mean anything when we have the name of the greatest playerr ever to play the game.The name Don bradman has appeal all over the world rather than england and australia.

Don Bradman was a legend and a true gentleman who was honourable, a true professional and never disparaged anyone. I could never say anything bad about him.


Bye bye Ashes! R.I.P

Mark Twain once wrote "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". Study hard and you will do well!
I worry though that the only advances on Ashes 2013 are in the graphics department and bug fixing.

There's still no fielding and the players are still generic :(
Don Bradman was a legend and a true gentleman who was honourable, a true professional and never disparaged anyone. I could never say anything bad about him.


Mark Twain once wrote "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". Study hard and you will do well!

I don't know who Mark Twain is but i certainly know who don bradman is.
Thanks! I change them fairly regularly but it's nice when people notice...

That must be a lot of 'nice' you must hv accumalated then mr. Biggs - your artwork hardly ever goes un-noticed :spy
Mike fegan

Hi mike i will wait for a few reviews before i will buy the game,online mode good i will buy it,online mode broken like ic2010,i will not!:yes
Mike did you ever consider getting hold of the license for the following ODI and T20 series which follow the Ashes?
Mike did you ever consider getting hold of the license for the following ODI and T20 series which follow the Ashes?

I think they showed some screenshots of a one day match between Australia and England and the kits looked licensed.

I don't see the fuss about the Ashes13 licences though when the players are still generic?

You will have Steve Finn bowling to Phil Hughes but they're the same height? The only thing licensed here are the faces (they could do the bodies but they haven't for some bizarre reason that's never been specified). For most of the time the bowler has his back to you and the batsman is under a helmet (can you bat without a helmet in this game Mike?) and therefore you can barely see the faces.

You CAN...however...notice that Steve Finn is the same height as Phil Hughes. Not only does this look ridiculous but it destroys the realism because receiving a ball from someone 6 foot 6 is very different to someone who is 5f11.
Hi Mike, just a question, as you guys released a few cricket games, and you were already busy a while developing this game, did you underestimate your competition namely Big Ant?

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