Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Honestly I feel a bit bad for Mike. Cowardly guys would have hidden. The internet is against him, yet still, he tries his best to produce a good game.

I think that many strategies have been wrong with this game, and I would be happy to discuss these.

But I am purely against the strategies of Trickstar, not of Mike.

I would honestly like to understand the decision behind making every player body the same. I agree that animating players for different bodies is difficult (believe me, i've tried) but surely there is a way beyond this. To me cricket is second only to basketball in having an importance with height, yet even basketball games 10 years ago simulated different heights.

I think that any piracy talk is horrible.

Above all, it is hypocritical. You guys want a good game. Even if Ashes 2013 isn't good, how will pirating help it? If you want a better Ashes 2015, support the game :)
I will be I thought I would let "The Don" have his day.


There are lots of discussions going on right now on this front but the priority for the team is to finish the AC2013 game to be the game we all want!


Thanks for your valued support and we are working hard so we don't let you down again.


I will give you another WIP update on Friday so don't worry I'll be sticking around for awhile yet to keep you guys informed of progress.


I'm here for you, guys!!!


Game will be released in November 2013 so save your coins.


Sure will!


You won't have to wait quite that long and we are working hard here to prove it!

Don't worry Mike - I'm sure 95% of the group here never played Big Ant's Rugby League Live games.....Like I said in a previous post, best Rugby game out but looks like a Porsche however drives like a Datsun 180 without power steering...
Honestly I feel a bit bad for Mike. Cowardly guys would have hidden. The internet is against him, yet still, he tries his best to produce a good game.

I think that many strategies have been wrong with this game, and I would be happy to discuss these.

But I am purely against the strategies of Trickstar, not of Mike.

I would honestly like to understand the decision behind making every player body the same. I agree that animating players for different bodies is difficult (believe me, i've tried) but surely there is a way beyond this. To me cricket is second only to basketball in having an importance with height, yet even basketball games 10 years ago simulated different heights.

I think that any piracy talk is horrible.

Above all, it is hypocritical. You guys want a good game. Even if Ashes 2013 isn't good, how will pirating help it? If you want a better Ashes 2015, support the game :)

If anyone does advocate piarating here they will find themselves kicked out sharpish. We want all cricketing games to succeed commercially so that development continues.

The sad thing is that probably more than half the people moaning about previous games stole it from the internet. There will unfortunately be many members here who have a pirated copy of this or that.

Whatever we think of the process surrounding the Ashes game there is no point not wanting it to be a good game or letting it be successful.



Do you have any intentions of giving the Ashes forum and the facebook page a facelift or at least let it be moderated properly? There is a sense that it is just a quamire of rubbish giving the already tarnished image of the games development an even worse look? Or is that something beyond your control? Are people aware withing the publishers or developers of the state of the official forums? Is it a question of priorities or manpower or just sheer ignorance?

I dont mean to sound rude and it is a genuine question as I just fail to understand why it is allowed to be the way it is. It looks very unprofessional.
Mike, apparently you've mentioned on Facebook you'll have all the features of DBC13 "...and more" was apparently the language used. Can you elaborate on that because that's a MASSIVE 360 departure from what we've heard will be included in the game thus far. Does this mean you'll have "Cricket Academy" style player building feature and nets? Different player heights, etc?

Also, can you elaborate on what exactly "Captain Mode" is and how it differs from say a Career mode?
Mike, apparently you've mentioned on Facebook you'll have all the features of DBC13 "...and more" was apparently the language used. Can you elaborate on that because that's a MASSIVE 360 departure from what we've heard will be included in the game thus far. Does this mean you'll have "Cricket Academy" style player building feature and nets? Different player heights, etc?
Can you elaborate on that because that's a MASSIVE 360 departure from what we've heard will be included in the game thus far. Does this mean you'll have "Cricket Academy" style player building feature and nets? Different player heights, etc?

Also, can you elaborate on what exactly "Captain Mode" is and how it differs from say a Career mode?

Thanks for asking!! Even I would like to know about all this!!! So were saying....
Thnx for your valuable reply Mike. I really want to know the special features of game . I know its been a wild side throughout the net. Im happy that you are still in your gear. I dont wanna see it losing.
:)good luck

What made you decide to change the player bodies so they were no longer generic and identical?
...I'm guessing reality?
I can't comment on that because of licensing issues.
Looking forward to the nets in Ashes 2013!

And the online save!

And the more than 4,000 players and teams that have already been made by the community!

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