When asked about the reason for same bodies, Chief made some points about difficulty of implementing animations due to different body sizes etc etc. Lack of effort and lack of knowledge of a competitor are the reasons if you ask me.
Well the discussion at hand is about the generic body types and why Ashes has not feel inclined to implement different body shapes and lengths, even cosmetically. the yorkers and sixes thing has been done to death. Hopefully Mike or Chief can give some insight into what choices are made there.
I do remember Chief posting about animation difficulties etcetera......
They were just too lazy. This is a hard to admit fact.
Who needs different bodies anyway when you have over 200 kit items. I for one am very excited to see if they've gone for the Duncan Fearnley BulgeProtect Box with the patented PubePocket.
hey do u have your cap for jardine?if yes then we know which game you'll be buying.