Cricket nuts mate simple as that. Still great work on the beta team. Plus the talk is more to do with the old build us simple humansare playing.
For me Edges then AI fields and stats and simple bug fixes.
Cricket nuts yes, but we arnt idiots.
Bug fixes and fixes to modes etc etc I can understand.
But people are so unrealistic is crazy and just want to focus on negatives.
I’m as picky as they come but I still am realistic to know it’s a computer game.
If I nick it I nick it, if my input isn’t not perfect perfect perfect and I nick it then fine. Next batsmen comes in.
It doesn’t need a full on forensic breakdown.
I can see why they choose to no longer interact on here anymore.
It’s not that people are talking rubbish, it’s just the lack of reality.
Maybe I’m just different, I just play.
If I nick off I just carry on.
I don’t mind some randomness because like all game eventually they become a bit too easy.
@blockerdave i get your point on physics that’s legit, but again I can see past it and still enjoy myself. Sure ideally you would want it adjusted in real time it looked fine.
It’s only when people go slow mo close up it highlights it. But again what your saying is correct